
Sunny and 67.5°F here in Smiths Grove. We are to get to 81°.

General Cavazos is a Mexican American. Do they bozos also know that Mexico had slaves. The political correctness just wiped out a great American General's name off a facility. It sucks.
Bert, Hood was not an American general. He was a Confederate general. The US Senate confirms US military officer promotions to senior levels. Never happened for him. As best I can find, he was at most a First Louie in US Army.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F and humid. Cloudy. Sight chance for rain. Today's high expected around 88°F.

Wishing all a good day.


Mid 60's this morning with mostly cloudy skies. Thunderstorms this afternoon with some possibly severe. Looks like a good morning to fish as cloud cover will keep it cooler until about midday when the thunderstorms come into play. I will be leaving here in about 45 minutes.

You folks enjoy your day and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Sunny and cool in the east.

Just catching up on the posts from yesterday. I never served but still have interesting memories of Fort Hood. I did deep embeds with both the 1st Cav and 4th ID which meant spending weeks there with units then deploying with them to Iraq - Baghdad, Tikrit, Mosul. I got to know Ray Odierno well -later chief of staff of the Army -when he was newly minted as a 2-star commanding the 4th. I saw the gut-churning emotion of battalions leaving their families and heading for war. Seeing the 7th Cav march out of a huge gymnasium leaving their families behind to a band playing Custer’s old theme song Garry Owen, wives and kids crying, will be a memory til I die. Some of those guys —not a huge number, maybe a couple dozen -never came home.

I’m sorry to see the name change. Hood was a Kentuckian, born and raised in Owingsville. He was a legendary division commander of Texas troops, eventually promoted over his head. He sacrificed an arm and leg for a cause in which he believed. Life in America, 2023.
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Good morning folks. Sunny and cool in the east.

Just catching up on the posts from yesterday. I never served but still have interesting memories of Fort Hood. I did deep embeds with both the 1st Cav and 4th ID which meant spending weeks there with units then deploying with them to Iraq - Baghdad, Tikrit, Mosul. I got to know Ray Odierno well -later chief of staff of the Army -when he was newly minted as a 2-star commanding the 4th. I saw the gut-churning emotion of battalions leaving their families and heading for war. Seeing the 7th Cav march out of a huge gymnasium leaving their families behind to a band playing Custer’s old theme song Garry Owen, wives and kids crying, will be a memory til I die. Some of those guys —not a huge number, maybe a couple dozen -never came home.

I’m sorry to see the name change. Hood was a Kentuckian, born and raised in Owingsville. He was a legendary division commander of Texas troops, eventually promoted over his head. He sacrificed an arm and leg for a cause in which he believed. Life in America, 2023.
Talking about emotion. We had to sweep a field because someone supposedly spotted sappers. As we were getting ready the guy on my right was on his last day of duty before catching a "freedom bird" home, as many called it. He kept saying, "I don't want to die." When we started, he was about 5 or 6 yards to my right, and I could hear his teeth chattering very loudly. He worried me more than the enemy. I had to watch in front of me, in front of him and also watch him for concern of what he might do if he spotted something. Thankfully, either sappers were never really there, or they had retreated due to superior numbers.
Been hard at it today, had to make a couple trips and sit in my chair working as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair. ;)

Used to be MI on Fort Bragg and we called ourselves Chairborne Rangers... It fit, gets under my skin when I hear chair sitting workers talk about working hard... yeah mentally at times but darn, call a spade, a spade... ;)
Fort Hood renamed to Fort Cavazos. End of an era.

I met General Cavazos in 1982 when he served as FORSCOM commander. At the time, ee were all in formation, preparing to fly over to MFO South camp for Sinai mission.

Fitting tribute.

We always spent our two weeks training at Fort Hood, hotter than blazes and the dust was ankle deep and hot too!!!! They sent us there for a three day weekend one time in March, when I packed I threw in some winter time clothes just in case, wasn't but about 6 of us that took extra stuff, it turned off really cold, guess who got to wash all the tanks, wasn't the aholes that didn't bring extra clothes that's for sure!!!

Let me give a praise report.

Saturday later afternoon my wife, the BB, and I went to Popeye's for supper. We came back home and had a quiet evening. When we got up getting ready for church to go to the late service. (I think I posted Sunday morning) My Darling realized she could not find her purse... We searched and even went back to Popeye's asking if anyone found it but was told to us they had nothing....

I went online and made a police report which is the custom here for these type items. All toll including the credit cards, my wife's Medicare card, her social security card (yeah), and $310.00 cash plus personal items and such, about 19k worth of available funds including the cards credit lines. (Two key fobs, about $800.00 just for those and hard to get as well.) I cancelled all the cards and things quickly so that was not a concern...

