
A chilly 19 degrees here in Hart County.

Back at work today. I'm ready. 6 days was way too many. But students safety comes first.

Have a great and safe day all.
A brisk 19 here as well. Well digger's ass temps this morning.

Fell asleep before the game last night. This tells you how disinterested I am about this team. Watched the game this morning. While it was a blowout, and an all-around great game, Willis was the only big to play a great complete game.

Poythress and Lee didn't show up, and Skal didn't have a single rebound. Glad Skal had the game he had, maybe he picks up some confidence and starts putting it together, but he's got to start pulling down boards if there's any chance at a March run, all of them have to. Although I did laugh when he flexed after that block in the first half. Dude, you've played like dogshit all year, one block doesn't make you Superman.

That said, still think we lose Saturday. Kansas has been down, just lost a tough one on the road, and what better way to right the rails than to knock off Kentucky. Still feel it is just as likely to win it or keep it close as it is to get the doors blown off by 30.
@wildcatwelder havent you been posting in here for years? Not recently, but I thought you used to, when it was smaller.
Yes. Used to post more, but with the promotion I accepted @ 2 years ago I don't have as much time.

Yesterday evening I drove all over Central and Southern Ky. meeting clients, conducting audits, etc. I was so tired when I came home, I ate a quick sandwich, then fell into bed. I totally forgot UK played last night, and that's unlike me, lol. I just woke up, now off to get a shower and do it again today.

Hope everyone has a good day.
A brisk 19 here as well. Well digger's ass temps this morning.

Fell asleep before the game last night. This tells you how disinterested I am about this team. Watched the game this morning. While it was a blowout, and an all-around great game, Willis was the only big to play a great complete game.

Poythress and Lee didn't show up, and Skal didn't have a single rebound. Glad Skal had the game he had, maybe he picks up some confidence and starts putting it together, but he's got to start pulling down boards if there's any chance at a March run, all of them have to. Although I did laugh when he flexed after that block in the first half. Dude, you've played like dogshit all year, one block doesn't make you Superman.

That said, still think we lose Saturday. Kansas has been down, just lost a tough one on the road, and what better way to right the rails than to knock off Kentucky. Still feel it is just as likely to win it or keep it close as it is to get the doors blown off by 30.

Thought the same thing about the flex. But, I don't like the flex after any shot. I've always told my little league teams, don't do the chest pounding thing, it looks bad. I've seen too many players do that and thought it was bad sportsmanship. FCC.
Should the cats bring the effort that they showed last night, I like our chances at Kansas. Granted it was Mizzou but I liked the effort they displayed.

I agree. I think we will give them a run for their money. Although I also agree with Spears too. I can see KU on their home floor hitting everything under the sun too.
Tommy I'm worried bout Saturday..They are coming off a loss and I just don't see them losing back to back, however if we put together another game like last night we win easily BUT they are no Missou..We loose by six but with improvements I have seen we got a damn good chance of running the remaining schedule...Hope I'm wrong..stranger things have happened like briscoe going 5-6 on ft's....
The All A was one of the coolest things about Richmond. Now all we got is drugs, killer mustard gas, and a dope ass Kroger.

Where is the All A now? ....don't make me google, please.

I'm so giddy about our team. There is a lot to like about them, tbh. I had a real difficult time accepting Skal early on, and I might still trade him for the right amount of pineapples, but I'm happy for the kid, and glad we have a coach who is great at managing players.

Dolly ate so many thawed cat turds yesterday on our walk. It was crazy.
The All A was one of the coolest things about Richmond. Now all we got is drugs, killer mustard gas, and a dope ass Kroger.

Where is the All A now? ....don't make me google, please.

I'm so giddy about our team. There is a lot to like about them, tbh. I had a real difficult time accepting Skal early on, and I might still trade him for the right amount of pineapples, but I'm happy for the kid, and glad we have a coach who is great at managing players.

Dolly ate so many thawed cat turds yesterday on our walk. It was crazy.

Mash one cause of heart worms is shit eating..Hope you have some for your buddy. This is what I use for my mutts. Never seen em eat shit but I still give it to em...

