
Good morning everyone.

2 bad nights sleep in a row. Oh well. Not the first time and sure won't be the last.

I didn't watch a single minute of the game last night. It sure has changed from when I watched the entire game no matter who was in it. I guess UConn is legit now.

Although I check in here many mornings before @AustinTXCat makes his initial post I've refrained from posting before him. Surprise! I hope you and everyone else has a great day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 72°F and cloudy. Windy. Today's high expected around 89°F.

And one remained. Bah! Gotta hand it to UConn. Huskies marched right through and won it all.

- Kitchen remodel continues. Marble countertops installed. New fridge and gas stove arriving tomorrow.

- You know when you're pretty far out there on spotting skills if you see a dime at roughly 10 meters (30 feet) and can already identify it. Happened to me yesterday during my 2-mile walk to the grocery store. Crazy.

- @Sawnee Cat : Thank you for the phone call yesterday. Much appreciated.

Wishing all a happy Tuesday.



69° this morning with light winds. 88° expected for the high and sunny. Short lived though since it will be in the mid 40's tonight with low 60's for the high for the rest of the week. I like the cooler weather anyway unless it upsets my fishing. I have to wait until next week before I can go again anyway. Oral Surgeon said no strenuous activity for 7 days. Eh, Sunday will be the 7th day and 78° so...I will be stir crazy by then. Especially with no working out.

Did not watch the title game last night, no interest. With the Bat Cats doing well and Reds season in full swing I am in baseball mode now.

You folks traveling wherever today, (work, visiting, vacation, etc...) stay safe out there and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Bright and sunny in the east. In fact the sun is blinding me as I sit in a subway car at an above ground station.

The Reds are off to a not terrible start. Is .500 a real possibility? That’s the dream high-water mark of Reds fans.

Watched about ten minutes of the b-ball game last night, enough to tell me Calipari faces a dilemma. He can either get about four 23-year-old men in the transfer portal and play them, or get shoved around with his five 18-year oldMcD AAs. And if he does get some men, good luck keeping everyone happy.

Have a good day.
Linda Lee is my favorite Southern poet.

When Old Hands Say Good Bye

I held your hand knowing well
that this would be the day,
this would be the time of life
when you would slip away.
You did not know this day, your last
I prayed you had no pain,
Oh, how I prayed for Holy strength
till we would meet again.
Your kids and grandkids held your hand
and kissed your sleeping eyes,
You never knew the tears that fell
in saying our good-byes
I relived all our memories,
when did we get so old,
the hand I held for 60 years
now grown weak and old.
I whispered how I loved you,
for time was passing fast.
Hospice had warned us all
this day would be your last.
We all stood by and held to you,
we slowly watched you die,
but something in me also left,
when old hands said good bye.


Good morning folks. Bright and sunny in the east. In fact the sun is blinding me as I sit in a subway car at an above ground station.

The Reds are off to a not terrible start. Is .500 a real possibility? That’s the dream high-water mark of Reds fans.

Watched about ten minutes of the b-ball game last night, enough to tell me Calipari faces a dilemma. He can either get about four 23-year-old men in the transfer portal and play them, or get shoved around with his five 18-year oldMcD AAs. And if he does get some men, good luck keeping everyone happy.

Have a good day.
I couldn't watch it. I am afraid college basketball is pretty sick and needs healing. You are right about our Cats. It is exciting getting 5 Mc D All Americans. But they are 18 years old. And most of them just want to get the year over with to get to the NBA. So what do you do? I don't have the answer. Is UConn a Blue Blood now? 5 NCAA Championships in less than 25 years.
I did not watch much of the game last night; however, the handwriting in on the wall: Kentucky's days of dominance are in the past.

Cal, rightly or wrongly, has lost control of our ship and we are sinking as one of the greats.

It is sunny now in Smiths Grove and a very warm, 78 degrees.
So my eight years old inkjet color printer was leaking yellow ink like mad yesterday. I can't figure out how to correct. Down to black only. Shades of gray not preferred for nudes. So ordered an Epson "ecotank" with huge ink tanks. I could be gone before it needs to be refilled. But sick & tired of buying HP cartridges every year or less. Expensive.

