
Good morning from ATX. Currently 41°F, chilly and windy. Today's high may not reach much above 48°F. Expecting 80s by end of next week.

Cats at Auburn Tigers, today at 5 pm CST. Go Cats!

Planning vacations for this summer. Hope I live long enough to experience 'em.

Wishing y'all a winning Saturday.

Another story for warrior. I was stationed at DaNang ( aka Rocket City) for a while working the 4-12 shift in security. We had a new guy in country take over as shift commander. Most of the time as senior man, I was working the ECP at our bomb dump a bit away from the main base. The new commander was like a 26 year vet. He would come up and inspect the bomb dump about dark every night. He started seeing and hearing things that weren't there. He could see charlie and see and hear him firing at us and would order the guys (who couldn't see or hear the enemy) to fire back. The Marine dump was right across the road and charlie never bothered them (I reckon they were tougher than us). The firefight always ended when the midnight shift took over. One night, I not so tactfully told him he was crazy. After a week or so, the brass also decided he was crazy and sent him home for a psych eval.
Question for long timers…what became of WildcatDon? I was off here for three or four years. Enjoyed his posts a lot

I really should call and check on him. Have not spoken with Don since early last year.
I talked to Ymmot last week and he keeps in touch with Don; however, he has had a stroke and does not answer the phone very often.

I suppose WildcatDon is the father of this thread. What a fine man.
HA, let me tell one on my dumb arse....

I was out working in the garage cleaning straightening and throwing away...

There was a light dusting of snow on My Darlings car. Turned to the hard ice but not too hard and not so thick. Got to thinking, I will get the scraper with a brush on the end and clean the stuff off My Darlings car..... but it's in the trunk....

Yeah, I opened the trunk and had an avalanche. The trunk snow and the back window snow all came off.... Where you may ask??? Into my wife's trunk... MAN I am glad it is at freezing...

I was grabbing handfuls and grabbing handfuls scooping, anything I could do to get that crap out before it thawed.... I was working fast. 😅

Got it to where I grabbed my shop vac and sucked all the rest out.... THEN had to clean the dirty dusty muddy inside of my shop vac.... Yeah, I "ain't" got the sense God gave a goose...🤣🤣🤣🥲
I have a P38 and a P28.

"Although “Opener, Can, Hand, Folding” is its official Army nomenclature, it soon acquired the popular name P-38. Historians disagree as to which of three theories explains the moniker. One is that soldiers called it the P-38 because it could open a can faster than the P-38 Lightning fighter plane could fly. A more likely explanation is that the “38” comes from the length of the can opener, which is 38 millimeters (or 1 1/2 inches). It also is possible that “38” was the number of punches (a “P” word) it took to open a ration can. All experts agree that P-38 did not derive its name from the Walther P-38 pistol used by the German military in World War II."
I'm changing my routine for the game. Watching in the sunroom as opposed to the basement, wearing a Miles Davis t-shirt instead of a UK t-shirt, etc.. My good luck charms have failed me this season for the big games. Doing what I can to help the cause.

Only 3 signature games left in the regular season, Auburn, Bama and UT.
Nice first half...Auburn did miss a lot of wide open shots first 8-10 minutes of the half, only shot 28 percent. We did better on the boards, held are own, rebounds basically even.

This would be a great win if the Cats are going to make something of this season. Need a strong second half.
Cats showed a toughness that I haven't seen all season. Really came to fight against one of the hottest teams in the country in a hostile environment. A lot of positives to take from this game. Too many "ifs" left with 6 games to go but you gotta like their chances going forward.
The talk on here of picking up flowers and smelling them and putting them back reminded me of something.......when I quit smoking, I picked up about 75 lbs......when I decided something needed to be done I went on a diet...........when we would go grocery shopping I would put bakery goods, candy and all the things I shouldn't eat in my cart and push it around........Then when the Director would head to the check out I would go put it seemed to help my craving for junk food just top push it around in my cart.......I still do it to this day......I will haul it around until check out time and then.......change my mind.........and put it back on the shelf.

Us folks from Poultland went on to settle Lexington because Flower smelled better?

Sir Richard Steele Captain Andrew Steele

I talked to Ymmot last week and he keeps in touch with Don; however, he has had a stroke and does not answer the phone very often.

