
Quite surprised with the outcome of yesterday's game. Completely did not expect that. Slugged down a victory bourbon.

Anyone else have issues with the live feed in the first half? Was a pixelated nightmare for the first 10 minutes (on Dish). Thank God for BWO's stream.
Mine was good on ESPN.

This team is capable of being top 5. We've seen it. Just a lot of underachieving. Hopefully, we've righted the ship.
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always trying to be the "Anthony" in the D...smh

always trying to be the "Anthony" in the D...smh
Is that a passive aggressive swipe?

Edit: yea, obviously passive aggressive. I get you're frustrated, we all are. But you keep bringing it up. That makes it more dramatic. But I get the double standards. I'm ok with that.

Look, a lot of posters that kept this thread a float for years, before a lot of you came, don't post in here as much. You know why? It's because of the crap I pointed out. They just aren't going to say anything.

55, I like you as a person, and were all sticking to our guns and that is good, it's just the influx was like taking a dump in the middle of the party, and then saying "I can do what I want."

Or here's a thought, Tommy tried, but perhaps you guys can start a thread called "coffee, weather, train pics, and gross flirting older women?"

Also, if you can't take a subtle jab, then don't what to tell you. Wish you the best, and I have defended a lot of you, so if you have to get passive aggressive, I understand.
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Never had it. Long as it tastes like chicken I'm good. I try not to eat strange birds.

Would probably mess my stomach up something awful.


Cept UK's big stages have all either been at home (UL) or neutral court (Duke, OSU (fail)). The only other "big stage" game that was a true road game was UCLA and UK straight got their asses kicked. Remember this is gonna be big stage for Kansas as their place.

If UK dismantles Missouri to the tune of 20 or 30, like they should, then I'll say UK has a shot in Lawrence. Still need to see one more good performance before I call it "turning the corner". Tough thing about game planning for a team that has turned it around is usually they're not performing as poorly in areas as they were at the beginning of the year. What you may have seen 3 games ago isn't the same you'll see now. Makes it tough to prepare for a team that's basically flipped a switch in the last week.

I'd still bet 10 internet dollars Kansas wins by double digits but I'm not as confident as I was.
I thought we played great against ranked teams.
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I'll tell you what's worse than shoveling snow or cutting grass and that is freaking shrub trimming.

I think I hate it so much because I have to reach over all those damned rose bushes with their thorns, so it's a PITA even with a long pole trimmer. And then it's Georgia so the simple act of walking outside results in sweat.

I actually enjoy weed eating and edging - one of the difference makers I guess is that I use commercial Stihl and it makes short work of it.
Sat in the last couple of days (other than lettin the dogs out to run).. Gotta get out today for sure, I'm outta wet wipes, oatmeal and other necessities I need to survive + wanna go to Cracker Barrel for a breakfast lunch.

I see somebody's pacifier is up their ass again, when does it end? #pacifieruphisass...Funny how people are the first to ridicule over someone innocently flirting (if that's what it is), adulterous is the phrase being used HOWEVER those same people sure hit the likes when somebody post a titty pic or a nice yoga ass pic, adulterous wouldn't you say, double standard is it not? Before I retired we always had a hustler,playboy or some sorta girly book to oogle at and there was this church goer that all the time said we would go to hell for lookin and such shit but many times we caught him lookin over our shoulder for a peek..Where I used to live my neighbor just about every time he seen me outside would bring his bible to the fence to preach at me about how I was going to hell for smoking ciggs, but yet he worked at Phillip Morris and would sell his allotment to people who smoked..Hypocrites..So **** you and your calling somebody adulterous, **** you for mocking somebody who is older (geritol,depends and so on)..and **** you for being the hypocrite you are you Anthony wanna should get the double standards, your a master at it!
Sat in the last couple of days (other than lettin the dogs out to run).. Gotta get out today for sure, I'm outta wet wipes, oatmeal and other necessities I need to survive + wanna go to Cracker Barrel for a breakfast lunch.

I see somebody's pacifier is up their ass again, when does it end? #pacifieruphisass...Funny how people are the first to ridicule over someone innocently flirting (if that's what it is), adulterous is the phrase being used HOWEVER those same people sure hit the likes when somebody post a titty pic or a nice yoga ass pic, adulterous wouldn't you say, double standard is it not? Before I retired we always had a hustler,playboy or some sorta girly book to oogle at and there was this church goer that all the time said we would go to hell for lookin and such shit but many times we caught him lookin over our shoulder for a peek..Where I used to live my neighbor just about every time he seen me outside would bring his bible to the fence to preach at me about how I was going to hell for smoking ciggs, but yet he worked at Phillip Morris and would sell his allotment to people who smoked..Hypocrites..So **** you and your calling somebody adulterous, **** you for mocking somebody who is older (geritol,depends and so on)..and **** you for being the hypocrite you are you Anthony wanna should get the double standards, your a master at it!
Sat in the last couple of days (other than lettin the dogs out to run).. Gotta get out today for sure, I'm outta wet wipes, oatmeal and other necessities I need to survive + wanna go to Cracker Barrel for a breakfast lunch.

I see somebody's pacifier is up their ass again, when does it end? #pacifieruphisass...Funny how people are the first to ridicule over someone innocently flirting (if that's what it is), adulterous is the phrase being used HOWEVER those same people sure hit the likes when somebody post a titty pic or a nice yoga ass pic, adulterous wouldn't you say, double standard is it not? Before I retired we always had a hustler,playboy or some sorta girly book to oogle at and there was this church goer that all the time said we would go to hell for lookin and such shit but many times we caught him lookin over our shoulder for a peek..Where I used to live my neighbor just about every time he seen me outside would bring his bible to the fence to preach at me about how I was going to hell for smoking ciggs, but yet he worked at Phillip Morris and would sell his allotment to people who smoked..Hypocrites..So **** you and your calling somebody adulterous, **** you for mocking somebody who is older (geritol,depends and so on)..and **** you for being the hypocrite you are you Anthony wanna should get the double standards, your a master at it!
Btw, your best post in years. If you brought like this every post, you'd be amazing.

Being serious, if me being the villian makes you post as good as this, then mission accomplished.
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So not going to answer about running multiple posters away for you, then now you trash?
If you did that for me, thank you.

I would like to see you stop picking on the posters constantly. And the proof reading. Nobody likes that stuff. You have made a couple of my Internet friends so uncomfortable that they have left the thread. That's no good.

You remind me sometimes of a person with mental issues. If so, I am sorry for you.

Trolling the older posters is not very nice. You need to stop doing that.

Over. Keurig is the best. It's 25°F in Johns Creek.
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If you did that for me, thank you.

I would like to see you stop picking on the posters constantly. And the proof reading. Nobody likes that stuff. You have made a couple of my Internet friends so uncomfortable that they have left the thread. That's no good.

You remind me sometimes of a person with mental issues. If so, I am sorry for you.

Trolling the older posters is not very mice. You need to stop doing that.

Over. Keurig is the best. It's 25°F in Johns Creek.
Bbdk, then the two that were in here calling you a pedophile.

Yea, lines have been drawn. It's exploded. We kept drama out for years.

I want peace as well.
Man, you've gone a long way from begging to be in this thread. Such a sassy little thing you've become.

pretty easy to find this...

You guys are coming up on four hundred pages and twenty thousand posts. Four and twenty. 420. Coincidence? I think not.

You. sir, need to be a regular on here.

I'm a loner Don, I'm a rebel.

He's also in an epic blood feud with LEK. Has been for years I believe.

I think we ended it. Not sure, but pretty sure.

I'm not surprised that you would think that is begging. You live in a different world.