
I want to like Poythress, but he's shown no improvement in basketball since arriving. In fact, I think maybe he has regressed some.

I think there was a curse on the 2013 recruiting class. At least one member of that class has been involved with or caused us to lose a championship. UK has no shot until they are all gone. Probably need to get a white voodoo priestess to do a spell or something too.
Wow it is 10.4 F on my back porch. That is cold.

Wonder what Cal meant by changes between now and the Arkansas game? Start four guards and Willis? Poy and Lee had contributed near nothing sense the Alabama game. I really don't understand either.

Y'all have a good one.
Wow it is 10.4 F on my back porch. That is cold.

Wonder what Cal meant by changes between now and the Arkansas game? Start four guards and Willis? Poy and Lee had contributed near nothing sense the Alabama game. I really don't understand either.

Y'all have a good one.
Hell, he's liable to start Ulis, Briscoe, Murray, Willis and Wynyard
Wow it is 10.4 F on my back porch. That is cold.

Wonder what Cal meant by changes between now and the Arkansas game? Start four guards and Willis? Poy and Lee had contributed near nothing sense the Alabama game. I really don't understand either.

Y'all have a good one.

Hope he starts Skal till he fouls out. FCC.
Good morning, Big-D. Currently 46 F and sunny here in Orlando. We expect a high of 62 F today.

I rode my bike 28 miles yesterday, all on the sidewalks. Good stuff. There are many drivers out there who still try cutting pedestrians off as they walk across the street on guarded crosswalks with the illuminated "Walk" sign. I'm serious, I'm gonna start reporting offenders and get all kinds of dramatic about it.

I'd write more, but I'm on vacation. Have a great one.
I think we are going to hit up Orlando Brewery and Ten10 Brewery. If you get a chance, you can look at Orlando Brewery's current menu.
They offer several I have not yet tried. My first visit there happened in March 2012, and I was unimpressed, perhaps because I drank Miami Weiss wheat and the beer disappointed me. When I visited again in December 2014, I drank the Chocolate Mint Girl Stout, which I thought was exceptional, and am again impressed. Their Porter is very good too.

Can hardly wait.
Did your friends kick you out of the clubhouse?
Sorry to the D-League was dragged into it, which was why it was just a one word post and only one post. No, he decided to unprovoked talk a little junk in a normal GYERO post I made, and the terrible post he made about his conversation he had was the first post in ANY forum that I saw him post in, so I fired back. Sorry to drag you guys into it. I do not just post in any one forum, did not know that was the rules, I do not just try and start internet fights, have really backed off on that kind of stuff, I mainly just post opinions or actually try to bring facts or substance to a particular subject now days, no more baiting and all that, but I will not let people drive by and talk trash without responding, he had it coming, just sorry to bring other people into it.

Sorry, not sorry LEK had to read it, POS.
Sorry to the D-League was dragged into it, which was why it was just a one word post and only one post. No, he decided to unprovoked talk a little junk in a normal GYERO post I made, and the terrible post he made about his conversation he had was the first post in ANY forum that I saw him post in, so I fired back. Sorry to drag you guys into it. I do not just post in any one forum, did not know that was the rules, I do not just try and start internet fights, have really backed off on that kind of stuff, I mainly just post opinions or actually try to bring facts or substance to a particular subject now days, no more baiting and all that, but I will not let people drive by and talk trash without responding, he had it coming, just sorry to bring other people into it.

Sorry, not sorry LEK had to read it, POS.
No one read this. Go away, go back to gyero.
Coach Cal told Skal to be more aggressive. Skal thinks that Coach Cal wanted him to start fights. Damn shame.
Exactly right. Think he's misinterpreting it. Looks at the bench with a smile like "yeah??" while Cal shakes his head back and forth.

Still holding out hope he becomes even 50% of what most thought he could be. Probably not a smart endeavor, though.
me neither.

Were we in a fight I didn't know about? Did one of us get kicked from the big kid's table at thanksgiving? Did the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor? I really don't know what's going on.

If what I can gather from context is correct, someone in the Big League Chew talked shit about us, or something like that. The number of ****s I give are in the negatives. Literally don't give a shit about a popularity contest on here. If you don't like what I post, there's an ignore button, it works well.
Well I just read more confusing cal quotes about Skal. He said Skal is starting to get it...huhhhhhh. It's a process, but Skal is starting to earn his minutes back...huhhhh. After all that, he then said they (coaches) will do a better job managing his minutes, and not just throw him to the wolves...huhhhh.

I have no damn idea what that nonsense means and I don't think Cal does either. He's just trying to get this kid to believe, and I think for once Cal is kind of stumped as what to do. But, this 10mpg thing is almost right, and we would have won that damn auburn game of Cal didnt leave him in there to spark that Auburn run. 5-7mpg. That's more than generous, and more than he deserves. Give it to him if we can afford to. Do not play him in close games (12 is close enough...need 20+ to comfortably play Skal).

Smh. This is just a bad situation all around.
Well I just read more confusing cal quotes about Skal. He said Skal is starting to get it...huhhhhhh. It's a process, but Skal is starting to earn his minutes back...huhhhh. After all that, he then said they (coaches) will do a better job managing his minutes, and not just throw him to the wolves...huhhhh.

I have no damn idea what that nonsense means and I don't think Cal does either. He's just trying to get this kid to believe, and I think for once Cal is kind of stumped as what to do. But, this 10mpg thing is almost right, and we would have won that damn auburn game of Cal didnt leave him in there to spark that Auburn run. 5-7mpg. That's more than generous, and more than he deserves. Give it to him if we can afford to. Do not play him in close games (12 is close enough...need 20+ to comfortably play Skal).

Smh. This is just a bad situation all around.
Cal needs to read and think about what you just said. A 12 point lead to give him 5-7 mins. 20+ to give him considerable minutes. That's not "getting it", and that's not unreasonable.

His minutes in the Auburn game sparked two Auburn runs. The last one being the death nail. Cal had a lineup of Skal and Lee during that last run, up 12, and in three minutes the lead was gone. Skal was put at the five, and Lee was forced to play perimeter on both ends of the court.

On defense, a guard would begin a drive, Skal would fail to commit or cut off the lane, forcing Lee to either commit to his man, or collapse inside. Depending on what Lee did, it was either an easy pick and roll or pick and pop, or an open kick out three if Lee fell inside. Lee finally just gave the perimeter player a six foot cushion to play in between, and looked like the defensive liability on Skal's Dumbassery.

On offense it was just as bad. Several times he just clogged the lane preventing a drive opportunity, or looked unsure if he should set a screen for a guard. It was 4 on 5 with an idiot on the floor the entire time he was out there.

I'm done with Skal. If he never puts the uniform on again, let alone never sees the court, I will be just fine with that.
My micro-penis pecker could whip Skalrotisserie in an arm rasslin match (not that I'd want him to touch it, but not that there's anything wrong with a dude who would).