I suppose WildcatDon is the father of this thread. What a fine man.

Do any of you remember the Bird?


Good Sunday morning

Nice game last night. It's the first win I've watched since January. I was impressed with the defense and rebounding which I believe is a direct correlation to the minutes played by Thiero and Ugo.'s a huge factor in happiness.

I started preparing for our trip to FL coming up Wed. I had planned to be in Sawnee Cat's area but that fell through. Lots of hiking, kayaking springs, and seafood in the plans. We won't even see a beach on this year's trip. We did a drive by last year. Those FL beaches are not for us. Caribbean beaches are nice though. Shade near the water at some of them.

I've been cutting some trees off the hill near the house and I haven't destroyed anything and no stitches required. It's been a good week.

I hope everyone has a great day.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 35°F and clear. Breezy. Today's high estimated around 54°F. Expecting a chilly morning walk.

Loved Cats road win last night. Auburn never led. Great effort.

Leaving here in 26 days for Germany, March 16-25. Attending nephew's wedding down in FL over Easter weekend, 29 March-April 1. Returning to KY/TN over Memorial Day. Little brother and his wife gonna take Bardstown Dinner train on May 25. I'll go with them for some food and bourbon. Daughter might also join us. We may need a driver. [winking] Two more international trips planned over this upcoming summer.

Wishing y'all a peaceful Sunday.

Another story for warrior. I was stationed at DaNang ( aka Rocket City) for a while working the 4-12 shift in security. We had a new guy in country take over as shift commander. Most of the time as senior man, I was working the ECP at our bomb dump a bit away from the main base. The new commander was like a 26 year vet. He would come up and inspect the bomb dump about dark every night. He started seeing and hearing things that weren't there. He could see charlie and see and hear him firing at us and would order the guys (who couldn't see or hear the enemy) to fire back. The Marine dump was right across the road and charlie never bothered them (I reckon they were tougher than us). The firefight always ended when the midnight shift took over. One night, I not so tactfully told him he was crazy. After a week or so, the brass also decided he was crazy and sent him home for a psych eval.


This is NOTHING compared to your above story but I did tell an Executive Officer (After I was told by that person that they were an administrator (Was a nurse by trade) and had been an administrator all their career. I then looked at that person that had just told me to find another job because I didn't know what I was doing. I leaned back in my chair and told that person I would not let them administer me a Tylenol. I slowly stood up and walked out of that office.

The next day the Brigade Commander arrived while me and the supply civilian were in a mandatory training class... he brought with him two MP's and removed that XO, the SGM, and Commander (LTC) from the building. Never to hear from that wench again... Just horrible what they did to other personnel in that Battalion. (I've got broad shoulders but the Brigade XO gave me one of those get out of jail free cards (A whistleblower protection document though I did not blow any whistles nor did I rat anyone out.) She just did it to cover me. (Still not sure why but I took it. Still have it.) People do go crazy but that bunch went nuts together. (No war or fight to blame it on either...)

A lot more to this but this was the condensed version...
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Good morning folks. Beautiful, sunny, clear and cold day in the east. Back from a long run.

It'll be an easy work day today. Lots of people taking it off so no annoying meetings. I've already got more done than an average Monday morning.

It was a nice weekend. We had a very good dinner at a favorite restaurant, and my wife and I drove down to the C&O Canal where it runs past a beautiful stretch of the Potomac River with lots of rocky falls and swift water and took a long hike.

Hope it was a restful weekend for all, and the week is off to a good start.
Good morning all,

Off day? Nah, day off...

Just started rousing. Been up for a while but slept upstairs on the guest mattress. (Have a bed upstairs but no blackout curtains so I slept in our second living room with the bedroom doors closed. (Nicely dark.) My mind raced all night but I didn't lose any weight...

My two grandchildren that live here are sleeping in my bed with My Darling. They are still out of it but I don't expect that to last much longer. They are very good babies (Both four now for another month or so until the BB turns five.) BUT, they are wild together. Not mean or destructive but wild.

Plan on making a pan biscuits and coffee shortly. Held off on coffee the last couple days except for some of the fake stuff. (It's real I guess but some sort of instant with some creme of some sort added. (Just a go to interim cup if required.)