Neighbor three doors down had riding lawnmower stolen today - so she thinks. Sent email to all the neighbors. My video doorbell didn't catch anything & I emailed that back. Two hours later two cops show up at door & before they could ask I told them I saw nothing. I didn't realize the neighborhood was so dangerous. Next thing you know coyotes will be attacking dogs. Now that is true. One killed about a month ago.
The lawn mower caper is solved !

Turns out that the-out of-town husband of neighbor who reported it stolen had scheduled it be picked up for service a couple of week earlier & didn't mention it to wife before he left (I mean what guy would ever tell his wife anything about lawn mower stuff?). So when door was open when service folks came by, they just assumed it was done for them and they took it. LOL.

Reminds of years ago (45?) when Mom & Dad were still living in house I grew up in after I was married. Mom calls me all concerned asking if we had come by (We lived 20 miles away.) and left an OLD BRICK under their dining room table. WTH? I said no & then she explained one was there & she was concerned someone had come thru the house - well yea. They flat never locked the front door nor the garage door, so easy enough to do.

We were over a week or so later and she explained that she'd called the neighbors including Dad's daffy, but very nice older sister who lived like 10 houses away. She told Mom that she'd been past the old brewery where Dad had worked all his career that was being torn down. She thought Dad would like a brick as a memento and so picked one up & walked in an left it off - no note, no phone call, odd spot. Mom told Dad and he went nuts (common) yelling, "Damn Norma!". Dad threw it in the garbage. 🤣 🤣 🤣 DW & I laughed ourselves to death & still do.
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Kentucky's days of dominance are in the past.
Don't be so pessimistic Bert. Kentucky didn't win it all between 1959 and 1977. Then after 1978 didn't win it again for nearly another 20 years. Then went 14 years before winning it again. The Cats always come back. We'll enjoy some more days of glory before our days are past.
Don't be so pessimistic Bert. Kentucky didn't win it all between 1959 and 1977. Then after 1978 didn't win it again for nearly another 20 years. Then went 14 years before winning it again. The Cats always come back. We'll enjoy some more days of glory before our days are past.
I'm sure everyone on here knows that 4 of UK's 8 titles came within a 10-year period (1948-1958). 4 titles in 65 years since then. Still better than most but it just goes to show just how hard it is to hang a banner.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F with a slight chance for rain later this morning. High winds expected. Our high may hit 76°F. Rain chances over next three days looking good. We're also at red flag (fire weather) warning.

Wife cleaned out freezer section of old fridge yesterday. Luckily we've got another freezer in a back room. New fridge and gas stove scheduled for delivery sometime today. I'll be so happy when this mess is over.

MLB season back in full swing. Go Braves!

UK Women Gymnastics in Final Eight of NCAA Championships. Will face Oklahoma Sooners in Norman. Go Cats!

Wishing all a Happy Hump Day.

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Good morning everyone!

My new Side x Side tire cost about $90 so not too bad. We walked around town's trail yesterday and before we finished I could feel a nasty cold (I hope) coming on. Caught it from the 2 yr old we babysit. It kicked my butt yesterday afternoon/evening. Couldn't breathe, snorting & sneezing, headaches and body aches. Cold pills bought me about 4 hrs sleep last night and it looks like a repeat for today.

Wildlife Wednesday.

We walked up on this buck Monday after the blowout. He was just starting to grow his antlers back. He sure wasn't afraid of us and fed around for about 5 min before we decided to leave. I haven't looked back through my pics to see if I had one last year of the buck who supplied the shed that got my tire. 4 pts on the one side.

I hope everyone has a great day!



43° this morning with 20-30mph winds (obviously makes it feel colder). The high today may reach 60 with more winds. Tonight, in the mid 30's.

The Cats kept it going last night even though Dayton stuck around for a while. The Reds? Nope, but hopefully they can take the rubber game today at noon. Gives me something early to watch today.

Since the oral surgery I have not taken the monster out for a walk (no strenuous activity for 7 days and walking her is), and she let me know yesterday. While in the back yard she tried to corral me to the gate to go out. I told my daughter we will go out today and she must contain the beast. She (my daughter) sometimes struggles with her because she (the monster) is very strong.

Well, to echo Austin, it is hump day, so you folks still at the grindstone try to enjoy your day and be happy anyway and to everyone- God Bless.
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Good morning D-League.

