
Herodotus - I agree with your take on this game. It has me pissed off. Poor play by UK. Canty acting like a bitch. Auburn rushing the court like a bitch. Skal, Poy, the list goes on..... I also agree about Cal's coaching.

Our offense is a guy that is 5-8, and a guard that just widely throws shit up. Otherwise, a few guys make some dunks.

This game has put me in a bad mood. And now I read that Don got hit.
I just tuned in and heard Matt say ,"Does Cal not know what he is doing?", kinda wanna know what that was about.
I don't know. Not listening intently. Don't much give a shit at this point. Done with being concerned about March, just worried about next game. I feel like we're in the 70's again. Can beat anyone, can lose to anyone.
Someone just tweeted that our 5'8" point guard had more rebounds than Poythress, Lee, and Skal...COMBINED. HTF is that even remotely possible?
It's possible, but it's a complete bullshit. Lee and Poythress average 7 rebounds a game. Ulis averages 3.3, and has just as many rebounds on the season as Skal.

there are 2 cheeses - normal cheddar and some spicy cheese. Plus butter.

Boy Scouts you suck ass at food. Leave that to the women. You had the nerve to stuff this wack ass popcorn trio into a decorative tin that reads "AMERICAN PATRIOT" with bald eagles and flags representing what you would MFN think would be a delicious popcorn buffet of butter, cheese, and caramel fn corn. F you.
Kinda wanna murder the caller into the post game show that said we need to focus on the positives. Said we had the best coach in the game, players that other schools would die for, and the most wins all time.

First of all, we have the best recruiter in the game. Let's clarify that. It's easy to sit back and let a team destroy one by 20 when you have the studs to do so. Hell, any of us could have had a good chance winning the title in 2012, or even last year with the teams he had. When Cal has had to coach, especially late in a game, he usually gets his ass handed to him. And he's not great coaching from behind either. A big 0-11 when trailing by 10 or more at the half while at UK. He's a great recruiter. That's it.

Why TF have the players other schools would kill for if they produce like high school kids? Other than Murray, this freshman class sucks balls.

Oh, and more wins that any other program...guess what you need in order to stay on top of that list. That's right, more ****ing wins!

Yeah a lot of us are pissed over tonight's game. Auburn is a shitty team, and shouldn't have been within 10 points in the second half once that lead opened up. Throw in that watch checking bullshit their bitch ass player did, we're all a little salty tonight.

**** this team, and **** Cal. Skal doesn't deserve to be the ****ing water boy, yet we still get him every game. Last two games, UK was playing well, he comes in and team chemistry gets shot all to hell. Last time he was in the game today, Lee got forced to play perimeter and that's when their three ball went crazy. Skal is a cancer. Remove the tumor before it spreads to the whole body.

there are 2 cheeses - normal cheddar and some spicy cheese. Plus butter.

Boy Scouts you suck ass at food. Leave that to the women. You had the nerve to stuff this wack ass popcorn trio into a decorative tin that reads "AMERICAN PATRIOT" with bald eagles and flags representing what you would MFN think would be a delicious popcorn buffet of butter, cheese, and caramel fn corn. F you.
This injustice will not stand. I am assuming this tin is one of those big honking tins. If so, take a huge dump in said tin. Let it sit for a while to properly defumigate from the tin, yet maintain its consistency without drying out. Pour remaining popcorn back into tin. "Donate" tin to the local Boy Scouts, as you were once a scout, and want to give back to an organization that once meant a lot to you. If you weren't a scout, who GAF, they don't know. All those tubby knot tying pansies know is there is free food to be had.
Just kidding. Had a good time watching the game with LEK…despite the loss. He is a cool dude. Even convinced me to try the new D-League ritual of tequila/pickle juice shots. Haven't had a shot of tequila in 20 years.

Now the real trick will be to see if he can get funkycat to do one of those shots in between his fruity drinks.
Hey don't knock fruity drinks. I can knock back pina coladas, cow girl roadies and with the best of em.
Was trying to not drink for a bit after New Years. Didn't bother to tell the wife, though, and she just bought me a big bottle of Bacardi Hurricane. Can't not honor her gift, so here we are.

Strangely enough, Tequila is the one liquor I can handle straight. Haven't done it in a few year though.

Fun story, I guess: I didn't drink at all when I was younger. Didn't have my first drink until I was 21 and that was a wine cooler. The night of my bachelor party, my friends saw to it that I got messed up. Started me off with shots. First one was Aftershock, second was Tequila and the next four could have been piss or motor oil as far as I can remember. Then we head to the illustrious Camelot East, 'cause they were classy like that. I must've have good instincts, because I drank about a gallon of water while we were there (I don't recall this, but that's what I was told). Next day, I'm up at 8 and ready to get moving while the rest of the fools are throwing up or sleeping until noon. They were impressed with my booze-handling ability, and it was back to Bartles & Jaymes for a while. I still don't get hungover. I'd be a good alcoholic if everything goes sideways, someday, I suppose.
Bad Day At Black Rock
We were stopped in traffic on I-85 about 11:45 this morning and we were rear-ended by a little white car and then by a pickup towing a 5th wheel. We were knocked into the car in front of us. We were spun around, The air bags deployed. None of our group were seriously injured, but we had lots of damage. The driver of the little white car was driving a rental because of another accident that he had been involved in. He went to the hospital.
QB came and got us.
Then we lose a game we should have won.
This has been a bad day.

Sorry to hear that, don. Glad none of your crew was hurt.
tequila just absolutely Fs me up straight.

Pickle juice, uncle Jed. The key is the pickle juice chaser. Might just start carrying a jar of pickle juice around with me every time I go out drinking.

Say that reminds me…LEK got the black dude and his wife sitting at the table next to us both to do a couple of shots as well. They even drank out of LEK's pickle juice cup. [laughing] At first the black dude thought we were crazy but he soon became amazed at the phenomenon of the pickle juice chaser. He is now a true believer in the Power of the Pickle Juice.

Good times.