
How old is LEK?

He reminds me of a couple of the 20 somethings that work under me. They have engineering degrees and can't understand why we all don't appreciate their genius and why they are stuck doing research at "our" direction and entering data for hours on end. They can't figure out the process of life or just can't stomach having to earn what they think should be given.

LEK seems like a high ceiling guy. Obvious intelligence that's searching for an outlet. Strong opinions and good wit. He just seems to be in a box of sorts.

I'd assume he's fairly insignificant in life and that insignificance has created insecurity. It would be tough being less significant than intelligent. Under achievement is a tough place to be mentally I would suspect. It's why you see him defend groups he isn't a part of so vehemently. Or why his original concept for all this (the thread) means so much him.

All in all I like the guy. He's a drama queen and tool, but I would rather go to battle with a passionate guy who has a brain than a dimwit. He is the kind of guy I would like to have work for me and I would know that every other month I'd have to have talks with him to protect himself, from himself. I'd never put the flame all the way out though.

So LEK don't extinguish the flame. Just keep it at the hot coal level and throw a log on every now and then.
I think we are all straight males here Bert.

ThroughBlue, I don't know what your post above means. Care to explain?

LEK is being a total ass. I am not going to take a bunch of shit from him. If he wants to argue with me then let him. Don't take up for a man who is not man enough to express himself and then go and lie about it. He stated yesterday that most folks on the D-League had me (Bert Higginbotham) on ignore, yet he continues to respond to my post.

Hell, man, I us my real name. Everyone knows who I am and where I live. I am not hiding one damned thing. So if you think I am being hard on LEK, then bring it on and explain to me what in hell you mean. Until then shut up.
Calm down Burt. Don't want you to soil your depends.

Don't be so over sensitive, plus I told you I put you off ignore. Just grab some Geritol and give yourself a relaxing rub.

Stop being so aggressive and trying to fight posters. That and your adulterous tendencies are not a good look.

Also, you begged to get in our thread, we've been posting in this house for years.

You are pathetic.
Kyboy, excellent post. Best in weeks. A couple of months ago we were all talking about how good this thread is. As I remember (I'm one of the OLD ones), I said "What this thread needs is a good cigar." And LEK, you said "Maybe". Then you went on this this thing about how one should post and your measure of any post and you had "many" that thought the same thing. You have brought all this on yourself. The "many" relative to the total number of posters doesn't exist.

You insulted Don numerous times. Jerry asked you if you was drinking, seems like you hinted your was. LEK, you and I emailed a few times and you was very helpful to me in fixing my computer once. However, I don't and will never appreciate the insults to Don, BKo, Bert or anyone else. Kyboy, I understand the logic on going to battle with LEK. But it's a sure death. You should have picked Don and/or Bert. That way you would live.

I don't know the history with ymmot, but he has been a gentleman on here with the exception of one post. KS told him this wasn't the place and he changed. Again, I'm going by memory.

I don't and will never appreciate the things that Bko went through.

Now, you hinted on here that you have some childhood thing that you went through that was bad. If so, I will be praying for you and there are some on here that could help you if you would let them.

I have been posting on here for a couple of years I guess because for the most part it has been fun. None of this lately has been fun and with four kids I have plenty to do. I like having good friends and fun. Kids are calling. I didn't proof read. FCC.
I'm not concerned with going to battle with LEK. I'm equally equipped and stubborn as he is.

I enjoy the disagreements. I may actually improve the thread by giving him an outlet to rant about, which I define as a need of his, while you all carry about your business.

I'm can make Sean Hannity look liberal sometimes, yet my two closest friends are liberal as hell. You'd think we hated each other sometimes.

You'll learn that dealing with guys like LEK is like wrestling a pig in mud, at some point you figure out the pig likes it. I enjoy it myself.
Kyboy, excellent post. Best in weeks. A couple of months ago we were all talking about how good this thread is. As I remember (I'm one of the OLD ones), I said "What this thread needs is a good cigar." And LEK, you said "Maybe". Then you went on this this thing about how one should post and your measure of any post and you had "many" that thought the same thing. You have brought all this on yourself. The "many" relative to the total number of posters doesn't exist.

