
The memories of the DC subway. When people would visit us, I would take them to the station and teach them how it worked and which lines to get on. The DC subway system is pretty solid if you know where you're going.

Have a good trip to Istanbul. Stay safe.

Had my fill of the VRE and Metro service though I'd use them again. Just not a desire though I did tell my Grandson I would take him for a train ride.
Taxes. My wife and I almost got our taxes (Refund vs Owe) between Fed and State to be Zero. We just missed it by around $18. So close.
That's pretty unbelievable - unless your total taxes were under $200. I aim for expected on Ky and like owing $500 on Fed. I typically do well, but this year got $1200 back on Fed & owed KY $1600. No idea how I did the latter. We pay it all in Nov. from IRA's.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and clear. Today's high of 77°F expected with mostly sunny skies.

Yeah, chemo unexpected yesterday. So far, so good, knock on wood. Treatment sessions scheduled again today and tomorrow at 1 pm.

Wishing all a great day.

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Good morning D-League. Up a little early today and heading for the subway. Not quite daylight in the east but a cool clear day.

Hoping for good news for the basketball team today. It’d be nice to start having a clearer idea about next year’s team.

Woke up thinking about a guy named Michael Kelly, a journalist who I was friends with —not close but id known him for years and knew his family. He had two children -boys-almost exactly the age of my daughter and son. He was killed 20 years ago this week outside Baghdad. Again, we weren’t close but he’s always stayed in my mind along with a few other friends and colleagues lost there as a symbol of the tragedy of all that.

Not much happening yet, so I’ll check in later. Have a good day.
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Good Morning all

59° with a very very pleasant constant breeze of of the Gulf of Mexico. It will hit 81° by this afternoon. The pool temperature is 84°

Been very busy for about the last week or so and just now catching up. We spent most of the past couple of days addressing the local County Commissioners regarding a huge planned development not far from me that will dramatically impact the lifestyle of many.

When you have a very vibrant state economy, live in a state where the Governor and State Legislature allow personal freedom and the schools are focused on teaching education and not indoctrination, thousands of people come and many relocate. That is happening at an overwhelming rate. From California to New York they are coming and they need homes and shopping areas. The jobs are plentiful.

So increased population brings issues and when you live in an area where the environment is fragile and waters pure and clean you have to be on top of what is happening because Developers are concerned with one thing. The Dollar Bill.

I think our presentations before the Commissioners was received warmly and we probably saved the Weeki Wachee River which if vital for our area. So good news there.

Prayers continue for Austin as he shows tremendous courage and is an inspiration to all of us. God bless,



51° this morning with moderate winds. Today will be sunny with the high to be in the mid 70's.

Was sitting in the back yard chilling on the grass (wife and daughter too) yesterday evening with the temp around 74° and partly cloudy. Our 4 dogs and 3 cats were all out there running around chasing a couple of birds who tried to land in the yard. My wife looked at the scene and said it looked like an episode of Animal Kingdom. My daughter was making loud screeching noises by using a blade of grass that she slips between her two thumbs while clasping her hands together keeping the blade taught and blowing on it with some force. I taught her and my BIL how to do it a couple of weekends ago and she has been practicing every day since. My wife looks at me and says: "Now look what you've started". I said: "Well now it sounds like the Animal Kingdom". Ahhh, it's the simple things that I like the best.

All of you who are grinding it today remember, It's Hump Day!

Have great day and God Bless.
You guys don't follow the Cardinals, but several like baseball. Jordon Walker is a much hyped Cardinal. He could tie a Ted Williams record today with a base hit.

Baseball is the buzz down here with the Rays starting the season at 11-0. So last night I decided to tune in and watch a game. It was very enjoyable and I like the new speed up the game rule. The game flows without a lot of dead time. Big improvement.

The Rays are an interesting franchise. They may have the cheapest salaries of any team, they play in one of the oldest stadiums, yet they win, win and are a good solid team. A few years ago the Rays demanded the area build them a new stadium and they were turned down. They threatened to leave but we knew it was a threat. The reasoning for turning them down was if they can pay individual players millions they do not need tax payer money.
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Good morning folks. Very sunny today. Blinding, in fact, through the windows of the subway. We’ll be underground soon.

