

I bought EGGS at the commissary Friday for...........................................................(Extra Large Brown eggs mind you!) .............................$1.15 I kid you not!!!!! Yeah, twelve of them... Thought I hit the jackpot!!! Also bought another brand as that was the last of the extra large. The other large brown eggs were $1.27 Just BLEW my mind!!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and partly cloudy. 50% rain chance around noon or so. Today's high expected around 80°F. Good soaking rain yesterday. Keep the precipitation coming.

Hiked to nearby Super Mercado yesterday for pack of Tortillas de Harina. Expensive. Yikes! $1 more than HEB for 20. Hey, support local businesses, right?

Young gal down the street owns an English Shepherd roughly 3/4 size of ours. Encountered both while out walking. We chatted some. Too cool. They very alert + protective dogs.

Wishing all Happy Mothers Day.



67° with rain and light wind. Rain in the forecast for the next few days bringing the temperature down to the mid 70's for highs. Should be some good fishing weather going forward.

Had a white fan break down right in front of my house around 7pm last night and I went out to see if I could help. It was a couple from California who had just moved out here because they were tired of the taxes and prices there. One of the local cops also pulled up and when he got out of the vehicle he stood about 6'7'' or so and was about 300 plus pounds. They looked at him with a "wow" look on their face but were pleasantly surprised as to how accommodating we were saying that people where they come from would not even offer to help if they broke down. We checked their vehicle as they called for a tow truck, and they were surprised at the offer from me to drive them to their house after the tow truck came to get their van. They offered to pay me, but I refused and said it was no big deal. Again, they said that that would not happen in California, people would take the money in a heartbeat. No wonder that place is going to pieces out there.

You guys enjoy your day and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Happy Mother’s Day to all those women in your lives who have achieved that lofty status.

My mother was thrilled with a hanging plant and flowers arrangement I bought her for the front porch. My wife loved the white roses and dark yellow lilies I got her. So a good day so far.

I hope you all enjoy the day.


67° with rain and light wind. Rain in the forecast for the next few days bringing the temperature down to the mid 70's for highs. Should be some good fishing weather going forward.

Had a white fan break down right in front of my house around 7pm last night and I went out to see if I could help. It was a couple from California who had just moved out here because they were tired of the taxes and prices there. One of the local cops also pulled up and when he got out of the vehicle he stood about 6'7'' or so and was about 300 plus pounds. They looked at him with a "wow" look on their face but were pleasantly surprised as to how accommodating we were saying that people where they come from would not even offer to help if they broke down. We checked their vehicle as they called for a tow truck, and they were surprised at the offer from me to drive them to their house after the tow truck came to get their van. They offered to pay me, but I refused and said it was no big deal. Again, they said that that would not happen in California, people would take the money in a heartbeat. No wonder that place is going to pieces out there.

You guys enjoy your day and God Bless.

WOW........ May have been a different story if it was a black fan.... Gotta watch the fans.... They must be cheering on your escapades!!! AFM..................

All Fans Matter
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and partly cloudy. 50% rain chance around noon or so. Today's high expected around 80°F. Good soaking rain yesterday. Keep the precipitation coming.

Hiked to nearby Super Mercado yesterday for pack of Tortillas de Harina. Expensive. Yikes! $1 more than HEB for 20. Hey, support local businesses, right?

Young gal down the street owns an English Shepherd roughly 3/4 size of ours. Encountered both while out walking. We chatted some. Too cool. They very alert + protective dogs.

Wishing all Happy Mothers Day.


I "NEEDS" some biscuits and this going out to eat crap is getting in the way of my schedule.....
Good morning folks. Happy Mother’s Day to all those women in your lives who have achieved that lofty status.

My mother was thrilled with a hanging plant and flowers arrangement I bought her for the front porch. My wife loved the white roses and dark yellow lilies I got her. So a good day so far.