You insulted Don numerous times. Jerry asked you if you was drinking, seems like you hinted your was. LEK, you and I emailed a few times and you was very helpful to me in fixing my computer once. However, I don't and will never appreciate the insults to Don, BKo, Bert or anyone else. Kyboy, I understand the logic on going to battle with LEK. But it's a sure death. You should have picked Don and/or Bert. That way you would live.

I don't know the history with ymmot, but he has been a gentleman on here with the exception of one post. KS told him this wasn't the place and he changed. Again, I'm going by memory.

I don't and will never appreciate the things that Bko went through.

Now, you hinted on here that you have some childhood thing that you went through that was bad. If so, I will be praying for you and there are some on here that could help you if you would let them.

I have been posting on here for a couple of years I guess because for the most part it has been fun. None of this lately has been fun and with four kids I have plenty to do. I like having good friends and fun. Kids are calling. I didn't proof read. FCC.
Good post. I hate where today went.

It was my intention to address unmentioned concerns, and thus I took the ire of a range of posters. I represented the concerns of many, but I'm positive they would not appreciate the level of ugliness that has occurred. For that, I am sorry. But you can infer the 10 posters by their lack of posting, and then those who are more subtle, plus some.

Never thought it would lead to violence, and for that I am sorry for the clutter.

This place has been a good haven for many. It will cool down.
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Good post. I hate where today went.

It was my intention to address unmentioned concerns, and thus I took the ire of a range of posters. I represented the concerns of many, but I'm positive they would not appreciate the level of ugliness that has occurred. For that, I am sorry. But you can infer the 10 posters by their lack of posting, and then those who are more subtle, plus some.

Never thought it would lead to violence, and for that I am sorry for the clutter.

This place has been a good haven for many. It will cool down.
Good post. I know you mean it otherwise you wouldn't post it.

I say let's end all this here. Just my humble opinion of course.
Wow, and to think we were all so civil and respectful once upon a time not long ago. What the heck happened?

LEK decided to become the warden on what the hell we can post. Plus he decided he should be the warden on who CAN post.

I am a really laid back old dude but I am not going to be called a bunch of bad names and not respond. LEK came after me and I am now waiting for him. It is his call. He can instantly stop this stuff if he stops his crap.
I'm on board with blaming Speers and moving on. In fact, let's just all agree to blame Speers for EVERYTHING that goes awry in any/all future D-League endeavors.

In my best Chief Dan George voice...Endeavor to persevere
I'm in. As a matter of fact it's long overdue to blame that BBQ eatin Monroe Countian.
LEK decided to become the warden on what the hell we can post. Plus he decided he should be the warden on who CAN post.

I am a really laid back old dude but I am not going to be called a bunch of bad names and not respond. LEK came after me and I am now waiting for him. It is his call. He can instantly stop this stuff if he stops his crap.
Read posts above. We've all agreed to move on. You're not the victim here.

As I stated, I explained why. I represented a large contingent.
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LEK decided to become the warden on what the hell we can post. Plus he decided he should be the warden on who CAN post.

I am a really laid back old dude but I am not going to be called a bunch of bad names and not respond. LEK came after me and I am now waiting for him. It is his call. He can instantly stop this stuff if he stops his crap.
He may not be able to stop, Bert.
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Folks, remember...Internet. Not real. Take too seriously. Much redass. Go play in snow.
It is real Jason.

I use my real name. It is Bert Higginbotham, )(& College Street, Smiths Grove, KY. My phone number is 270 )(&$$. I hide nothing.

When someone calls me a list of bad things I react. If you have questions then call me and I will explain.
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I am going against the grain here and picking both upsets…

Denver by 4 at home over the Pats (not sure what the line is but most people I know think NE will win this game)

Cards by 2 on the road over the Panthers (last second FG FTW)

If any of the actual game results differ from the above predictions…then i blame Speers.
They don't fire my ass up like that. Cayenne does though. Found out the hard way. Saw Justin Wilson put cayenne all over a turkey until it was red. He deep fried it. I did the same thing with chicken breasts. One time.
That sounds awful. I like heat but not all back heat like that. Need at least some semblance of balance with it.
That sounds awful. I like heat but not all back heat like that. Need at least some semblance of balance with it.
There was front heat and back heat. I was at work when it came out and I was singing the blues about in the office. Someone told me our stomachs don't digest cayenne so it comes out about as hot as it went in. I still use it, but I respect it.