
I have a 19,000 square foot business shop. Since we are phasing out, I listed it with a realtor today. I have an additional six acres that is connected, but not part of the deal. My home is on the six acres and I told the realtor I might consider selling all of it if the buyer insisted on more property. If so, I might be in your boat. I dread it.
Why, you think he is like Captain Quint?

"I think we're going to need a bigger boat".
Well we all heard about all the planets being lined up and how we could see them, well they finally admitted that they were wrong, in a statement issued today they confessed that the only way to see Uranus was to bend over and look in a mirror
Or do as they have been doing for a while now...sticking their heads up their asses. They could see Uranus (theirs) on the way in.

Warp speed Mr. Sulu and make it hurt.
A little aside to this post. Adam is known as a great guy who quietly does a lot of work for charity, but I just read a story about how he named his son. There is a story in the bible about how Moses sent twelve men ahead to scout out the promise land. Ten of them returned and said do not go. Adam named his son Caleb after one of the two men who told Moses to proceed as God said.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 83°F.

Happy April Fools Day. Let's get that outta the way.

And then 4 remained. Go Canes! Go Owls! Plan on tuning in later.

Dusty mess aka kitchen remodel continues. Bah!

Must take pup to vet for blood test later this morning. She's not happy about all this junk floating in our air. Cant blame her.

Wishing all an awesome Saturday.



53° this morning with light winds. High today to be in the mid 70's. Those of you battling high winds batten down the hatches and stay safe. We had a good amount of wind yesterday. Had neighbors trash cans sitting in my front yard among other things. 3 of my 4 dogs stayed in the house mostly yesterday, but the monster spent about half of the day outside laying around with the wind in her face. She seemed to enjoy it.

Full day scheduled with a men's prayer/fellowship breakfast at a friends church in Lawton at 0800, cutting grass shortly thereafter, then try to watch UK/UM baseball game at 1:00pm (have an app that I think will help get it), follow that with the Reds/Pirates game (starts at 3:10pm so will already be in progress when the UK/UM game is finished). Dinner and a movie with the in laws after the Reds game. It's almost always Dinner and a Movie these days when the in laws come over, and that is almost every weekend. BIL gets a break from his mother as she generally commandeers one couch and the big TV in the living room early when she gets here while my wife and her brother stay in the kitchen/dining room and visit.

Well, going out to the shop first (in a few minutes) to work out, then on to the rest of the planned day. You folks enjoy your day and God Bless.
Good morning folks.
Windy and cool today. I’m getting a walk in, but looks like I might get caught in the rain.

I did something last night I’ve never done in my life —I watched almost a whole women’s basketball game. A buddy of mine who is an ex-college player from the 1970s kept telling me their games were closer to basketball as we remembered from high school.

I picked a good one to start with. That girl from Iowa beat undefeated South Carolina almost single-handedly. Very exciting game. And yes, in ways it did remind me of good high school games from decades ago —the mid-range game is part of it, an attention to fundamentals, not relying on above-the-rim athleticism. Caitlin Clark has a smooth shot-she was 14-14 from the line with many of them under incredible pressure.

We’ll see if the men’s games are as exciting today.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 83°F.

Happy April Fools Day. Let's get that outta the way.

And then 4 remained. Go Canes! Go Owls! Plan on tuning in later.

Dusty mess aka kitchen remodel continues. Bah!
We were kitchen-less for 6-8 weeks during our remodel around 6 years ago. Microwave/grill/eat out.
Hadn't watched a women's bb game in years before the IA-SC game last night. Clark is really good. But the thing that got me was how poor shooters SC were given they were undefeated. IA not guarding them beyond the FT line was amazing to watch. Totally begging SC to take 3-pointers & they wouldn't do it. SC's O was like pre-3pt line days. SC outrebounded IA 2-1, took 20 more shots, and still had only 2 more FG's. SC apparently just muscles teams to death. Nothing dirty, but not a fun look.
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We were kitchen-less for 6-8 weeks during our remodel around 6 years ago. Microwave/grill/eat out.
We've been following a similar route. Grabbed enough Chick-Fil-A last night for today. Microwave still unavailable. Luckily I can boil water in an electric kettle. Keurig works. Plan on making coffee here in a few.
Good Morning all,

70° with sunny skies and no rain in sight. We will reach 87° this afternoon. A good day to be on the water.