I hope you all enjoy the day.
Going to Uncle Julio's to eat this afternoon so I am told... Will leave about 3.... Of course my oldest made the reservations but ask the reservation concerning the reservation... "Mom, Dad is paying right?" This from a girl that makes at least two times what I make...paycheck-wise...
Going to Uncle Julio's to eat this afternoon so I am told... Will leave about 3.... Of course my oldest made the reservations but ask the reservation concerning the reservation... "Mom, Dad is paying right?" This from a girl that makes at least two times what I make...paycheck-wise...
The price of being "father" on "mother's" day!
Family had dinner at Pompilio's in Newport. Good choice - again. Grandkids played bocce ball afterwards on one of their courts.

The current riverfront development in Newport is crazy huge & good for most any place & certainly for a town of less than 20K.
Good hearing from you, Chief.

I visited back home April 21-27. Plan on returning during mid-June and again beginning July. Nice visit. Place ain't changed much.
I haven't been back in about 6-7 years. All my immediate family there passed away many years ago. My wife won't fly and neither of us have any desire to drive that far.
Good evening D, all is well in the Berg. I need the D to say a special prayer for one of my best friends. Tuesday morning his grandson will be having surgery on his heart, he is less than a year old, he was born with just two valves in his heart. I ask him what they were going to do, he wasn't sure but told me to look up the Glenn Procedure, going to look it up in a few. Glass business is doing good right now, I said I didn't want a job, but it looks like I have one. If you want to take a look at some of my work, look up Apple House Mercantile in Central City, KY.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and mostly cloudy. Chance for rain this afternoon. Today's high expected around 84°F.

Co-worker out today. Must hold down the program. Monday, Monday.

Wishing all a great start to your week.

Edit: Some asshole just fired a pistol about 8 times from a nearby residence behind us.

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Sunny and 73.6°F here. We are on our way to 79°F with a 20% chance of rain.

One of my good life long friends son was VP for Pacific Gas and Electric. He now has a job in Houston working for a utility. Every time there was a fire in California he was under the gun because the crazies would blame PG&E. He could not handle it any more. California is going crazy.

You all enjoy you Monday.
Good morning folks.

Another beautiful day in the east -- sunny, clear and cool. Mostly lost on me as I've been grinding away at work since before the sun was fully up.

A nice Mother's Day weekend for us. Took some time in the late morning to take my son clothes shopping -- bought him a nice Navy Blue blazer, some dress pants and a couple shirts. He's plausibly ready to interview now if any of his job feelers draw a nibble.

He's 6'4'', still filling out. Once I get him to lose that Maynard G. Krebs fuzz on his chin, he'll make a good impression.
Had some heavy rain this morning on the way to train my student. So much so that the visibility was about 100ft in front of my vehicle. As it lightened up there were 7 (that I counted) vehicles which had hydroplaned off of the highway into the ditch on both sides, and there were still others who had stopped along the side of the road with emergency flashers going. As I continued there were a few car accidents alongside of the road where they had run into each other, 2 accidents were pretty ugly. But in all of it there did not seem to be any casualties as I saw people out of their cars surveying the mess in all of the situations. This was about a 5-7 mile stretch of the highway. It was crazy. At one point, I hydroplaned but had it controlled as I let off of the gas (doing about 70mph) and settled in at about 45mph until the rain subsided. It was a short few minutes of heavy rain, but it did a lot of damage.
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Hello all. Been awhile since I have posted here. Had several things that took up a lot of my time and when I had time to post, it was on HOB. Good to see so many of you still on here and doing well.
Welcome back. Have not seen you in a while. Hope all is well.

Yeah, I've been posting to this thread since 2011.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. Increased rain chances later this morning, Today's high expected around 79°F.

Second cousin, originally from Omaha area but now living south of DFW (Ennis, TX), called and needs a place to live. Told her I'd discuss with the wife. Bah! Call me shocked if she comes. We could use the help, but not the worry.

Wishing all a fine day,

Good morning folks. Cloudy and cool in the east.

Just woke up from a crazy dream. I was on the edge of a giant forest fire. It was like the whole world was burning, Everyone was much younger. My daughter was about six, and she was safe. But my wife and son were missing. I was heading into the burning woods to try to find them when my friend who recently died —the one I’d traveled with through Iraq and Bosnia and Somalia and Kosovo, etc. —showed up and said he’d go in with me. So off we went over smoking timber. Then I woke up.