Got a call an hour or so ago from a manager at Popeye's. The police gave him my number.... ALL was recovered. The employee found My Darlings purse and turned it in for safe keeping. I will meet that guy tomorrow at 4. (I was pleased to see My Darling at work, she rewarded the employee/ manager there today to share with his team. I will in turn reward the employee tomorrow if the Lord doesn't take me home at about 4PM tomorrow.... Once I have their two names I will ensure the corporate office is aware. I already contacted the police in writing suggesting they exploit this if they so choose.

I cannot ever remember being so happy to give away money to a person and I am excited to again give away some dough to this man tomorrow... (Only posting this because I am thankful!)

I got the real blessing from an event that I KNEW God would make a good thing!

Just my three cents and, I type TOO Much....... It was worth it!

Have a fine evening...God Bless you all, give thanks in all circumstances...
Typical day at your office!!! Working as hard as you can work and reeling a line... Just beautiful fish....


Yeah, I was reeling later on in the morning as lightning chased me away from continuing. The rain was ok but when the lighting started, I was in the water with my waders on, so I decided it was better to stop. Going again tomorrow morning to try and catch more because those pesky-tarians are coming over again this weekend so I need more fish to feed them.
Back from fishing and it rained about half of the time, but the fishing was still good. I had several strikes, hooked 5 and landed 4. The biggest being just over 4lbs.

Great job. I caught 3 LM 19" Monday night topwater action. We were after stripers but we'll take what the good Lord offers.

Everyone.....sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I stay busy this time of the year....both work and play. It may slow down this time next week.

I hope everyone is still doing good.
Great job. I caught 3 LM 19" Monday night topwater action. We were after stripers but we'll take what the good Lord offers.

Everyone.....sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I stay busy this time of the year....both work and play. It may slow down this time next week.

I hope everyone is still doing good.
Going again in the morning. Supposed to be better weather so perhaps I can stay a little longer.
We always spent our two weeks training at Fort Hood, hotter than blazes and the dust was ankle deep and hot too!!!! They sent us there for a three day weekend one time in March, when I packed I threw in some winter time clothes just in case, wasn't but about 6 of us that took extra stuff, it turned off really cold, guess who got to wash all the tanks, wasn't the aholes that didn't bring extra clothes that's for sure!!!
Guess you guys spent lots of time around North Fort Hood. Man, don't get me started on Fort Hood. If you notice, I speak fondly of Germany or Fort Campbell. Not so with the Great Place. Served 5 years there. If we weren't in the field or deployed....., Retirement could come quickly enough. Went through hell. Lucky to retire as an E-7.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and cloudy. Rain expected tonight. Today's high may reach 87°F.

Former Army buddy from late-80s contacted me via Facebook post yesterday.

"Sgt kicked my butt for ever"

Ha ha, he was referring to Axis and Allies board game. I was unofficial company champ. Always played the Germans side. What fun.

Happy Friday, y'all.

WC, y'all ok, watching weather channel, bad stuff going on!!!
Yes, thank you.

It has bounced around us here again. It seems to do that with us in this area (Thank God). Had some rain, lightening and thunder but not much else. Wind was surprising low for us. Have a weather warning on the weather app for possibly more severe weather chances later in the day today so, we will just plan for that. Will go fishing again this morning and be back before the heavy stuff hits (if it does).
Guess you guys spent lots of time around North Fort Hood. Man, don't get me started on Fort Hood. If you notice, I speak fondly of Germany or Fort Campbell. Not so with the Great Place. Served 5 years there. If we weren't in the field or deployed....., Retirement could come quickly enough. Went through hell. Lucky to retire as an E-7.
You beat me, I could not make E-7. Got in trouble in both of the places you mentioned speaking fondly of above. Loved both (Germany and Campbell) but, in my youth my mouth got me in a lot of trouble and in one instance busted from E-5 to E-4 and my record kept me from making E-7. At least I made it to retirement so...
Guess you guys spent lots of time around North Fort Hood. Man, don't get me started on Fort Hood. If you notice, I speak fondly of Germany or Fort Campbell. Not so with the Great Place. Served 5 years there. If we weren't in the field or deployed....., Retirement could come quickly enough. Went through hell. Lucky to retire as an E-7.

Sr. NCO....Top Notch!!! Kind of new it anyway by how you carry yourself...
You beat me, I could not make E-7. Got in trouble in both of the places you mentioned speaking fondly of above. Loved both (Germany and Campbell) but, in my youth my mouth got me in a lot of trouble and in one instance busted from E-5 to E-4 and my record kept me from making E-7.

