I don't know if I would have been Major League good, but I think I would have at least gotten a scholarship to college had I been allowed to play. My stepfather started working us (one of my brothers and me) when I was 12 and he was 11. After school if he was around, he would pick us up and we would work (drywall) that evening and every weekend and summer. Child labor (paid us pennies on the dollar). Did not allow us to get to organized sports much. We played in peanut leagues and little leagues until he made us stop to work.
My dad was a very good handyman, but he was the opposite in that he let and encouraged me to play ball instead of making me learn how to fix things. I think it was because he was the oldest kid in the family during the Depression and had to quit school in the third grade and work to help support the family. The last year I played at 37 after 3 operations on my left leg, I could no longer step into a swing forcefully enough, so my power was gone, but a 25 year college coach said I was the best third baseman he had ever seen.
My Dad worked me regularly as well. Dad only had a sixth grade education and could barely sign his own name but he tried, he drank and he tried. Dad and Mom did the best they could I guess. Dad and Mom divorced after I moved out at 16 the day I got my driver's license. (They were in their late 50s by then or early 60's after 29 years of marriage.) Dad remarried a woman my age. Her nickname was Crow (From Middlesboro, actually probably Harrogate or Sewanee TN,.. I guess she's still there living off his VA pension and whatever else she can pilfer...
I had a try out with the Tigers and did well but they scouted me (From Legion ball) and I had the Tiger manager (Houk at the time) tell me "My last name", for ten games you can play with anyone, after that you ain't worth shit..." His words... (I was raking during my tryout at Old Tiger Stadium, I was in awe and still did well.. as well as I could...)
I never had any legs. I walked okay and still do and I am thankful but getting up to serious exercising them and they always fail me. I played in a couple softball games with a church league of some sort, they were the heavy hitters as most looked like major leaguers or was beens. The last I guess was when I was in San Antonio, I played two games as I was a player coach, I think then I was 51 or 52. I went nine for nine... (I had no power then and knew it but my hand-eye coordination was off the charts. Always has been, I could hit anything at any speed that I could reach.)
Oh well, I am thankful, I have had it real good for the last 39 or so years since I met My Darling.... The Lord HAS blessed me abundantly...
I just typed this out while reminiscing... May delete it... God Bless you D-Leaguers...
Had me look up an older picture.. This is I think October 1991 as that is my youngest dressed up for her first birthday. My Dad was 6'1" I could never get 6 foot in the Army, Always 5'11"... (We lived in Radcliff at the time.) Dad, his wife and her kids were visiting. Stayed a week I think...

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