I’m no dream interpreter but I clearly miss my friend. And feel a father’s anxiety about my son as he finds his place after college.

Hope you all slept easy and have a good day.
Good morning D, surgery for my friends grandson is 7:30 est, please say a prayer. Good to see you Mr.Ben. we've had over 10 inches of rain here in the Berg in May already, supposed to rain most of the day, it really cuts into my arrow head hunting, but it also washes the dirt off of them, was going to take our two grandsons, that will have to wait. Have a great day D!


62° this morning with light winds. Had a lot of rain last few days so we may not play ball tonight. City will assess later today to let us know.

Wife has a function tonight at a local restaurant for the contract director of the company she works for at Ft. Sill. Director is retiring at the end of May so...wife wants me to go because she does not like to go to these things alone (it is a plus one function). Told her I may have games. The function starts at 17:30 and my first game is at 19:30 so, if the games are a go, we will drive separately, and I will leave early (if it goes too long) and go to the fields and change to play.

My karate instructor/best friend called yesterday to ask if he could come over today and me help him renew his passport since I used to be a passport agent at Ft. Sill. He said his old girlfriend who is now in OKC working because they split up over a year ago is going to Mexico (has an appointment already) to get liposuction (she has gotten big) and did not have anyone to go with her. When she calls, it usually means she does not have enough money to cover whatever it is she is doing. Last time was a Vegas trip for her birthday (she had never been there) and he went with her and paid for it. Tried to talk him out of it but, she has a hold on him and he can't tell her no.

Well, so much for all of that, you folks have a great day and God Bless.
Good evening D, all is well in the Berg. I need the D to say a special prayer for one of my best friends. Tuesday morning his grandson will be having surgery on his heart, he is less than a year old, he was born with just two valves in his heart. I ask him what they were going to do, he wasn't sure but told me to look up the Glenn Procedure, going to look it up in a few. Glass business is doing good right now, I said I didn't want a job, but it looks like I have one. If you want to take a look at some of my work, look up Apple House Mercantile in Central City, KY.
Glad to see you still doing the glass work. You have a God-given talent that would be a shame to see you waste. I was going to try to come to Central City to put flowers on my Grandparent's grave for Memorial Day, but my wife is not in condition to ride that far so I called the Flower Barn Florists and had them do it.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and clear. Could see a few clouds today. Today's high expected around 87°F.

2nd cousin keeping her butt up near DFW-area for now. She was supposed to call at noon yesterday. Finally heard from her after 1 pm. Still have not responded. Not interested in helping a 40-something who can't keep her word. Modern problems. Could change any minute.

Looks like Daniel Cameron won KY GOP primary. Good for him.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

Good morning folks.

Heading in early today to take part in the Capitol Classic 5-K. Been doing this since the mid—1980s but not quite sure I can run today. Since my hip surgery that has gone well but my left knee -which will be the next surgery -has deteriorated.

Nice, cool day in the east. Hope you all have a good one.


57° this morning with light winds. High to be around 80° with plenty of sunshine. Have to cut grass today so...

Played 2 games list night and we won both for a change. Had a full team for the first time in the last 3 weeks. I went 1-3 with a walk first game and 2-4 in the second. We were down in the second 9-4 going into the bottom of the last inning with me to start the inning at bat. Got a hit up the middle and it started a rally which continued until a sacrifice fly was hit to put us ahead for the win 10-9. Had to try and block the vision of the SS on the third hit that inning as the third batter up hit a grounder right at the SS and I was on second. I ran in front of him to shield the ball and it took a bounce. I had to dodge the ball and wound up hitting the ground after with a rib injury/side of face plant. A little sore this morning but it did the job as the SS could not see the ball and it got passed him. Had my team laughing saying it looked like something off of an episode of Ridiculousness.

Mike! Mike! Mike! What day is it!
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Glad to see you still doing the glass work. You have a God-given talent that would be a shame to see you waste. I was going to try to come to Central City to put flowers on my Grandparent's grave for Memorial Day, but my wife is not in condition to ride that far so I called the Flower Barn Florists and had them do it.
Good people at the Flower Barn! Which cemetery are they at? Our parents and my brother are at Rose Hill.