Power just back on. At least off the coolest part of day. Turns out just our 37 houses street was affected. Had a blowout at top of street where utility moves underground from poles on highway.Want to know how reliable Duke Energy power is? Been out over an hour now here in Villa Hills/ Crescent Springs. Oh well. Sun's down so not too hot. 🔥
The question is would she do it all over again.Good morning D-League. Weather still beautiful in the east. Knocked off a 5-mile run right after sun-up and it was actually cool.
Looking forward to a nice steak dinner tonight -- it is our 27th anniversary. I'll tell her truthfully tonight I'd do it all over again.
Hope it is a good day for all of you.
The Director is from the Blue Ridge......I have a knob just across from the family cemetery........got me a spot picked out......cast my ashes to the four winds so I can be at peace........it sits high above the Cane River......... most beautiful spot in the world to me.....It is 63.0°F on our way to, yuk, 91°F.
The first two years out of high school I had a summer job on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Those mountains are special. I fell in love with a girl from Sparta, NC and we got engaged but the long range romance did not work out. She was a long legged blond. Wonderful mountain girl.
58 years and 7 days ago I married Sherry. I would do it again.Good morning D-League. Weather still beautiful in the east. Knocked off a 5-mile run right after sun-up and it was actually cool.
Looking forward to a nice steak dinner tonight -- it is our 27th anniversary. I'll tell her truthfully tonight I'd do it all over again.
Hope it is a good day for all of you.
Belated congratulations......not many folks stay together very long these days........if they even get married to start with......kudos!58 years and 7 days ago I married Sherry. I would do it again.
58 years and 7 days ago I married Sherry. I would do it again.
I was expecting pictures of you all in return!Good morning D-League.
Another beautiful day in the east - clear and cool.
Bert, thanks for sharing those photos. A lovely couple then and now. I’m happy for your good fortune.
Heading downtown. Hope you all have a good day.
Well, since you asked Bert...Couldn't find anything more recent of just the two of us than last September's Silver Grove High School 50th class reunion...Below that is a more recent shot with our son...As you can see I only have one shirt.I was expecting pictures of you all in return!
Wonderful MdWildcat.Well, since you asked Bert...Couldn't find anything more recent of just the two of us than last September's Silver Grove High School 50th class reunion...Below that is a more recent shot with our son...As you can see I only have one shirt.
Good morning folks.
I had a rare opportunity yesterday afternoon to, along with our editor-in-chief, interview via video phone hookup, Donald Trump. We’re talking with Kamala Harris Friday.
We do these interviews every four years and run a cover story on candidates’ views, so this is the third time with Trump.
By agreement with the candidates what they say is close held until October 1, so I can’t share any of that. I will say I wish everybody could experience Trump in that setting. He’s charming, articulate, lucid, and polite. We limit the interviews to direct responses to issues important to people over 50, so it focuses things. I’ll post what he said 10/1 if anyone is interested.
Heading back to DC on the train. I hope it’s a good day for all.
Al turned to Joe B., and said, "Bert had it before you, he has it during you, and he'll have it after you are gone..."Okay fellows who of you have go out on company business and come back to the office to see a note on the back of one of you business cards with this note?
Those of two greats.
Good morning folks.
A hot day in the east. We had the AC go down a couple days ago, and my wife's reaction was roughly what mine would be if I were on a jet plane that lost a wing at 30,000 feet.
Luckily the guy could come out and fix it yesterday. Unluckily it was a "capacitor" and he charged me $423 for parts and labor. Was it really a capacitor? Who knows. He could have told me it was the "Frammleblaster" and I'd have no way to dispute him. Bottom line, I got home and the house was cold enough to hang meat and my wife was all smiles. Can you pay too much for that?
Hope you guys have a good day.