
You don't represent crap.

It was your decision to take me on and you would not stop.

You are on ignore.
Except that I do. Explained that in other posts.

I get you want to be a victim here, but you were just as culpable. By calling me names, you were an equal party.

Enjoy posting in my thread. And good luck.

Only higgenbottom I knew sold counterfeit goods.

Also, can you no longer see thread if I'm on ignore?
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I am going against the grain here and picking both upsets…

Denver by 4 at home over the Pats (not sure what the line is but most people I know think NE will win this game)

Cards by 2 on the road over the Panthers (last second FG FTW)

If any of the actual game results differ from the above predictions…then i blame Speers.
Hope you're right on both.
It is real Jason.

I use my real name. It is Bert Higginbotham, 991 College Street, Smiths Grove, KY. My phone number is 270 563-5420. I hide nothing.

When someone calls me a list of bad things I react. If you have questions then call me and I will explain.
I love Smiths Grove. A cool quaint little town. Almost Midwestern feel.
False. Not your thread. You did not start said thread. You lie.
Don, whose name is on as creator? This iteration I started. We all kept it up.

Look man, you have a name sake as founder, but not much more. You were gone for years. You did nothing to keep it afloat during lean years.

This pettiness isn't a good look Don. I'll still continue helping you out, as before, so can you please stop the drama?

You're private conversation game plan isn't working. So just leave it alone and quit beating the dead horse.

I'll take that as a yes. Thanks.
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MAybe we can meet up at a game someday or something. When I modded for TBK I met many board personalities because we had meet ups here and there.

Everyone who was ever an asshole online or played some shtick tough guy act was always courteous and respectful in person.

I'm game.
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MAybe we can meet up at a game someday or something. When I modded for TBK I met many board personalities because we had meet ups here and there.

Everyone who was ever an asshole online or played some shtick tough guy act was always courteous and respectful in person.

Agree, KS and Willy are awesome dudes. I even know some gyero dudes, who in person are great.

Tried to get 55, but guessing that's off for future.
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Id let it go Don. This thread means more to him than you. Like a said, the small group and purpose of the thread just means more. It's a voice and purpose for him. For you it's an outlet and casual time passing. Whose thread it is is irrelevant.

It's his way of letting someone know his intelligence, a way to vindicate unfulfilled potential.

I agree with him on some points. I've casually read the thread here and there over time, and it has changed. He just doesn't have the ability to sift through and ignore what he considers clutter. He has decided to obsess about what he perceives as the true template and desired mission statement for the thread.

Let him be him, and the rest be themselves and that is inherently the actual intent of this thread. It's an outlet for the unwelcomed intellects, outcast and old timers without the composition skills to excel in other places, yet opinions worth hearing.

His tirades are a blessing to the thread. This is coming from a reader (like I am) of the thread, and that view may differ from the routine poster.
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I blame me for everything.

You work with anyone here? Does anything that goes on in this thread or this entire forum in general affect your life in any form other than riled up emotions you get from people you don't know and likely will never meet?

If I don't really *know* someone, they don't affect me or change my *real* life at all.

I like all you guys, but you're just dudes on the Internet. Say whatever you want about me, make fun, etc... I don't care. You don't really exist outside this board. Short of mailing me a bomb, you're just creations. Please don't do that BTW haha

I am not a dude on the internet.
I am Bert.
Two of my best friends in life I met on the internet.

Sorry Jason. I really exist. I know a bunch of UK fans on boards. Sorry.

Please don't defend LEK as he is just an internet dude who chose to take me on. I don't take being insulted and berated lightly. It is not in my DNA.
LEK, you know that your name being on there was just a matter of timing because of the softwear change. Not telling the whole truth is equal to lying. You sound unstable.
Don, we've been over this and no it's not. I'm not a liar, so last time, stop. It's been explained ad infinitum.

We've all agreed to stop, yet you're persistent in continuing. Please stop.
No college basketball, but thought we showed good strides. Still some weakness in the front court, but guard teams have high success in tourney. I know people love Willis, just no way in hell do I think he's top 5 best player on team (maybe he is) or that we can win a NC on his back. Obviously we go as far as Murray and Ulis. I don't know.

No doubt Willis is not a Top 5 talent on this UK team. But he has legit Division 1 talent, is a mis-match nightmare with his size and shooting ability combo, and he is a UK kid. I think he was just a 3-star guy but he was the top overall recruit from Kentucky…was a top 150 overall and top 20 at small forward in the country. He had offers from UofL, Purdue, and Indiana.

What does all of that mean? It means that by his Jr year he would get plenty of PT on any top Div 1 team in the country. He has that kind of talent. Would he be starting? On some teams he would…on others he wouldnt. But he would be getting plenty of meaningful minutes on any of those teams.

It also means that when he puts on a UK jersey he plays with more heart than most players do. It also means he is going to be a crowd favorite/message board favorite…because he is a Kentucky boy. But make no mistake…he is talented enough to be on the court. And he has earned his minutes…and in my opinion a starting gig for the moment.

