
Snow shoveling or grass mowing? Which is worse?

Grass mowing. And it aint even close. Not even debatable…not in Kentucky.

Only have to shovel snow a handful of times each year. But that damn grass just keeps growing and growing and growing for months on end. And allergies make it 10 times worse.

Now if you are asking the question in a one-off type deal…like "which is worse if you just had to do it one time each?"…then i'll reverse the answer.
<> Good to see Poythress play a good game against a team with some size. Hopefully it does wonders for his confidence moving forward. The key for Poythress is getting off to a good start. If he hits his first couple of shots then he usually has a good game. If he gets called for traveling, misses his 1st few shots and/or gets a quick foul…then he tends to pull one of his disappearing acts.

<> As expected…Skal struggled today against a team with size.

<> Ulis gets my vote for best pure PG in the country. Dude sees the court so well and just takes command of the game.

<> I get really, really bad thoughts when I think what this team would be without Murray. The word "horrible" comes to mind. He is by far the best player/has the most talent on the team. And we need him to score in bunches in order for this team be successful. So i can deal with a few "forced plays" here and there. Thankfully, he has cut way down on those.

<> Having said that…Ulis is still the MVP of this team. And when the game is on the line…the ball should be in his hands. With a pick being set somewhere for Murray…but the ball needs to be in Ulis' hands.

<> That dunk by Murray was fantabulously awesome.

<> Willis is coming into his own. His shot was off today…but he rebounded the ball like a boss. And I am amazed that he has had several blocks on D in the last few games. Also couldn't believe he won the opening tip today. [laughing] At any rate...Willis is ballin'.

<> Even though we went with a small lineup most of the game we rebounded well as a team today. Haven't seen the box score but i bet we out-rebounded them. Or if we didn't…it was close. Big reason for the win.

<> It all comes down to...Improvement. We have seen good improvement by this team in several areas over the last couple of games. Methinks we will firing on all cylinders come March! Might even steal one in Lawrence at the end of this month. Would be fun to watch Speers talk about the farts he creates from eating so much crow. [laughing]
Bill Walton just made an argument that Ben Simmons wasn't the best prospect in college basketball. His reason, because he hasn't seen him play, and their record. Dude has done a lot of drugs in his day.

Yeah…he said a few minutes ago that it was "a great day in Berkley and the sun is shining". The other commentator said, "Uh, Bill…it's 8:30 at night so…" [laughing]

I still like Walton as a commentator though. He knows the game and he is off the wall enough to make things interesting. Not the same ol boring schtick type stuff you get from others. Sure he is annoying at times (they all are)…but at least he is original. And he makes me laugh. Most times without even trying.
I don't know KS. While they have improved, lets not kid ourselves, they didn't exactly beat two stellar teams this week. Arky sucks, and Vandy has underperformed all year from preseason expectations. Kansas will be the benchmark for how far they have come along.

I concur on all counts. But at least we have seen some improvement. And with wins comes confidence.

Also, I'm not even worried about the Kansas game. I think we will play well in that game. It's a "bright lights big stage game" so we will rise to the occasion. We might get beat…but i doubt we get blown out. A loss there doesn't worry me as long as it isn't ugly.

Again…just concerned with improvement and confidence for the moment and peaking in March.
Nice to see that no one fouled out after a bunch of guys having two fouls in the first half. Smart.

Why would Vandy not throw it to their big guys when they had the height advantage in switches? There had to be like three of four times where Ulis or Murray was on some big dude that didn't even sniff the ball. Coaching?

Need a good old fashioned blowout of Mizzou to gain some more confidence and then not get blown out (or win???) at Kansas. Shoot for a four seed in the tourney and take our chances.

Not real big on hanging out with people that much, but had a good dinner with some old friends tonight. Too bad they don't drink. Good to have grown up conversation every once in a while with folks beside you all. Don't worry, I can't replace you guys (MY BEST INTURNET FRANDS FUREVER!!!1!1!!1)

I hate snow shoveling, but I did a damn fine job today. Best sidewalks and driveway in the 'hood. Even better than the Mexican family next door. (That's actually a big accomplishment. They're very meticulous about their yard and stuff) Proud of the old minivan for making it up a snow covered hill, too. Successful Snowmageddon, IMO.

