
@Sawnee Cat perhaps you can answer this question for me. Watching Swamp People: Serpent Invasion (It's filmed in Florida), they catch Burmese pythons rather than just blasting them dead. Is there a reason for that? I'd put a 410 barrel next to their head and end it right then but they grab and bag the serpents and keep them alive. Just curious if you knew why since you're down there.

They are ALL Cobras....kill the dasturbs....
Oh, got moved in. Got temporary curtains hung in our bedroom. My Darling and I slept in our own bed. Felt good.

Still much to do. I hope I can get our RO installed late today.

Old house still being worked on but trending in the right direction. Also already have it leased. Again I am thankful....


39° this morning with moderate winds. High to be in the mid 60's

Reds-Cubs rained out yesterday and it looks like they will be rained out at Philly today. The Cats don't play again until tomorrow so...

Wife took off today to take our daughter to the Hilton in Lawton this morning for her first session of her ACT's. I told her I could do it, but she said that I was not supposed to be driving or anything like that since I was on this pain medication (Hydrocodone) from the oral surgery on Monday. I told her that I quit taking it on Tuesday. She then said it was no wonder I was waking up just past midnight Wed and 02:30 this morning. Maybe.

I don't like taking pain medications or meds in general and will stop as soon as the pain becomes bearable. The one thing I will say though about the BP meds is that when I take it at night it has made me a light weight when I drink alcohol. Most nights, I don't even finish my drink before passing out on the couch. Wife wakes me up to go to bed so, my waking up so early now has a lot to do with going to sleep earlier on the couch.

Well, need to get my daughter up now as she will be leaving at 0800 to go to the Hilton.

You folks enjoy your day and God Bless you all.
Good morning all,

Sitting in the oncology waiting room at the DC VA. Already had my blood tests and saw the doctor. Just waiting to drop a pint. (That takes about 7 minutes once it starts, then will be on my way to work.) Some give the VA some bad reviews and they may be deserved in some instances. I've been coming to this place since December of 2016. Never an issue I've seen if you're on time.

I am thankful. Should be at work much earlier than I thought.🙂

Have a great day!
Only went once to the VA and that was back in 1998 and waited for 5-6 hours to been seen for a bad rash on the instep of my right foot. 5 minute or so diagnosis and a tube of foot cream cured me of the VA. Never went back. Heard it has gotten better, and my wife wants me to use it now, but from what I understand you need a VA ID now to get in. Don't have one of those yet and really probably won't get one. I have Tricare for life and Medicare now so, that covers all of my medical cost.
@Sawnee Cat perhaps you can answer this question for me. Watching Swamp People: Serpent Invasion (It's filmed in Florida), they catch Burmese pythons rather than just blasting them dead. Is there a reason for that? I'd put a 410 barrel next to their head and end it right then but they grab and bag the serpents and keep them alive. Just curious if you knew why since you're down there.
I am with you on the CatinIL, My shot gun would be right by my side. I don't have an answer as to why these python hunters don't use firearms. I do know it is legal to hunt and kill them all year long without a permit or hunting license. The method of catching them by hand without the use of a firearm is not something I want to do at my age. You pretty much have to catch them behind their heads and I will pass on that. They are not poisonous but I understand they will bite and cause a lot of damage.

These devils are not native to our state and fortunately we don't have them around here. I live quite a distance from the everglades. But I keep my shot gun handy just in case. They tell me some people hunt these things full time and make a pretty good living doing it.

Good morning D

Should be another nice day with a temperature of 72° as we creep up to 90° for the first time in 2023. I will take it.

My wife and I are going to enjoy a nice afternoon on the Gulf of Mexico, probably head out to Anclote Island and raise a glass in celebration of our 56th. We are blessed.

I trust you enjoy your day and stay safe out there. Especially those riding on the subways. I rode a subway once in New York City but that was long ago. I doubt I ever do it again.

Good morning D

Should be another nice day with a temperature of 72° as we creep up to 90° for the first time in 2023. I will take it.

My wife and I are going to enjoy a nice afternoon on the Gulf of Mexico, probably head out to Anclote Island and raise a glass in celebration of our 56th. We are blessed.