My daughter got back from a spring break trip to Athens and Cairo. She caught the traveling traveling bug from her mother and me.

We’re taking a trip beginning this weekend to Istanbul. I was through there a couple times in my younger days but never got to see the tourist stuff. My wife wanted to go, so we’re off for a week.

Meantime, lots of work to get ahead of. Hope you all have a good day.
Have a great trip to Istanbul. It is one of my favorite cities. We last visited in 2014 and Turkey was still a secular state and very friendly to tourist. We stayed in Turkey a few weeks and also went over to Patmos for a long day trip. Lots of good memories and fabulous scenery. I was amazed at the cotton fields and miles of citrus groves. I thought I was back in Florida of the 1950's.

Istanbul is a massive city and spread out for many, many miles. I was very impressed, have a good trip.
Good morning everyone.

The trip to the dermatologist was as expected. I had about 10 spots burned (frozen) yesterday and my wife 2. The Doc jokes all the time that she has practically raised me. I had my first skin cancer 32 years ago while in my 20's. I started going to her almost 30 years ago. I think she is 5-10 years older than me (I don't ask). She has been good to me.

Turkey season begins Sat. I sure don't hunt as hard as I did in the past, but I'll still get out there and enjoy the time in the woods. I'll be going to the lake Sunday and I'll be hunting in the morning and fishing at night. I'll be wore out, but love it.


I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and clear. Today's high of 77°F expected with mostly sunny skies.

Yeah, chemo unexpected yesterday. So far, so good, knock on wood. Treatment sessions scheduled again today and tomorrow at 1 pm.

Wishing all a great day.

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They didn't render properly. They look like pastries and no grill cheese I ever ate. 😁 (I'd eat one of those though...)

Bless you brother ATXC
Have a great trip to Istanbul. It is one of my favorite cities. We last visited in 2014 and Turkey was still a secular state and very friendly to tourist. We stayed in Turkey a few weeks and also went over to Patmos for a long day trip. Lots of good memories and fabulous scenery. I was amazed at the cotton fields and miles of citrus groves. I thought I was back in Florida of the 1950's.

Istanbul is a massive city and spread out for many, many miles. I was very impressed, have a good trip.
Thanks Sawnee. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to the trip. I wish we could stay more than a week and see more areas of the country. Maybe if I manage to retire before I fall completely apart.

The Hagia Sophia turns up on some of the many lists of Wonders of the World. I’d like to check off as many of those —from whatever list —as I can while still more or less mentally sound.
Good morning all,

Working from home my first time in this joint. Not a bad gig. We shall see how the day progresses. Construction going on outside my window but it was expected. Still building this neighborhood.

I am thankful and plan to bug at you all hard today as time permits. Have a great day but remember, I am watching... 😁😬😍
Thanks Sawnee. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to the trip. I wish we could stay more than a week and see more areas of the country. Maybe if I manage to retire before I fall completely apart.

The Hagia Sophia turns up on some of the many lists of Wonders of the World. I’d like to check off as many of those —from whatever list —as I can while still more or less mentally sound.

Oh, no you didn't.... A stretch at best... but jmusao
Good morning from ATX. Currently 56°F and clear. Expecting sunny skies with a 78°F high.

Two down, one to go. Another day of chemo in the books. Started at 1 pm, completed before 2:30 pm yesterday. So far, so good, knock on wood. Leaving a bit early for treatment today because traveling by bus.

Wishing all an outstanding Thursday.



57° this morning with light winds. High in the low 80's with sunny skies and moderate winds.

Have my first cardiologist appointment ever this morning at 0900. Took them this long since my chest pains of 2 March for an appointment. Imagine what it would be like under universal healthcare.

Not much else going on other than hoping the Bat Cats get back on track tonight.

Reds lose again...

Well, it's Thursday and one step closer to the weekend so you folks hold steady, and God bless.
God's protection to you both. Had my bouts and am thankful.

Heading inside, there is a storm brewing that I orchestrated. I ask God's wisdom always but need his hand directly involved as I know it will be. Been there done that but I speak/ type it out loud to proclaim it.