BTW, I've worked exactly one day in the past nine days. #TeamDontNeedTheSympathyThisWeek.
  • Herodotus was killing. It in here earlier. Spot on with the tampex & midol comment.
  • Cats played well. Maybe starting to turn a corner, but a lot of tough games to go. I expected a better game from Vandy.
  • Hope Kooky starts feeling better. Influenza sucks. Picked up Tamiflu for my daughter yesterday. Doc thinks she either has flu or strep throat. I don't feel 100%.
  • Put together some shelves/basket units. Hope it helps with the clutter and mess.
  • From bad to worse:
  • Mowing - can be put off, don't have to go fast. Can be especially easy if you ride a machine.
  • Snow shoveling - have to do it early before work, but after the snow plow. Cold, dark, miserable. Some winters its every few days.
  • Weed eating - absolute worst task of the 3. Beat the line out. Stop work on the line. Get covered in tiny bits of grass & itch. Mix gas & oil or drag around a big cord.
  • Everyone used to get along well in here, but so many now. I guess it's natural to have differing opinions & some dust ups every now & then. I'm just going to embrace arguing in here as part of what makes it special. Use ignore if you need it.
Yeah funky, I concur. Not sure why Vandy didn't exploit the mismatches down in the paint. They were there all game. Been one of my pet peeves with Cal's defensive strategy since he arrived in Lextown. I hate the "switch everything" mentality. It provokes general laziness on D and often produces unwanted mismatches both in the paint and on the perimeter. Vandy was dumb for not taking advantage today.

Good catch, funkster.
Our roads are surprisingly good on the NW side of Lexington. I think we didn't get as much as the southern part did. Pretty sure we'll be going.

You in the Masterson Station neck of the woods? That area has exploded in the last few years. Will be happy when they 4-lane Leestown Rd. all the way to Midway. (I get off of I-64 at Midway and hit Leestown Rd. to go to Rupp.)
I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express off of Lees Town last time I was in Lexington. Nice area out there.

No clue about Vandy not throwing down to their 7' when Ulis was guarding him. Would be a point of emphasis in my film room.

We got 8" of snow back in November, but I don't remember anything being cancelled or delayed. I look at the forecast, but don't pay much attention to whether it will snow or not. It snows here and life and everything else goes on.
Yeah funky, I concur. Not sure why Vandy didn't exploit the mismatches down in the paint. They were there all game. Been one of my pet peeves with Cal's defensive strategy since he arrived in Lextown. I hate the "switch everything" mentality. It provokes general laziness on D and often produces unwanted mismatches both in the paint and on the perimeter. Vandy was dumb for not taking advantage today.

Good catch, funkster.
Yep, mismatches were there all game for them, but it have to wonder if our guards didn't get in their guards' heads. For the most part, they were in their back pockets all game. Maybe thinking their bigs couldn't control the ball against them.

It's the frustrating part of Cal playing man to man. Mismatches galore.
  • Herodotus was killing. It in here earlier. Spot on with the tampex & midol comment.
  • Cats played well. Maybe starting to turn a corner, but a lot of tough games to go. I expected a better game from Vandy.
  • Hope Kooky starts feeling better. Influenza sucks. Picked up Tamiflu for my daughter yesterday. Doc thinks she either has flu or strep throat. I don't feel 100%.
  • Put together some shelves/basket units. Hope it helps with the clutter and mess.
  • From bad to worse:
  • Mowing - can be put off, don't have to go fast. Can be especially easy if you ride a machine.
  • Snow shoveling - have to do it early before work, but after the snow plow. Cold, dark, miserable. Some winters its every few days.
  • Weed eating - absolute worst task of the 3. Beat the line out. Stop work on the line. Get covered in tiny bits of grass & itch. Mix gas & oil or drag around a big cord.
  • Everyone used to get along well in here, but so many now. I guess it's natural to have differing opinions & some dust ups every now & then. I'm just going to embrace arguing in here as part of what makes it special. Use ignore if you need it.
It's that time of year. Flu goes apeshit around here every year about this time.

