Ha! Same issue - capacitor - back in early May. First fairly warm day & thought I'd test it before heat set in. Good thing. $298 for 2009 York AC. First repair we've had since instalIation (Replaced our 1986 one.). Me, I thought that was a reasonable price/cost. Next day service.Good morning folks.
A hot day in the east. We had the AC go down a couple days ago, and my wife's reaction was roughly what mine would be if I were on a jet plane that lost a wing at 30,000 feet.
Luckily the guy could come out and fix it yesterday. Unluckily it was a "capacitor" and he charged me $423 for parts and labor. Was it really a capacitor? Who knows. He could have told me it was the "Frammleblaster" and I'd have no way to dispute him. Bottom line, I got home and the house was cold enough to hang meat and my wife was all smiles. Can you pay too much for that?
Hope you guys have a good day.
Don't know much more than you other than tech saying capacitor stores a bit of energy to boost/ease AC's restart after turning itself off & coming back on. He also said government is forcing a new AC coolant, & thus AC systems, on the country that is highly flammable. Coming out in next 1-2 years. Said he thinks he'll retire when that happens. Can't wait.
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