I said a few games back Skal should not be playing the 5, more a 3/4 player. Still room for improvement but much much more confidence I think.

Ummm…I believe i have been saying ALL SEASON long that Cal has been utilizing Skal wrong on offense. That he shouldn't be forcing him to play in the post with his back to the basket. He is a stretch 4…play him as such on offense. Been saying it all season. I also think the rest of Skal's game (rebounding & defense) will improve more rapidly as the season progresses now that he is more comfortable on the court.

Twas awesome to see Cal finally admit that he effed up on how he was using Skal when they interviewed him at the half. My first thought was, "Cal finally got caught up reading my posts in the D." (pats self on back)

Having said that…Skal still has yet to play good against a good team that has decent bigs. Same goes for the entire UK team. Saturday will be a great measuring stick.

Ummm…I believe i have been saying ALL SEASON long that Cal has been utilizing Skal wrong on offense. That he shouldn't be forcing him to play in the post with his back to the basket. He is a stretch 4…play him as such on offense. Been saying it all season. I also think the rest of Skal's game (rebounding & defense) will improve more rapidly as the season progresses now that he is more comfortable on the court.

Twas awesome to see Cal finally admit that he effed up on how he was using Skal when they interviewed him at the half. My first thought was, "Cal finally got caught up reading my posts in the D." (pats self on back)

Having said that…Skal still has yet to play good against a good team that has decent bigs. Same goes for the entire UK team. Saturday will be a great measuring stick.

Coach Cal also said that Skal is not going to play much if he doesn't rebound. He got zero rebounds last night.
Mash one cause of heart worms is shit eating..Hope you have some for your buddy. This is what I use for my mutts. Never seen em eat shit but I still give it to em...


I was unsure about this so I called my vet. He said mosquitoes are the only way to contract heartworms. I asked if there were any other parasites you could get from eating cat crap, and he said no, don't worry about anything unless you see worms in your dogs crap.

There's a lot of conflicting information about this online.
I'm not really expecting Skal to even play in this game. If he does, that's a huge step, imo...assuming he does something positive. He'll play, I know, but I feel like this just might not be a game where he belongs on the floor. Hope I'm wrong.

Also, is Diallo really out of the rotation at Kansas? Not surprising, but I do not understand why Bill does this stuff. It never works out well for him. At least he has real depth this year.
Coach Cal also said that Skal is not going to play much if he doesn't rebound. He got zero rebounds last night.
If he gives me 12 and 5 blocks, I can live with 0 rebounds if Willis pulls down 12 like last night. They had 45 as a team, and Murray had 8. Not bad. If Skal, Lee, and Poythress start rebounding, watch out.
I was unsure about this so I called my vet. He said mosquitoes are the only way to contract heartworms. I asked if there were any other parasites you could get from eating cat crap, and he said no, don't worry about anything unless you see worms in your dogs crap.

There's a lot of conflicting information about this online.

I got that info from my vet at Fuchs Fuchs Fuchs Fuchs and Fuchs..AKA shively animal clinic..many ways to get heart worms I reckon but he said something about parasites in dog shit too..
Skal will be the tallest player on the floor this Saturday. he needs to play like it and not be a complete twat rebounding the ball. His?Marcus Lee's length and athleticism is something KU struggles with. Stay on the god damn floor and block some shots instead of falling for some weak ass head fake.

Last year KU's Ellis really struggled with UK's length. We need to hit them early.
Science Break:

A beautiful spiral. One billion light-years away from us in the constellation of Eridanus lies Galaxy LO95 (left). Seen edge-on, this galaxy possesses a spiral shape similar to the Milky Way, with a large central bulge, and arms of glowing gas marked by dark dust lanes.

The Galaxy has intense radio jets spewing from its center. In an even more rare instance, the galaxy also appears to contain two more regions strongly emitting in the radio portion of the spectrum. The discovery in recent years of three more spiral galaxies containing radio-emitting jets raises questions about how galaxies produce these massive jets, and how they fling that matter out into the cosmos approaching the speed of light.The companion galaxy at right is LOY2001.