
I quoted the goddam post. At the time I said I'd take Kansas by AT LEAST 12, if u wanna be accurate. Also said I'd watch both teams the next two weeks and adjust accordingly. I took the inconvenience of quoting my post for ya [banana]

Hahahahaha. And that folks is what we call selective nondisclosure...aka cherry picking data.

So Speers...what about the post you didn't quote. Like the original one where you said UK was going to get blown out by 20+? And then the next one where you said 15+?

And I believe it was my response to that original post where I said that UK would improve more than Kansas over that 2 week span.

Then you replied that , "Duh...Kansas will improve over that two weeks also."

Then in my next reply I emphasized the fact that UK HAD MUCH MORE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT whereas Kansas was pretty much who they would be in 2 weeks.

I'm not wasting time looking all that up to quote it. Because I don't have to. Its real. It happened.. And it's OK Speers...everyone else already knows. Just take that leap and admit you were wrong. not saying you don't have the right to change your mind about a prediction when you are two weeks closer to a game. That is a universal given right. Just wanting you to admit...mostly to yourself...but also to the D...that you were wrong.

It's OK, Speers...they know. This exercise is purely for your own benefit...your personal growth as a positive contributor to society. And you are in the safe tree with the nest...just let the truth flow...

The truth will set you free...
My pills have spoken to me but they used a language I didn't understand. It was Greek to me or maybe French and they were naked, so I couldn't use a turban or bell bottom jeans to identify the culture either. But my best guess is that they want me to stop using alcohol while I'm popping them.

fred, what I did was this: I stopped taking the pills, but I continued drinking the alcohol. Good luck, man.
UK ain't beating Kansas at their place. If Kansas is favored by anything less than 7 going into that one, hammer the shit out of it. Kansas will be out to murder UK because of last year the same way UCLA was.

I'll bet you 20 internet dollars right now that Kansas thumps the shit outta UK by 10+. Probably up 20 at one point before UK makes a late run and loses by 10-12.

I'm sure UK will improve. I'm sure Kansas will as well.

if I rolled my eyes any harder I'd be looking down at my ass.

Cal has embarrassed Kansas since he's been at UK. Cal hasn't played Kansas at Allen Fieldhouse the year after he skull ****ed em in a primetime game on national television where Kansas is the best team in the nation and Kentucky has been stumbling a bit by their huge standards.

and has a better team, has better shooters, has veterans that won't be rattled, at home on a court they almost never lose on with an enormous revenge factor against a fellow blue blood program.

LMAO yep.

Internet dollars. Put up or shut up. Shit, I'll bet ya eleventy billion of em. That's a real number, in case you were wondering. No need to look it up.

totally understand what you're saying and I agree, I just don't see UK rallying to the point of keeping it within 10 against Kansas on their floor even within 3 weeks. I'm gonna have to see A LOT of improvement in key areas for me to change my mind. Murray is gonna have to take care of the ball better, Poythress become more consistent, Briscoe learn to shoot anything outside 5 feet, and Labissiere be relied upon to give ~10 points and 5 rebounds a night. Team is just too unpredictable and not very good at key parts of the game right now. We'll see how they evolve.

I don't have real dollars. I'm a poor. My original post said Kentucky gets 7 points so that means that's what I think the spread will be, or at least would be right now. I WILL bet Monopoly dollars that Kansas is up by at least 15 at some point in the game.

I'll say 12 now with rights to adjust how I see fit over the next 2 weeks. Kansas is better than UK by double digits right now on their home floor.

The search feature works well.
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Take 15-20 to shoot around and get loose before playing. Otherwise it's impossible to hit anything outside 10 feet.


Always start at point blank range…shoot about 10. Back up 5' & shoot 10 more…move to the free throw line "arc" & shoot 10 more. Then move out to the 3 point line & shoot a few. If you have been lifting heavy on the arms…then you may want to increase each amount at each distance. Now you are ready for anything.

BTW…you should do the above if you have lifted or even if you have not. (I hate seeing young pups these days walk in the gym cold and immediately start jacking 3's…but i see it every time i go to the gym SMH.)

The only difference is that you actually have a shot at hitting a few cold from outside if you haven't been lifting.
OK…time for my prediction(s)…

If UK starts off cold and is down by 10 or more at the half then i say Kansas wins by 12-18 points. But only if Murray scores < 20 points. If he scores 20+ points under the above circumstances then UK will only lose by 6-11 points.

If UK is up at the half then I say UK wins by 1-6 points. If Skal has > 5 rebounds under these circumstances then UK wins by 7-12 points.

If UK is winning by 3 or more points with 00:03 or less on the clock and UK has the ball then I say UK wins by 3+ points.

If Kansas is winning by 5 with 00:00 on the clock then i say Kansas will win by at least 5.
Maygyn Kelley should have brought a life size doll with Trump's head on it to the debate. Then she should have dropped her drawers and sat on the doll's head during the entire debate. Just saying!
Then just before signing off she should climb off and ask the doll if she was hired or fired. Just saying!