(The ortho may have already worked for you, I've used it myself. (The gallon of ortho probably set you back 20 or 25 bucks (Haven't bought in a while like that but guessing price
gouging or increases.) Most work if they are labeled to kill the targeted insect. Ortho has a little too much smell for me and the efficacy is not as great as I'd like it. If you have your own sprayer, I use Tempo SC Ultra, I used to buy my product at Oldham chemical in Louisville but also bought online. Now I use; (Good prices and good shipping.) Haven't bought this year but bought a bunch of items last year. (Just checked the site, a bottle runs $51.56 and free shipping.) (I spray this stuff at most, twice a year. Lasts good if you take time and apply it thoroughly.) The kicker is, that is enough to make up to 30 gallons of spray. (That's how bug guys make money, or used to, they buy it concentrated and mix it themselves.) I know, more info than you may have expected, or wanted.