I trust you enjoy your day and stay safe out there. Especially those riding on the subways. I rode a subway once in New York City but that was long ago. I doubt I ever do it again.

Happy Anniversary to Mr. and. MRS. SC, AKA SC!!!
Good morning all,

Sitting in the oncology waiting room at the DC VA. Already had my blood tests and saw the doctor. Just waiting to drop a pint. (That takes about 7 minutes once it starts, then will be on my way to work.) Some give the VA some bad reviews and they may be deserved in some instances. I've been coming to this place since December of 2016. Never an issue I've seen if you're on time.

I am thankful. Should be at work much earlier than I thought.🙂

Have a great day!
Best of luck.


39° this morning with moderate winds. High to be in the mid 60's

Reds-Cubs rained out yesterday and it looks like they will be rained out at Philly today. The Cats don't play again until tomorrow so...

Wife took off today to take our daughter to the Hilton in Lawton this morning for her first session of her ACT's. I told her I could do it, but she said that I was not supposed to be driving or anything like that since I was on this pain medication (Hydrocodone) from the oral surgery on Monday. I told her that I quit taking it on Tuesday. She then said it was no wonder I was waking up just past midnight Wed and 02:30 this morning. Maybe.

I don't like taking pain medications or meds in general and will stop as soon as the pain becomes bearable. The one thing I will say though about the BP meds is that when I take it at night it has made me a light weight when I drink alcohol. Most nights, I don't even finish my drink before passing out on the couch. Wife wakes me up to go to bed so, my waking up so early now has a lot to do with going to sleep earlier on the couch.

Well, need to get my daughter up now as she will be leaving at 0800 to go to the Hilton.

You folks enjoy your day and God Bless you all.
I had some stuff fall on me last summer and cracked a rib. The doc prescribed hydrocodone. I took one and it made me feel bad, but when time was due, took another one. It made me terribly sick and throwing up. I decided to just deal with the pain.
Best of luck.

Thanks Sir,

All went well this trip. They only send me to the oncology department because that is where they take the blood. So far so good. They test me pretty well every three months. My body does not get rid of iron so they take a pint to remove it.

Many don't know they have what I have... It can be a killer...

Heading into work, the only day this week...
I am with you on the CatinIL, My shot gun would be right by my side. I don't have an answer as to why these python hunters don't use firearms. I do know it is legal to hunt and kill them all year long without a permit or hunting license. The method of catching them by hand without the use of a firearm is not something I want to do at my age. You pretty much have to catch them behind their heads and I will pass on that. They are not poisonous but I understand they will bite and cause a lot of damage.

These devils are not native to our state and fortunately we don't have them around here. I live quite a distance from the everglades. But I keep my shot gun handy just in case. They tell me some people hunt these things full time and make a pretty good living doing it.

Thanks for the reply SC. Maybe they catch them alive for TV or perhaps it's better to keep them alive if they plan on skinning them.
Good morning everyone.

I feel much better today. It's amazing what a good night of sleep can do for you. We were supposed to go on a group hike today to a new spot but the weather forecast put a stop to it. However, it turned out to be a great morning to hike.

I really need to quit watching the roster decisions. Who knows who will or won't be on the team next year.

@Sawnee Cat Happy Anniversary! You've got about 20 years on us.

I hope everyone has a great day.
And MDW, the traffic from Frederick, MD to DC was a pain in the rear.. I loved the Frederick area but the commute in and out on 270 stunk.
I lived in Eldersburg, MD and the commute to the train/subway station was a pain in the ass; however, I worked in downtown Baltimore. In fact our offices were up the street from Camden yards, the baseball park was built on CSX property. Camden Yards were the old B&O rail yards.

