
  • Woke up with headache.
  • Skipped the gym
  • Installed a new garbage disposal. Took way too long. Multiple trips to the box store
  • Cleaned the wife's car inside and outside
  • Missed all footballs and basketballs.
  • Amazing that my mom & dad had the foresight to name me UKGrad93. Kinda wish they would have named me Mr. Billionaire instead. Haha. That was a terrible joke.
  • I'm a real person speers. I bleed real internet tears.
Good morning from Orlando. Currently 41 F here in the City Beautiful. My flight departs in 12 hours. Gonna this place. Thanks to Willy for making this visit a true pleasure.
Fly safe.

16 degrees here. Some of the snow melted yesterday but not as much as I had hoped. Street is clear and basically dry and an old friend cleaned off my drive with his John Deere.

Ya'll have a great day.
Morning DL folks.

27 this morning. Hardly anything has melted. No school today and I predict none tomorrow as well. And I'd say iffy about Wednesday. We have some back roads and river roads that take forever to thaw.

Gotta go dig son's truck out and de ice here in a bit. He has to head to ET for school and work. If we can get him to main road that is. We shall see.

Coffee brewing. Headache.

Have a good and safe day all.
dogs getting their balls cut off tomorrow. Gotta get up early and follow wife to the vet to help unload em, gotta come home straight from work to help unload em back at the house. No gym. I am not pleased, but eh.

As a married man, when did you loose yours? I surgically lost mine in 1977, nagging wise in early 2006..

sleeping like a log this morning when ADT called and said backdoor was tripped and was everything Ok? I jumped and ran to door thinking "someone" was paying me a visit (turns out my address is probably known) only to see my bride frantically trying to disarm the alarm. She looked like a deer in headlights. LOL She normally sets alarm and has time to beat it (the alarm) out the door but this time she did'nt..

Laundry going and workin on a cup of java and maybe a little house cleaning later, bout it..
As a married man, when did you loose yours? I surgically lost mine in 1977, nagging wise in early 2006..

sleeping like a log this morning when ADT called and said backdoor was tripped and was everything Ok? I jumped and ran to door thinking "someone" was paying me a visit (turns out my address is probably known) only to see my bride frantically trying to disarm the alarm. She looked like a deer in headlights. LOL She normally sets alarm and has time to beat it (the alarm) out the door but this time she did'nt..

Laundry going and workin on a cup of java and maybe a little house cleaning later, bout it..
LOL that's funny. Amazing how people lose all composure when it comes to alarms etc. My truck alarm went off the other day and you'd have thought I was a 2 yr old with no arms and legs trying to turn that thing off.
MAybe we can meet up at a game someday or something. When I modded for TBK I met many board personalities because we had meet ups here and there.

Everyone who was ever an asshole online or played some shtick tough guy act was always courteous and respectful in person.


Exactly. If people acted in real life like some do on the internet, they could never hold a job and would get their butt kicked at least once a day. It's mostly just trolling. Some people get a kick out of it for some reason.
For the 50 and older crowd- If you could reverse the clock and be in your mid 30's what would you do differently?

Well I'm 45 but I'm going to play anyway.

If i could go back in time...I would have put Speers on "ignore" much as soon as he started posting in the D. Other than that? I wouldn't change a thing. My experiences both good and bad have led to where I am now and I am happy. That goes for the decisions I made as at 18 and at 30.

Don't get me wrong...plenty of stuff I could have done different/better/made more money but meh. Money isn't everything.

I have a beautiful wife, two healthy kids, a mangy mut, and none of us want for anything. Screw the Jones-es and their 6 car garage.
Wifey took a chunk outta rumpke's ass this morning. They did not empty can Thursday, neighbors were empty. Her being the bookkeeper of our finances I threw out the question "did you pay the bill"? only to get that "punch you in the ****in throat" look.. No answer as to why they did not empty. A while back the tipper had a hair up his ass because I tried to sneak in some yard waste (rose bush trimmings) so I started leaving the big bags of dog shit on top so he would see it when he flipped the lid. Reckon this was a payback?
One of my favorite shows is Alaska the last frontier..Takes some massive balls to live like those people do even if they have all that big equipment..

Is that the one where they all live on the iced over lake? Or is it the one with the guy who keeps crashing his little one man plane every time he makes a trip back to civilization to visit his daughter?
For the 50 and older crowd- If you could reverse the clock and be in your mid 30's what would you do differently?

I would have had a "peter extension"..Thought for years all the screaming and hollering I was hearin was because I hit bottom only to realize later in life it was a lie..Had a mule dick buddy that was willing to share some of his girth and length but now insurance won't cover the cost..lesson learned. would have looked similar to this but I wanted a more flush even look..

I would have had a "peter extension"..Thought for years all the screaming and hollering I was hearin was because I hit bottom only to realize later in life it was a lie..Had a mule dick buddy that was willing to share some of his girth and length but now insurance won't cover the cost..lesson learned. would have looked similar to this and I wanted a more flush even look..