I'd have never thought that. You both are SGMs to me. Not slighting at all, my one regret (Seriously) was that I could not retire from the Army. I always thought I should have served 20 years. Still feel that way today and it is a regret. Very probably why I started as an Army Civilian. Left for about five years with a federal agency but now I am back home with the Army. On the downside now but I did hit 20 this past January. I am thankful and I have worked as if I am a soldier. (Not many understand me but that is why I am where I'm at now.

Heading inside and there is three cars in the parking lot of a 130 plus unit. I am thankful.

Have a great day and give it your best, just like a soldier... God Bless you all..
Good morning folks.

A truly beautiful day in the east. Sunny, clear, cool and a very light breeze. You couldn't order one up any better. Not that it matters much to me -- stuck at work with a long day ahead.

Interesting to hear the recollections from Ft. Hood. I was recalling last night seeing the plaque to Audie Murphy there, and the middle school named after him and the club. As I recall, he came back after the war and trained Texas National Guard troops there. I was always a big fan of Audie Murphy, and have visited his grave in Arlington cemetery many times.

Of course, they couldn't name the based Ft. Murphy, after the most decorated soldier in America's largest military operation ever. He lacked that certain something., I guess.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning folks.

A truly beautiful day in the east. Sunny, clear, cool and a very light breeze. You couldn't order one up any better. Not that it matters much to me -- stuck at work with a long day ahead.

Interesting to hear the recollections from Ft. Hood. I was recalling last night seeing the plaque to Audie Murphy there, and the middle school named after him and the club. As I recall, he came back after the war and trained Texas National Guard troops there. I was always a big fan of Audie Murphy, and have visited his grave in Arlington cemetery many times.

Of course, they couldn't name the based Ft. Murphy, after the most decorated soldier in America's largest military operation ever. He lacked that certain something., I guess.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Audie had his troubles adapting after the war. I recall a couple of times he made the news with fights.
Back from the search for the big one. It got hot quick, but cloud cover with some breeze and wading kept me cool enough to fish until 11:00. Ran into about 8-10 Jake no shoulders today. They kept their distance so; they kept their lives.

Wound up hooking 3 and landing 3 today with all being better than a pound and a half each adding to the weekend fish fry. None as big as yesterday's biggest but good enough to filet. One of them fought really hard and I thought I was going to have one bigger than yesterday's. He was one strong bass for a little short sucker.
Back from the search for the big one. It got hot quick, but cloud cover with some breeze and wading kept me cool enough to fish until 11:00. Ran into about 8-10 Jake no shoulders today. They kept their distance so; they kept their lives.

Wound up hooking 3 and landing 3 today with all being better than a pound and a half each adding to the weekend fish fry. None as big as yesterday's biggest but good enough to filet. One of them fought really hard and I thought I was going to have one bigger than yesterday's. He was one strong bass for a little short sucker.
I heard of Moby Bass but............................ Arnold Bass????

Heck, I know of...

Ernest T. Bass....too...

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Good morning everyone.

I'm headed to the lake in a little bit. I had donated a fishing trip to an organization to be auctioned and the couple that ended up with it has never caught a striper (striped bass, rockfish). So, going to fish all night and then drive back home tomorrow morning.

We still haven't finalized payment on my truck (totaled-tree). But, it will be fair. I just dread truck shopping. It seems anything I would be interested in sells fast.

Anyway, everything is going good here. I hope everyone can say the same.
Good late morning folks.

Just hosted a brunch on my back porch -early Mother’s Day for mother-in-law, sister-in-law and wife. Quite pleasant and worth quite a bit of goodwill with my wife’s family.

We’ll celebrate as a family unit tomorrow. My sons off on a job moving a small business from DC to New Jersey and my daughter is off to Philadelphia for a Taylor Swift concert.

Hope it’s a good day for all.
Been on our trips to the markets we frequent...


Didn't even buy any of these but we did partake of a good amount of seafood. In the freezer or about to be... some will be consumed this evening. Hitting the road for a while.... Take care... (Bought some more coconut milk too...yeah I did it...)

Bought some like the below too...


Steamed red bean buns. Finally caught some back near the normal price I used to pay.... I couldn't like them at four times the price... Just not enjoyable.... I can enjoy the ones I bought today... ;)
Still kicking and doing fairly well. Haven't been on the computer much lately but I do read the posts from time to time.
Good hearing from you, Chief.

I visited back home April 21-27. Plan on returning during mid-June and again beginning July. Nice visit. Place ain't changed much.