Good morning D-League
It is currently 67° with clear skies and no rain in sight. The high will reach 81°. I am going to take advantage of the weather and clean and seal our travertine around the pool deck and lanai. Sand will be used to level it all out before the sealer. So I am praying for no rain for the next 24 hours.
I trust all are well and in good spirits.
Shopping while drinking is a new concept on me. With the way some folks act down here, I am not sure if this is a good idea. But Publix must have a reason
It is currently 67° with clear skies and no rain in sight. The high will reach 81°. I am going to take advantage of the weather and clean and seal our travertine around the pool deck and lanai. Sand will be used to level it all out before the sealer. So I am praying for no rain for the next 24 hours.
I trust all are well and in good spirits.
Shopping while drinking is a new concept on me. With the way some folks act down here, I am not sure if this is a good idea. But Publix must have a reason