The best part of retirement was moving to a town that does not even have a red light. Our only traffic jams is halloween. That is progress.
Only went once to the VA and that was back in 1998 and waited for 5-6 hours to been seen for a bad rash on the instep of my right foot. 5 minute or so diagnosis and a tube of foot cream cured me of the VA. Never went back. Heard it has gotten better, and my wife wants me to use it now, but from what I understand you need a VA ID now to get in. Don't have one of those yet and really probably won't get one. I have Tricare for life and Medicare now so, that covers all of my medical cost.
My son has Tricare and he likes it also. He works for Norton's Healthcare group and he prefers Tricare to what they offer.
Only went once to the VA and that was back in 1998 and waited for 5-6 hours to been seen for a bad rash on the instep of my right foot. 5 minute or so diagnosis and a tube of foot cream cured me of the VA. Never went back. Heard it has gotten better, and my wife wants me to use it now, but from what I understand you need a VA ID now to get in. Don't have one of those yet and really probably won't get one. I have Tricare for life and Medicare now so, that covers all of my medical cost.
Rather than hiring 85,000 more IRS agents, perhaps the Gov. could hire more people for the VA so veterans like yourself don't have to put up with that kind of BS. I burns me up when I hear about VA horror stories.
I had some stuff fall on me last summer and cracked a rib. The doc prescribed hydrocodone. I took one and it made me feel bad, but when time was due, took another one. It made me terribly sick and throwing up. I decided to just deal with the pain.
Yeah, they also prescribed some anti-nausea pills to go with it. All they want to do these days is medicate you for your ailment and then medicate you some more for the side effects of the first medication and then medicate you again for that medication and then...I know 3 people from my last job who carried a small bag of pills with them to work and would take these pills periodically throughout the day. Walking pharmacies is what I call them.
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Good morning D

Should be another nice day with a temperature of 72° as we creep up to 90° for the first time in 2023. I will take it.

My wife and I are going to enjoy a nice afternoon on the Gulf of Mexico, probably head out to Anclote Island and raise a glass in celebration of our 56th. We are blessed.

I trust you enjoy your day and stay safe out there. Especially those riding on the subways. I rode a subway once in New York City but that was long ago. I doubt I ever do it again.

Congrats to the 56 years as a couple. You have now caught up with Bert & Sherry!
Good morning D-League. We currently 53° and a light rain here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring occasional rain showers and a high 57°.

Have a great day.

Probably mentioned this already, but we were there last Fall.

What made me sick was when I learned that the Parthenon stood early intact for 2000 years till the Venetians & Ottomans were in a war in the 1600's. Venetians were using it for gunpowder storage & the Otts blew it up, destroying over half of the P. Dang shame. Lots of stupidity on both sides. Probably would still be in good shape today otherwise. Greeks slowly restoring as much as they can.
I had some stuff fall on me last summer and cracked a rib. The doc prescribed hydrocodone. I took one and it made me feel bad, but when time was due, took another one. It made me terribly sick and throwing up. I decided to just deal with the pain.
When I had my hip surgery they made me get FIVE levels of pain meds the weekend before, so I could climb the drug tree up to Oxycodone.

In the end, I felt I could manage without taking anything, and I never did with the exception of a mild anti-inflammatory my physical therapist asked me to take to get greater range of motion in my rehabbing sessions.

The medical community grotesquely over-prescribes pain meds still -- even after the Opioid Scandal left tens of thousands dead.
We enjoyed a midmorning, afternoon trip on the Gulf of Mexico and a super nice seafood meal at Rusty Bellies, one of the better seafood restaurants at the sponge docks. They have their own very large shrimp boat and bring back some beauties. The boat got in during last night and were fresh as you can get. All the hush puppies you could eat and grouper bites as an appetizer. Worth the trip down there.

When we were on the Anclote a nice lady gave me and my wife a Lightning Whelk. This is an edible species and has a left-handed or sinistral shell. The lady told me a couple of interesting things about the shell. It is the State Sea Shell of Texas and it was valued by the Seminole Indians in Florida and used in trade or barter. She said as many as 300 have been found in Kentucky and they got there through Indian tribes trading them. They must have had some value.

She gave my wife another shell called the Olive Sea Shell and that was used by the Seminoles in courtship. If a Seminole male wanted to marry a Seminole maiden he would ask her and if she agreed she would give him an olive shell and he would wear it around his neck. The Seminole Indians did not have same sex marriage. A little local history for the D League.