Add in the fact that he is finally playing with confidence and has found a comfort zone on the court where he doesn't look over his shoulder after every mistake…and you get production. Being comfortable on the court and having confidence does wonders for any player. He is contributing on both ends of the court…the defensive contributions have really surprised me. He is no longer a complete liability on that end of the floor. And his rebounding has been outstanding as of late. Even in games where his shot is off…the mere threat of his ability to drain 3's is a factor. He can't pass worth an eff…but at least he hasn't been turning the ball over.

Plus…he is a native American!!! Bonus points galore!!!

Never thought in a million years i would ever type that much about Derrick effing Willis. Probably overdid it a bit.

Never thought in a million years i would ever type that much about Derrick effing Willis.

Have always been intrigued by him #nohomo but basically just thought/hoped he'd get a couple "big" games in his career and just talk to whatever walk-on was on the bench for most of his tenure.

Now, he's actually balling a bit and telling Jonny David to kiss his ass through sign language because he barely speaks, apparently.

Whatever works. He's really helped this team of late and his weird demeanor makes it even better.
Good for using your real name. No one else does that. Wish everyone would. Began using mine years ago just so I don't get *too crazy* and leave myself grounded at least somewhat haha

Alas, just because your mom squeezed you out some years ago and dubbed you an official title to be called for all your life and you do exist in physical form somewhere, you are not "real" in the sense you impact my every day happenings 0%. I assume you feel the same towards me, or at least you should. You seem like a good enough guy and I'm sure most everyone that posts here is as well.

I'm sure this logic/theory is easy enough to understand whether it's agreed with or not.

Sorry that you feel that way Jason. Based on the bolded part above, then I guess I need not respond anymore to your posts.
Says the dude who tries to post in gyero every few weeks...
I've only posted in that thread a few times in its existence. It may hurt your feelings to truly appreciate my lack of desire, or care, to fit in anywhere. I'm just me. I don't care to be a consistent member of a circle jerk, and am too secure to be the pivot man just for acceptance.

I'm poorly received in all the various forums and threads at times. If anything I've remained consistently me over my message boarding history and id say most can vouch for that.

If this wasn't intended for me...sorry.
Ok, I wanna get something straight..I did not threaten anyone. Somebody tells me I better be careful several times over is considered a threat to me. Claims to know everything about me, phone number address and so on, I simply did not believe it and asked for a phone call or better yet a visit to prove what was claimed..Did not happen..No CIA shit here. Also claims made to want this over, that ball is in his court. Stop berating those who do not satisfy what he thinks should or should not be posted and it's over..If not, it remains on...simple

Started out to shop for some stuff then off to Cracker Barrel for eats..Ended up at Chili's for a few beers and salsa to air out a bit..

Feeders supply for dog feed, Taste of the wild food, greenies (8) pack, and a bag of sportmix gourmet biscuits..77 and some change..friggin dogs eat better than I do and NO I do not wanna eat their food..

I want to apologize (except one) for my actions earlier. I know that shit should not be on here and I know we all meet up here to have a chat with fun and some harmless ribbing. Just got tired of people getting pinched for something that was nothing. I never in my life have done any kind of drugs (weed included), never wanted to poke anything in the ass or drink myself to oblivion. That's peoples choices and their business. I laugh at the stuff and sometimes comment but will never slice you down for choices made. I'm just a 60 retired guy that likes to bullshit with the best of em that's all...Your business is just that, your business. With that being said this subject is hopefully over unless some don't want it to be.. Everybody is welcome to post in this thread as far as I'm concerned. If they get outta line enough the mods will take care of it..Again if I offended I apologize..That's my stand

Any news on Janae Thompson..she rolled her ankle last game and had to be carried off court..Yea I like women's BB too so what of it..
I've only posted in that thread a few times in its existence. It may hurt your feelings to truly appreciate my lack of desire, or care, to fit in anywhere. I'm just me. I don't care to be a consistent member of a circle jerk, and am too secure to be the pivot man just for acceptance.

I'm poorly received in all the various forums and threads at times. If anything I've remained consistently me over my message boarding history and id say most can vouch for that.

If this wasn't intended for me...sorry.
Not you
Ok, I wanna get something straight..I did not threaten anyone. Somebody tells me I better be careful several times over is considered a threat to me. Claims to know everything about me, phone number address and so on, I simply did not believe it and asked for a phone call or better yet a visit to prove what was claimed..Did not happen..No CIA shit here. Also claims made to want this over, that ball is in his court. Stop berating those who do not satisfy what he thinks should or should not be posted and it's over..If not, it remains on...simple

Started out to shop for some stuff then off to Cracker Barrel for eats..Ended up at Chili's for a few beers and salsa to air out a bit..

Feeders supply for dog feed, Taste of the wild food, greenies (8) pack, and a bag of sportmix gourmet biscuits..77 and some change..friggin dogs eat better than I do and NO I do not wanna eat their food..