Have a great day. Effect someone for the better...
Good morning folks.

Austin, you’ll be in my thoughts today. You got this. Hang in there.

Big day at work today. By late Friday I basically have to have all next week’s work in good shape so I can relax on my trip.

A little clarity on the Cats yesterday. Looks like Dillingham is reliably on board and Ugo is back. I was thinking about this last night: we only really know that two Cats who played much last year are for sure gone —Wallace and Toppin. Wheeler has moved on and Livingston is probably gone, though he kept the door open. Oscar? Fredrick? Hard to say.

I guess we’ll know soon enough.

Back to work. Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning, everyone!

Wow, just an awesome day yesterday. I was able to get plenty of things done around the house, yard, in-laws old place (both gone now) and still had time to sit down for some patio time before supper. Plenty of birds, butterflies, bees etc were active yesterday. We saw our first hummingbird visit our feeders yesterday, checked on the bluebird nest (they have at least 3 eggs), Carolina Wren is again nesting just outside our patio door, and saw more butterflies than I ever remember. Today should be nearly the same.

Lots of news on the who's going to be on the B-ball team yesterday. I didn't see any of it until this morning. Has there been any info about Thiero? I would have thought he would have been one of the first.

Prayers for those that need them (everyone) and I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and clear. Today's high of 77°F expected with mostly sunny skies.

Yeah, chemo unexpected yesterday. So far, so good, knock on wood. Treatment sessions scheduled again today and tomorrow at 1 pm.

Wishing all a great day.

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Nothing like a good grilled cheese and bowl of soup, however every time someone post something good to eat, the reply is there is nothing like a so and so.. I have a bunch of "there's nothing likes" LOL
Good morning from ATX. Currently 56°F and clear. Expecting sunny skies with a 78°F high.

Two down, one to go. Another day of chemo in the books. Started at 1 pm, completed before 2:30 pm yesterday. So far, so good, knock on wood. Leaving a bit early for treatment today because traveling by bus.

Wishing all an outstanding Thursday.

Best to you my friend.
It is a stunning beautiful day in my part of the state with 75° as we creep up to lower 80's. The sun is bright and the sky is clear and blue.

But South of us the rain is falling with monsoon conditions. Miami - Ft Lauderdale had 25 inches of rain since yesterday. I heard a tourist being interviewed on the radio and he said he was driving when suddenly he could not see an inch out of his windshield. He somehow got off to the shoulder of the road and sit there for four hours, not seeing a thing out of his car windows. Yes Virginia, we do get a little rain down here.

Nothing like a good grilled cheese and bowl of soup, however every time someone post something good to eat, the reply is there is nothing like a so and so.. I have a bunch of "there's nothing likes" LOL
Has to be cream of tomato. But yes. Two of the things that makes being Catholic on Fridays in Lent. Tuna salad being another.
Good morning, everyone!

Wow, just an awesome day yesterday. I was able to get plenty of things done around the house, yard, in-laws old place (both gone now) and still had time to sit down for some patio time before supper. Plenty of birds, butterflies, bees etc were active yesterday. We saw our first hummingbird visit our feeders yesterday, checked on the bluebird nest (they have at least 3 eggs), Carolina Wren is again nesting just outside our patio door, and saw more butterflies than I ever remember. Today should be nearly the same.

Lots of news on the who's going to be on the B-ball team yesterday. I didn't see any of it until this morning. Has there been any info about Thiero? I would have thought he would have been one of the first.

Prayers for those that need them (everyone) and I hope everyone has a great day.
Checked our bluebird box yesterday, the lady bluebird has 6 eggs. The blue birds don't like any other bird around, I watched them terrorize a starling, I just hope it didn't get in there and lay a couple eggs! Going to check it again later and see if there are any large baby birds in there.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F and clear. Today's high expected around 78°F. Slight rain chance possible later today.

According to scroll along bottom of screen, Fort Lauderdale received a "historic storm" yesterday. Wow. Thoughts and prayers sent.

Side-effects from chemo appear minimal thus far, knock on wood. Nurses say many patients develop higher tolerance to drugs over time. Stay tuned.

Busy day ahead. Happy Friday, y'all.