I am looking forward to the games today. I have no interest other than I want UConn beat and maybe the California team from San Diego. So I guess I am rooting for the U and FAU. I still find it hard to believe a non basketball state like Florida has two teams in the Final Four. Never in my life would I have thought such a thing. It just doesn't seem possible or make any sense.

Before I sit down to the games I am going to spray my yard for noseeums and then make a big pot of homemade chili. I use the old Brookings recipe from Euclid Ave. In Lexington, KY

One of my favorite swimming holes. It is located at the Home of The U. So I post this in their honor of making a Final Four, something I thought impossible for all of my life.

Morning folks. It is sunny but windy as can be. We got 1.63" of rain yesterday. Of course I went to Sams club and loaded the vehicle in a down poor. Put one has to do what one has to do. I was not going to stand out side the door for 30 minutes waiting for the rain to lessen like a bunch were doing.

You all have a good day and hopefully the two Florida teams will win.
Watching UK-Missouri and the wind is playing havoc on the outfield. Missou got a double on what would have been a routine fly out. UK got out of it though with a strike out and another pop up that carried away from the second baseman but the right fielder got there just in time to get it, so three down and now the bat cats with 2 on no outs.
UK gets first three batters on with a double and 2 hit batsmen. Then, a routine pop up to the first baseman that the wind blows away from him and the second base could not handle either and UK scores 1. A double scores 2 more and an errand throw scores another. At the end of one UK 4 UM 0.

Edited: After 2, UK 7-Missou 0 Another hits batsman, a walk and some hits add 3 for the Wildcats.
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"Florida Atlantic lost its second game of the season at Mississippi before reeling off 20 straight wins.
During that streak, in December, a Caesars Sportsbook bettor in Illinois wagered a total of $400 ."

If FAU wins the national championship the bettor wins 800K. What are the odds. Well, I just posted the odds. FAU looking good right now.
The boy was in the zone today. Not many times he had all his friends around and his Mom and Dad.. I was thankful for him. His Ama and Papa sat back enjoying...


That's one of the BB's good friends. (I don't think his Dad will mind I posted this...)



There were super hero's all over the joint...




Got me so motivated, I stopped at Home Depot and brought back eight 16 x 16 patio blocks... Have to make two more trips of eight and some sand but I didn't eat my Wheaties today.

Diclofenac in order..

Have a blessed evening...
Got a question for the D, is there any way to stop text messages I get? I keep getting one from Netflix saying my account is being locked, don't even have Netflix. I always do delete and report but still get the shiff! Got one at 3:45 this morning!!! Thanks in advance

Just mute your notifications Sir is all I can say. I get texts from unknowns and all they say is... "Hello" or "How are you.".... It is criminal as they will try and try to trick, deceive, steal, cheat, or just create havoc..... Too many criminal types now.... No accountability...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and mostly cloudy. Today's high should max-out around 82°F. Nice 4afternoon temperature expected.

And then there were two. Heart-breaker suffered by the Owls. Huskies simply outplayed the Canes.

Go Aztecs!

Go Hawkeyes! Plan on watching women's championship game today.

Kitchen remodel nightmare continues. Goal is at least enjoy a working microwave within the few days.

Wishing all a peaceful, enjoyable Sunday.

Good morning everyone.

It's been a busy couple of days for a retired feller. Babysitting and a early Easter party for the youngin Friday and yesterday my wife and I shopped, ate out, and watched a movie. Then I returned to watch the games. I watched all the first, but couldn't stand to watch all the second.
Go San Diego State.

The movie "My Only Son" is pretty good. I was a little disappointed they didn't get into Abraham's later life a little, but still worth the ticket to get in.

Off for church setup in a bit. I hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Got a question for the D, is there any way to stop text messages I get? I keep getting one from Netflix saying my account is being locked, don't even have Netflix. I always do delete and report but still get the shiff! Got one at 3:45 this morning!!! Thanks in advance
This is for Android, but Apple is similar.

1. Go to your messages.
2. Tap on the one from Netflix
3. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner.
4. Tap on details and then select block.