
Good morning from Nolin Lake near Anneta, KY. Currently 49°F and cloudy. We might see 57°F for today's high.

Wishing all Happy Sunday. Take care.

You are 56 minutes from where I live
Good Sunday morning everyone!

The turkey hunting is winding down. I've been able to hunt the mountain more this week and it brings back memories of 30 years ago when I hunted it hard. No luck with the turkeys although I've seen a couple of bears and heard plenty of whippoorwills.


Anyone know?

I hope everyone has a great day.
That's what we call 'dry land fish', otherwise known as a morel. They're going for $80/lb here in Eastern Kentucky, as they're considered a delicacy by most, including myself.
At one base, the career guys (basically office cops) challenged us to a game. The first sgt who I didn't like was playing 2nd base. I wasn't trying to hurt him, but I decided to hit one at him as hard as I could. I hit a very hard line drive off his shin. He hobbled around a bit, but stayed in the game. Bet his leg was sore for a few days.
That's what we call 'dry land fish', otherwise known as a morel. They're going for $80/lb here in Eastern Kentucky, as they're considered a delicacy by most, including myself.
I'm glad someone knew. Yes, dry land fish here in Letcher Co are what they are called. One county south (Harlan) and farther south they start to call them Hickory Chickens.

We haven't found as many this year as most. One of my favorite things to eat.
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Morrel mushroom? My dad called them "dry land fish".

edit: @UK_fan_41102 and @storm1507 I did not see your responses. That stuff is great sauteed in butter and put on a steak.
This is a timely subject. My wife's hometown is having their annual Morel Mushroom Festival now. April 29-30.

Estill County, KY Mushroom Festival

Dryland fish, Molly moochers, hickory chickens. No matter what you call them, morel mushrooms are a seasonal favorite in many communities throughout Appalachia. And you can often spot morel hunters bragging about their best finds on Facebook or at backyard cookouts. At the Mountain Mushroom Festival in Irvine, Kentucky, several layers of competition are present within the mushroom community there.

Good Sunday morning everyone!

The turkey hunting is winding down. I've been able to hunt the mountain more this week and it brings back memories of 30 years ago when I hunted it hard. No luck with the turkeys although I've seen a couple of bears and heard plenty of whippoorwills.


Anyone know?

I hope everyone has a great day.

Do you ever hunt ginseng?
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Man people now-a-days TALK TOO MUCH....

Just on and on and on saying things that could be stated in seconds take many minutes now. Just a bad habit in my book.... Happened in the service today as several were given the time to talk about experiences witnessing and missions they've been on....(Pre-recorded) Read part of Roman's 10 but the correlation is still suspect in my mind... (I know, this paragraph ran long...) 🥺
Good Sunday morning everyone!

The turkey hunting is winding down. I've been able to hunt the mountain more this week and it brings back memories of 30 years ago when I hunted it hard. No luck with the turkeys although I've seen a couple of bears and heard plenty of whippoorwills.


Anyone know?

I hope everyone has a great day.
Ran into around 18-20 turkey while fishing this morning. There were some at both ponds I visited.
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Had my hole (Whole) team together this past Thursday morning. I called the meeting to state collectively what I stated to each privately at one time or another (Different things to each as I thought they needed it.) I do not think several believed what I stated privately to them until I collectively stated it publicly in front of all, along with calling several out. (They just do not know me but they are learning, what you see is what you get...)

This team needed that due to the loss of their long time mentor and lead. I am just a bystander.... I perceived the need to do what I did...

It was about a 12 minute meeting....

Of course, they kicked me out of the office Friday so, there's that... A real confidence breaker... ;)

(Oh, an edit: Not a clunker on my team but some need better confidence. Hence the call out...)
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Do you ever hunt ginseng?
The year that my dad died (1975) he sold $2,500 of ginseng. Dad, born 1902, was a product of the 19th century. He knew woodcraft as well as Daniel Boone. He could find dry land fish at distance and never missed ginseng out in the woods.

My dad was a good Baptist Deacon who would never even utter the word darn as it was too close to damn and he would never lie; however, if you ask him where he found his dry land fish or ginseng he would never tell you, just change the subject of the conversation.

Plus my dad believed in the healing products of ginseng. He kept a bunch of it to eat. It is not a pleasant experience to chew on dried ginseng but it worked for my dad. Ginseng would juice him up. The day he died he could run circles around me and he was 44 years older than me, he just had a bad vein in his brain and died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Edd was special and he knew where the dry land fish and ginseng was.

This is the Sunday before the week he died:
He won an MVP with the Pirates and came in second a couple of years later with the Cards. The Pirates and Yankees had agreed on a trade (Groat for Maris) and one team (forget which) backed out at the last minute.
My tired old brain was partially faulty on this memory. I fact checked myself and here is the complete story if you want to read it.

Only a wuss would corrupt coffee with wuss stuff like coconut milk............................


I thought that too Sir. I even called myself one a couple times as I poured it in... What can I say... I kept pouring.. Found the stuff on sale too. Bought nine or twelve cans of it. I will be a wuss till then. Will probably tire of it too but I will then be a reformed wuss... 😁 🤫
@Sawnee Cat I had forgotten your wife was from Estill Co. I threaten to go to the Mushroom Festival every year but never make the drive. Also, Estill Co. use to absolutely destroy my HS (Mercer Co) football team every year late 70's/early 80's.

@BBUK Yes, I hunted ginseng (and yellowroot, bloodroot, etc). My FIL taught me and I haven't really dug any since he passed away in 97. I have seen some ginseng while out turkey hunting.

@warrior-cat I'm glad someone is seeing turkeys. We (my wife and I w/ 75 years experience) haven't done very good. But no big deal. I hope to get to the lake later this week.

@Bert Higginbotha Awesome about your Dad. Sounds like we would have a lot in common. Do you still have the gun he's packing?
Good Morning D

May 1st already. 68° with clear skies and no chance of rain today. It will climb to 79° by this afternoon. The winds have calmed down. They were really refreshing over the weekend and steady with gusts.

Trust all are well and have a good day. We get some strange ones down here. But they spend their money and most go back up North

Good morning folks.

Back from my quick trip to Northern Kentucky. It was a great wedding. My parents, all my siblings, all three of my kids and two grandkids, every niece and nephew except one made it, along with quite a few assorted cousins and family friends. I wish I could have stayed a week, but back to work this morning.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.


48° this morning with light winds and a high expected to be in the low 70's.

Regular workout shortly and then on to my student later this morning. Have an appointment with the oral surgeon later this afternoon to see how well the implant bases are doing.

Vandy swept the Cats yesterday. Cats had a 1 run lead going into the bottom of the 9th and could not hold it. We will definitely slide in the rankings this week.

Not much else for a Monday folks so go slow to start the week (especially you BBUK, too much work lately) and God Bless.