Have a blessed day...
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Good Morning.

Last evening DW was preparing a fine steak dinner. She gets the best strip sirloins from Kremer's Market, a local deli store. That "forced" me to go looking through my now limited assortment of red wines. I came upon a bottle from a CA vacation back when CA was still a reasonable place to visit and broke it out. Had been saving as a memento of that fine trip.

It was a Dry Creek Vineyard 2001 "Heritage Clone Zinfandel". Figured if not now, maybe never. So it was now. I was worried that it may have gone bad, and when I opened it the cork was partially deteriorated. Nonetheless, the wine was quite good after I filtered out cork pieces. As good as when we bought, or better? Don't know. But overall, a good evening experience.

Have a good day.
I made a post on another thread that I thought some of you might like. The summer after his senior year, Travis Ford put on a shooting camp that my daughter attended, When I arrived the final day to pick her up, I sat in the bleachers a few minutes to watch. He was putting on a shooting exhibition, taking 20 threes from 5 spots around the 3 point line while wearing a mike and talking to the kids. Almost every time he was 20 for 20. He said with a rebounder, he took 1,000 threes a day. He also said, his dad would not let him shoot past 8 feet till he was 12 years old so he had the strength to maintain proper form.
Had a blast today. Went to the commissary, then burger king, then stopped at Food Lion for a box of popsicles, headed to the barn, My Darling put their water suits on and threw them in the tub full of bubbles. THEN my oldest showed up a few minutes ago and wanted to start things all over again and go out to eat. I ate a Small whopper meal at just before 3. I am done eating today except for a beer or two and maybe a handful of mixed nuts and a little dark chocolate. Ain't and I mean "AIN'T" going back out again... Still haven't made a pan of biscuits but may, probably tomorrow as I plan to work from home tomorrow unless something comes up... Been promising a couple guys I work with to bring some in. May bring those in Wednesday.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and clear. We may hit 70s today. Warmer temperatures for rest of week.

Dropped firearms off with the shipper yesterday. They supposed to call me with charges and estimate later this week.

Immune-therapy scheduled for 9 am today. Weigh in and give blood through port.

Hope everyone enjoyed the 3-day weekend. I loved it. Wishing y'all a great week ahead.

Good morning folks.

Sunny day in the east.

For whatever reason —maybe that I’m a few minutes later than usual —subway is packed. I hate that. More and more people getting on with bicycles and those electric scooter deals you stand on to ride around the sidewalks. It makes it even more claustrophobic.

Sliding into a long work day. I hope it is a good one for all of you.

Morning Legionnaires!

37° this morning and light winds. High today in the mid 70's and moderate winds. Tomorrow near 80°. Looks like fishing will begin shortly as the next week or so will be in the 60's and 70's.

Been dealing with some foot problems for a few months so I visited the doctor Thursday last week. Plantar Fasciitis with bone spurs on the heels. He injected some medication across the right heel area and sold me some orthotics inserts for my shoes. He told me to limit my activity, so I have not done much exercising the legs. However, I still have to get out and walk the monster. I think she enjoys it more as we have slowed down, and she gets more sniffing of the walk areas. Have another appointment with the doctor next week to see how it is going to determine whether surgery will be needed or find out if the medication and inserts helped enough to continue on this path.

Enjoy the day folks and you grinders stay safe out there.

God Bless America...we need it now more than ever.

Morning Legionnaires!

37° this morning and light winds. High today in the mid 70's and moderate winds. Tomorrow near 80°. Looks like fishing will begin shortly as the next week or so will be in the 60's and 70's.

Been dealing with some foot problems for a few months so I visited the doctor Thursday last week. Plantar Fasciitis with bone spurs on the heels. He injected some medication across the right heel area and sold me some orthotics inserts for my shoes. He told me to limit my activity, so I have not done much exercising the legs. However, I still have to get out and walk the monster. I think she enjoys it more as we have slowed down, and she gets more sniffing of the walk areas. Have another appointment with the doctor next week to see how it is going to determine whether surgery will be needed or find out if the medication and inserts helped enough to continue on this path.

Enjoy the day folks and you grinders stay safe out there.

God Bless America...we need it now more than ever.
WC, is it on the bottom of your heel or back?