Still gotta go with grass mowing. KS brought up other good points. Usually start mowing grass in late March, early April, and keep going into usually the first week of November. Allergies suck during that time.

With snow, I might have to do it once a year, if that. Just not enough downside to it to make me put it above grass mowing.

As for the tampax and Midol mentions, just tired of that shit. I put that noise on mute a week or so ago. Been a much more enjoyable thread since doing so.
I get the point about snow shoveling being a once or twice a year thing for you guys in KY. I've had winters in Iowa where I shovel a few times a week from November to April. It snows, wind picks up, temps plummet.

Mowing sucks & I have allergies, I should wear a mask, but vanity. I love warm weather, so that's a big difference for me.
Baby it is cold outside. At 5:04 AM it is 6.8 degrees F on my back porch. That is the coldest that I have seen this winter.

Sure enjoyed the Cats play yesterday. It is good to beat the snot out of a perceived good team. Plus I enjoyed seeing South Carolina lose to Tennessee. I think South Carolina's claims has been due to a very easy schedule. A&M is the competition and that is why the Auburn loss is so damning. UK simply should have beaten them. We may not get over the hump unless someone unexpected upsets A&M.
My neighbor only shoveled a spot out for the mail man. Didn't touch his own driveway. Me, I shoveled every piece of concrete I might feel like walking/driving on, and I used the mailbox area to deposit snow that I shoveled. Suck it mail mans.
You're going to get an ugly scrawled note that says "do not park your snow here!!"
Mornin' D.

Was 1 degree when I got up. Fog froze last night and has covered everything.

Bert did you all get any frozen fog?

Looking forward to the NFL games today. I think the Panthers/Cardinals game will be a barn burner. I don't see Denver beating New England, but they did it earlier in Denver.
Mornin' D.

Was 1 degree when I got up. Fog froze last night and has covered everything.

Bert did you all get any frozen fog?

Looking forward to the NFL games today. I think the Panthers/Cardinals game will be a barn burner. I don't see Denver beating New England, but they did it earlier in Denver.


The north side of the screened porch is solid ice from the fog.
Never really cared for weather. If it's cold, you deal with it, warm, same. Just doesn't bother me nor interest me. But I understand its importance to people. Plus it gives people something to say when they got nothing else. Which is fine.

Feel guilty, but taking a pass from church today. Just need a breather.

This may be to base for some, though the D was founded on farts, but just been getting nasty painful diharea.

Part of me feels like the goal of life is to get over trauma that occurred when younger, not just deal with it and over compensate, but accept and move past. Like dudes with father issues and abandonment. They overcompensate in every aspect from who they are culturally to who they associate with. See so many people never address the issue of whatever trauma they have.

Willy addressed his and moved on. (Not saying father issue, just some issue). It gives Willy the power of empathy.

No college basketball, but thought we showed good strides. Still some weakness in the front court, but guard teams have high success in tourney. I know people love Willis, just no way in hell do I think he's top 5 best player on team (maybe he is) or that we can win a NC on his back. Obviously we go as far as Murray and Ulis. I don't know.
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I will post what I choose. You said you had me on ignore. Did you lie?

If you want to get nasty LEK, we can. Bring it on, boy bring it on!
Calm down Burt. Don't want you to soil your depends.

Don't be so over sensitive, plus I told you I put you off ignore. Just grab some Geritol and give yourself a relaxing rub.

Stop being so aggressive and trying to fight posters. That and your adulterous tendencies are not a good look.

Also, you begged to get in our thread, we've been posting in this house for years.
I admit I am an unabashed weather junkie. It's a hobby of mine. If you look at weather underground for my area, it's my brothers weather station that's gives the reports and info. We nerds in that regard.

Idk what to think about KU game. I once thought no chance. But KU playing bad. Still think we lose but if KU plays bad look out. Our guards when on are lethal. At KU though and crowd will be crazy.

Need some good food today.