Lightning Whelk Shell


Olive Sea Shell

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The area of Tarpon Springs and the Anclote River has some very old and interesting history. St Augustine is recognzied as the Oldest Town in America, founded in 1565 but the area of the Anclote appeared on Spanish maps as far back as 1545. It was discovered by Spanish in early 1500 but the Spanish were not as successful and treated like they were in St Augustine. St Augustine's marketing people were able to convince history books they were the first but that is not true.

The local Indians were the Timucuans and they fought with a deadly deception. They would take conch shells and sharpen the edges. Then tie them to very limber palms. The top was cut off the palm and the conch shell became a missle when they pulled the palms back and released. From a distance they were very colorful in the sun and look like some Indian festival in process. When the Spanish started to come to land they were pelted with these conch shells killing many and driving the rest back to their ships. The Spanish got the heck out of Dodge when those things came flying at their heads. You can see by the image below you could certainly make this very hard shell into a deadly weapon. And the Timucuans did just that. I always heard the Indians on the Gulf side were more vicious than those on the Atlantic side of the state. I guess they proved it when they killed Ponce de Leon..

Had a guy that owns a moving and storage company come by the business and take a tour of the building a couple of hours ago. He wanted to talk price, but I told him the realtor wanted to handle that. He seemed to like the place. I will be surprised if he doesn't make an offer. Fingers crossed.
Good morning D

Should be another nice day with a temperature of 72° as we creep up to 90° for the first time in 2023. I will take it.

My wife and I are going to enjoy a nice afternoon on the Gulf of Mexico, probably head out to Anclote Island and raise a glass in celebration of our 56th. We are blessed.

I trust you enjoy your day and stay safe out there. Especially those riding on the subways. I rode a subway once in New York City but that was long ago. I doubt I ever do it again.

The area of Tarpon Springs and the Anclote River has some very old and interesting history. St Augustine is recognzied as the Oldest Town in America, founded in 1565 but the area of the Anclote appeared on Spanish maps as far back as 1545. It was discovered by Spanish in early 1500 but the Spanish were not as successful and treated like they were in St Augustine. St Augustine's marketing people were able to convince history books they were the first but that is not true.
And the Taos Pueblos were started circa 1350 & Coronado's soldiers found them occupied in 1541. Still lived in.
Heard this noise hitting on the front door & window a couple hours back. Figured once more DW ordered something I didn't know about - like more of her underwear. Nope. Open the door and there's a quite large owl looking up at me. Not at all happy either. What do you about that? Me, I closed the door and 15 minutes later it was gone. I'm guessing he misjudged/was fooled by a reflection and banged into the window & stunned himself. I had never hardly ever seen an owl in the wild and now have seen two up close in 4-5 months.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 49°F and cloudy. Rain chances increasing later this morning. Today's high may max around 53°F. Received lots of rain yesterday.

Except for washer/dryer hook-up and a few touch-ups, kitchen nearly finished. Looks good.


@Sawnee Cat : Belated Happy Anniversary. Wishing y'all many more.

Happy Good Friday, everyone.

Thanks f
Good morning from ATX. Currently 49°F and cloudy. Rain chances increasing later this morning. Today's high may max around 53°F. Received lots of rain yesterday.

Except for washer/dryer hook-up and a few touch-ups, kitchen nearly finished. Looks good.


@Sawnee Cat : Belated Happy Anniversary. Wishing y'all many more.

Happy Good Friday, everyone.

The remodel is really, really nice Austin. It has a convenient layout and is bright like a kitchen should be. I like it.

Thanks to you and all who wished me and my bride a happy 56th anniversary. We appreciate it and are blessed far beyond what we deserve in life.
Thanks Sir,

All went well this trip. They only send me to the oncology department because that is where they take the blood. So far so good. They test me pretty well every three months. My body does not get rid of iron so they take a pint to remove it.

Many don't know they have what I have... It can be a killer...

Heading into work, the only day this week...
My sister has it and goes through the same treatment you do BBUK. Been doing it for many years.