I want to apologize (except one) for my actions earlier. I know that shit should not be on here and I know we all meet up here to have a chat with fun and some harmless ribbing. Just got tired of people getting pinched for something that was nothing. I never in my life have done any kind of drugs (weed included), never wanted to poke anything in the ass or drink myself to oblivion. That's peoples choices and their business. I laugh at the stuff and sometimes comment but will never slice you down for choices made. I'm just a 60 retired guy that likes to bullshit with the best of em that's all...Your business is just that, your business. With that being said this subject is hopefully over unless some don't want it to be.. Everybody is welcome to post in this thread as far as I'm concerned. If they get outta line enough the mods will take care of it..Again if I offended I apologize..That's my stand

Any news on Janae Thompson..she rolled her ankle last game and had to be carried off court..Yea I like women's BB too so what of it..

I love you 55wildcat. You are a great guy. The only bullshit you ever handed out was great.

Why apologize, unless you are wrong? So far, in my view, you have never been wrong.

Just keep being yourself.
Ok, I wanna get something straight..I did not threaten anyone. Somebody tells me I better be careful several times over is considered a threat to me. Claims to know everything about me, phone number address and so on, I simply did not believe it and asked for a phone call or better yet a visit to prove what was claimed..Did not happen..No CIA shit here. Also claims made to want this over, that ball is in his court. Stop berating those who do not satisfy what he thinks should or should not be posted and it's over..If not, it remains on...simple

Started out to shop for some stuff then off to Cracker Barrel for eats..Ended up at Chili's for a few beers and salsa to air out a bit..

Feeders supply for dog feed, Taste of the wild food, greenies (8) pack, and a bag of sportmix gourmet biscuits..77 and some change..friggin dogs eat better than I do and NO I do not wanna eat their food..

I want to apologize (except one) for my actions earlier. I know that shit should not be on here and I know we all meet up here to have a chat with fun and some harmless ribbing. Just got tired of people getting pinched for something that was nothing. I never in my life have done any kind of drugs (weed included), never wanted to poke anything in the ass or drink myself to oblivion. That's peoples choices and their business. I laugh at the stuff and sometimes comment but will never slice you down for choices made. I'm just a 60 retired guy that likes to bullshit with the best of em that's all...Your business is just that, your business. With that being said this subject is hopefully over unless some don't want it to be.. Everybody is welcome to post in this thread as far as I'm concerned. If they get outta line enough the mods will take care of it..Again if I offended I apologize..That's my stand

Any news on Janae Thompson..she rolled her ankle last game and had to be carried off court..Yea I like women's BB too so what of it..
Man, we've been good for years. I'm sorry it came off as a threat. Wasn't trying to fight you.

I don't want a war with you. I'm apologize to you.

Also, this is me teasing, DuPont still has you listed on their site. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It may take time to be ok, and understand if you don't. But sorry for the ugliness.
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Dug my car out of a huge snow drift today. First real chance I've had to test the All Wheel Drive and it performed great. Glad I traded two weeks ago, LOL.

Forcing myself to eat chili again; I made enough for everyone who posts here. Hate to waste food, but tomorrow I'm eating out.

Denver D playing great, would love to see them beat the Pats.

I see the feuding is still going on. Dare I ask what was said to BKO? She's a great poster, hope no one said anything hurtful to her.
Ok, I wanna get something straight..I did not threaten anyone. Somebody tells me I better be careful several times over is considered a threat to me. Claims to know everything about me, phone number address and so on, I simply did not believe it and asked for a phone call or better yet a visit to prove what was claimed..Did not happen..No CIA shit here. Also claims made to want this over, that ball is in his court. Stop berating those who do not satisfy what he thinks should or should not be posted and it's over..If not, it remains on...simple

Started out to shop for some stuff then off to Cracker Barrel for eats..Ended up at Chili's for a few beers and salsa to air out a bit..

Feeders supply for dog feed, Taste of the wild food, greenies (8) pack, and a bag of sportmix gourmet biscuits..77 and some change..friggin dogs eat better than I do and NO I do not wanna eat their food..

I want to apologize (except one) for my actions earlier. I know that shit should not be on here and I know we all meet up here to have a chat with fun and some harmless ribbing. Just got tired of people getting pinched for something that was nothing. I never in my life have done any kind of drugs (weed included), never wanted to poke anything in the ass or drink myself to oblivion. That's peoples choices and their business. I laugh at the stuff and sometimes comment but will never slice you down for choices made. I'm just a 60 retired guy that likes to bullshit with the best of em that's all...Your business is just that, your business. With that being said this subject is hopefully over unless some don't want it to be.. Everybody is welcome to post in this thread as far as I'm concerned. If they get outta line enough the mods will take care of it..Again if I offended I apologize..That's my stand

Any news on Janae Thompson..she rolled her ankle last game and had to be carried off court..Yea I like women's BB too so what of it..
Cracker Barrel. On the no eat list. I will soil my drawers before I get home every time.