On the issue of AC, our system has gone out at least once a year in the prior three years but not this year (so far). The last time it got repaired the repair man told us that the next time it goes out we would need to replace the whole system because it is old, and we need the newer system because R22 is getting scarce or cannot be used anymore. If it does not go out before next spring, we plan on changing it out anyway before it heats up again. This fall I have other issues to deal with. Wife wants carpet gone and wood flooring, new furniture in the living room, lights in kitchen and dining room changed etc...
Money, money, money, money...MONEY! It all comes out of my account as I told her a few years ago that all house repairs and upgrades will be my burden because she puts a large portion of her earnings into stock and other retirement type areas since she will have no other income outside of SS when she gets to my age.
Oh, and yeah, she wants a new car so we can give her 2017 Nissan Rogue to our daughter when she finally (working on it now) gets her license. I told her I will give her $10,000.00 for a down payment for what she settles on to keep the payment down. She will start looking in about a month or so to get the end of year deals.