
Good morning D-League. It's currently 38° and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 71°.

Have a great day.

Good morning D-League.

Another beautiful day in the east. April has not disappointed. The weekend was perfect, if you like it just a little cool, as I do.

This'll be a week of sweating out moves by the basketball Cats. Looking at last year's timing, and the clues scattered around, we may know what's up with Oscar and Ugo by the end of this week.

Too bad Kentucky is mostly locked out of the transfer portal with five freshmen who, given Cal's track record for playing them, probably scare off guards who don't want to transfer into a program to sit behind Wagner, Dillingham and even Sheppard. Ah well. About half of transfers end up being fool's gold. We remember the winners from that process and forget the guys who transferred and then were average. But it does change the sport in ways that make it less and less worth following.

Need to get to work. I hope all is well with you folks.
Morning folks. I spent the weekend with my kids at my daughters house.

My daughter is back home this morning because a shooting in downtown Louisville. She is a Regional VP for Humana and the shooting was across the street in, I think, a bank.

It is sunny and 55.2°F on our way to 71°F.

You all have a great Monday.
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Look for the speakers! :)

Getting worried Sir. I know they were quarantined in a certain smaller type box/ bag BUT, I had my work docking station in that box/ bag as well. The speakers are good but I have had them some 15 or more years and they are on the cheaper scale but sure worked for me. I just remember the box by those speakers. I sure would like the opportunity to wear them out though...

(Searching right after I hit save...)
Getting worried Sir. I know they were quarantined in a certain smaller type box/ bag BUT, I had my work docking station in that box/ bag as well. The speakers are good but I have had them some 15 or more years and they are on the cheaper scale but sure worked for me. I just remember the box by those speakers. I sure would like the opportunity to wear them out though...

(Searching right after I hit save...)
15 year old stuff is usually better than the new stuff. My surround sound in 23 years old and it is better than most new stuff you can buy.

Find those old speakers!

I found them, I found them!!! My very own speakers!!!


Don't say it, You can think it but don't say it! That is my youngest daughters shoe.

My speakers and docking station... (Right next to my new garbage can, actually behind my new garbage can...)


I found this also...... I finally EARNED it!!! (By posting that second picture... Yeah, that took some uncommon valor on my part. As Stumpy would have stated; "Nothing but Guts!")


15 year old stuff is usually better than the new stuff. My surround sound in 23 years old and it is better than most new stuff you can buy.

Find those old speakers!
I'm still using a pair of Klipsch Chorus II speakers for my front L/R. Purchased in 1989 and I won't replace them until they completely die which could be another 30+ years.
My niece has been working overtime covering the shooting today here in Louisville at a local bank. Another shooting at Jefferson Community College too. Why just yesterday she hosted the family Easter celebration. I hid 65 eggs for the kids annual hunt. What a difference a day makes. So sad.


49° this morning with a high in the mid 70's expected. Moderate winds with a possibility of a stray Thunderstorm or two.

Back to the normal workout routine and teaching my student today. Oral surgeon did not want me exerting myself for a week. Speaking of oral surgeon, the vet removed three teeth from the old girl yesterday but said she is in pretty good health otherwise for being over 12 years old. She's a trooper.

Ashcraft threw well for the Reds last night but to no avail. Reds lost it in the bottom of the tenth with a Braves walk off home run.

Well, got to go for now, prayers for the families of those who were killed and injured in yesterday's shooting and prayers for Austin as he continues to battle his ailment.

Good day and God Bless.
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Good morning folks. Very sunny today. Blinding, in fact, through the windows of the subway. We’ll be underground soon.

My daughter got back from a spring break trip to Athens and Cairo. She caught the traveling traveling bug from her mother and me.

We’re taking a trip beginning this weekend to Istanbul. I was through there a couple times in my younger days but never got to see the tourist stuff. My wife wanted to go, so we’re off for a week.

Meantime, lots of work to get ahead of. Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning folks. Very sunny today. Blinding, in fact, through the windows of the subway. We’ll be underground soon.

My daughter got back from a spring break trip to Athens and Cairo. She caught the traveling traveling bug from her mother and me.

We’re taking a trip beginning this weekend to Istanbul. I was through there a couple times in my younger days but never got to see the tourist stuff. My wife wanted to go, so we’re off for a week.

Meantime, lots of work to get ahead of. Hope you all have a good day.
Safe travels and enjoy.
Good morning folks. Very sunny today. Blinding, in fact, through the windows of the subway. We’ll be underground soon.

My daughter got back from a spring break trip to Athens and Cairo. She caught the traveling traveling bug from her mother and me.

We’re taking a trip beginning this weekend to Istanbul. I was through there a couple times in my younger days but never got to see the tourist stuff. My wife wanted to go, so we’re off for a week.