Beautiful day in the east. And I have the pleasure of the front of the subway car all to myself. That’s because there is some dried yellow substance all over the floor that everyone assumes is bum vomit. I actually believe it is an industrial cleaner they used in the floors allowed to clog. In either case it has no odor and is better than being jammed up like cattle.

Tough work day ahead. Not much to report because I’m getting home these days just about in time to eat and go to bed.

I’ll catch up later.
It is a windy, partly cloudy 77°F here with predicted thunderstorms today. The last three weeks have had wind, wind and more wind.

The lowest TV crowds ever for an NCAA final game. The NCAA needs to make some changes.
You lose a scholarship for every player season that flunks out or leaves before three seasons. Will stop the one & dones.
Good news on the bad knee front: The February gel injections are so working at reducing my pain - low, not gone - that the Phys. Assistant (to Sawbones) thinks they will allow me to well exceed the 6 months minimum time frame for being eligible for another series. Thinks I could go a year. Says some people still getting them three years later. Sure want to avoid a knee replacement.
@Sawnee Cat perhaps you can answer this question for me. Watching Swamp People: Serpent Invasion (It's filmed in Florida), they catch Burmese pythons rather than just blasting them dead. Is there a reason for that? I'd put a 410 barrel next to their head and end it right then but they grab and bag the serpents and keep them alive. Just curious if you knew why since you're down there.
Good morning D-League.

Beautiful day in the east. And I have the pleasure of the front of the subway car all to myself. That’s because there is some dried yellow substance all over the floor that everyone assumes is bum vomit. I actually believe it is an industrial cleaner they used in the floors allowed to clog. In either case it has no odor and is better than being jammed up like cattle.

Tough work day ahead. Not much to report because I’m getting home these days just about in time to eat and go to bed.

I’ll catch up later.
I don't miss working in DC. Great place to visit, but I hated living in that area.
It’s not for everybody CatinIL. But I love it here and wouldn’t live anywhere else.

By the way, I’m just starting a new podcast on my subway rides at night called High Strange. You ever listen to that? Might be up your alley.
Negative. I don't listen to any podcast. Heck, I don't even know how. I have to ask my wife how to do it. [laughing] Let me know how to go about tuning in and I'll try and check it out. It sounds like something that would be fun to listen to while we're traveling, but my wife might give me some strange looks.

It's funny, I used to be fairly tech savvy but over the last 8-10 years, I don't even try to keep up.
Negative. I don't listen to any podcast. Heck, I don't even know how. I have to ask my wife how to do it. [laughing] Let me know how to go about tuning in and I'll try and check it out. It sounds like something that would be fun to listen to while we're traveling, but my wife might give me some strange looks.

It's funny, I used to be fairly tech savvy but over the last 8-10 years, I don't even try to keep up.
As to how, my iPhone has a podcast app and you can search the title “High Strange” and it pops up. I don’t know how you’d do it without a smart phone.

I was up in Frederick a couple weeks ago with my son. We went to a place called Duchess’ Daughter where they put out a hell of a New York strip.
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Negative. I don't listen to any podcast. Heck, I don't even know how. I have to ask my wife how to do it. [laughing] Let me know how to go about tuning in and I'll try and check it out. It sounds like something that would be fun to listen to while we're traveling, but my wife might give me some strange looks.

It's funny, I used to be fairly tech savvy but over the last 8-10 years, I don't even try to keep up.
I have never been tech savvy; I am a true child of the Luddite Klan. My wife and daughter have to tech me up when my Phone, computer, or whatever else of mine goes on the fritz. The only thing I can figure out better than them is hooking up the TV. I wonder why that is? Heh, heh.
Good morning D-League. Another beautiful day in the east.

On the subway now, listening through earbuds to one of those “high tech podcasts.” Hard Core History —Dan Carlin really gets into military history and can talk for many hours on a topic like, today, the Vikings. Makes the ride go fast.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning all,

Sitting in the oncology waiting room at the DC VA. Already had my blood tests and saw the doctor. Just waiting to drop a pint. (That takes about 7 minutes once it starts, then will be on my way to work.) Some give the VA some bad reviews and they may be deserved in some instances. I've been coming to this place since December of 2016. Never an issue I've seen if you're on time.

I am thankful. Should be at work much earlier than I thought.🙂

Have a great day!