
Hey Mash I got the info wrong , below is what my vet was talking about. Interceptor helps prevent heart worms AND round worms.. I called my vet and he said the same as your guy about heart worms, I just misunderstood the info..Sorry..and it just clicked that ur talkin cat shit so now I'm really cornfused...

Roundworms in Dogs – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments - Pets
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physics will have to create a short cut.


There has to be some kind of breakthrough somewhere. Think about it though - in 1900 people knew virtually nothing of powered flight - 43 years later the German's were flying around in jets that could do high sub-sonic speeds - a few decades after that we were on the moon.

We are merely infants.

There has to be some kind of breakthrough somewhere. Think about it though - in 1900 people knew virtually nothing of powered flight - 43 years later the German's were flying around in jets that could do high sub-sonic speeds - a few decades after that we were on the moon.

We are merely infants.
You're talking about making a quantum leap.
Yep. But my fave Bish Ussher drawring is his crystal ball self portrait

Truly awesome.
Go ahead and tell me y'all don't like this song and I'll call you a GD liar dammit...

2:23 through 2:35 is sublime

"The time we feel most stable, is the time we're coming off the wall, and there's every indication we may be heading for a fall."
That song sucks so much balls, the lead singer has to wear kneepads...really.
Go ahead and tell me y'all don't like this song and I'll call you a GD liar dammit...

2:23 through 2:35 is sublime

"The time we feel most stable, is the time we're coming off the wall, and there's every indication we may be heading for a fall."
Looks like a knockoff Queen video.

Or possibly even a cheap Journey wannabe. But look at the visionaries Journey were, opening a video with a Harlem Shake 30 ****ing years before it was popular.

My pills have spoken to me but they used a language I didn't understand. It was Greek to me or maybe French and they were naked, so I couldn't use a turban or bell bottom jeans to identify the culture either. But my best guess is that they want me to stop using alcohol while I'm popping them.