Meantime, lots of work to get ahead of. Hope you all have a good day.
Spent 18 months in Turkey, but mostly in the Izmir area. Safe travels.
Spent 18 months in Turkey, but mostly in the Izmir area. Safe travels.
Yeah, I recall a couple of your stories about Turkey Bernie. And thanks.

I've been to Turkey a couple times - passing through to Northern Iraq.

My big Turkish disappointment: In 2003, as the Iraq invasion was being planned, I got myself embedded with a group of combat engineers out of Fort Hood who were part of a task force that was going to race into Iraq the first day of the March invasion and capture the oil fields around Abril and down as far as Kirkuk before the Iraqis could destroy them as in Kuwait, 1991. It promised to be one of the big stories in the early days of the war, while most American forces would be grinding up from Kuwait.

But, as some of you will recall, the Turkish legislature vetoed the staging of US forces out of their country. The group I was with re-routed to Kuwait and I ended up attached initially to the 4th ID, then to the 101st Airborne, led by the golden boy himself David Petraeus. I ended up passing through Baghdad, Taji, Balad, Tikrit and then on up to Mosul. I got to know Petraeus enough that I was among the least surprised when he got busted later for shagging that woman writing a book about him. I admired Ray Odierno, another American commander I ended up spending time with, much more.
Yeah, I recall a couple of your stories about Turkey Bernie. And thanks.

I've been to Turkey a couple times - passing through to Northern Iraq.

My big Turkish disappointment: In 2003, as the Iraq invasion was being planned, I got myself embedded with a group of combat engineers out of Fort Hood who were part of a task force that was going to race into Iraq the first day of the March invasion and capture the oil fields around Abril and down as far as Kirkuk before the Iraqis could destroy them as in Kuwait, 1991. It promised to be one of the big stories in the early days of the war, while most American forces would be grinding up from Kuwait.

But, as some of you will recall, the Turkish legislature vetoed the staging of US forces out of their country. The group I was with re-routed to Kuwait and I ended up attached initially to the 4th ID, then to the 101st Airborne, led by the golden boy himself David Petraeus. I ended up passing through Baghdad, Taji, Balad, Tikrit and then on up to Mosul. I got to know Petraeus enough that I was among the least surprised when he got busted later for shagging that woman writing a book about him. I admired Ray Odierno, another American commander I ended up spending time with, much more.
Unless I am confused, my cousin was the 1st sergeant for Petraeus about that time. You may have seen him.
Good morning everyone.

Off to the dermatologist today. She's probably going to light me up. I just hope for no biopsies or surgeries. Those aren't really an issue either, but don't want to have to make the extra trip/trips.

I sure love spring time and so far keeping up with the needed mowing/weedeating.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Unless I am confused, my cousin was the 1st sergeant for Petraeus about that time. You may have seen him.
I may have Bernie. I hung around his HQ for a few days in late April, 2003. He had a good staff, and they treated me well. Here's a happy snap I made around that time of The G'nrul playing viceroy with prominent Iraqis. I believe the Iraqi to be Nouri al-Maliki, who soon after became the prime minister. But I'm not sure. If you are in contact with your cousin, this might jog his memory.

There was a man who was named after a dog. His iconic lore fills rooms and volumes of print, media, television, re-runs, classics and anything else you can imagine...

His fame is such that not even Presidents compare in so many ways for this man IS Americana...

He resembles any remarks that embody patriotism and the American Spirit.

Where his name is mentioned you think of toughness, integrity, honor, fortitude, and every other adjective one can imagine or conjure that is about good...

He was tough in the movies and real life. He was as genuine as can be imagined in an industry that actually scorned him ....unless... they needed something from him or wanted his association to help them advance... he was color-blind toward people and wanted to be around people that sought after good when it wasn't cool. While I typed this off-the-cuff, every word about this person is true and so many more are worthy to be written about this true American Hero, though he never served his country in military service, it was not due to his willingness to serve but a physical defect, still, he carried this country when it needed carrying... His shoulders WERE broad enough...

The thing many do not know is his nickname, his monikers origin was not what you'd ever think in a million years.... The diminutive puppy/ dog was this true American Hero's true legacy concerning his iconic name.................

You know him as John Wayne (Marion Michael/ Robert Morrison), and his puppy he was named after.... Duke....

Now you know the rest of the story... -ala... P. Harvey

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Good morning folks. Very sunny today. Blinding, in fact, through the windows of the subway. We’ll be underground soon.

My daughter got back from a spring break trip to Athens and Cairo. She caught the traveling traveling bug from her mother and me.

We’re taking a trip beginning this weekend to Istanbul. I was through there a couple times in my younger days but never got to see the tourist stuff. My wife wanted to go, so we’re off for a week.

Meantime, lots of work to get ahead of. Hope you all have a good day.
The memories of the DC subway. When people would visit us, I would take them to the station and teach them how it worked and which lines to get on. The DC subway system is pretty solid if you know where you're going.

Have a good trip to Istanbul. Stay safe.