
@Bert Higginbotha check this out....
4th great grand-dad. Thomas William Spillman. 6th Kentucky infantry. Co E. Wounded at baton rouge and fought until the very end. Chased Sherman all over Georgia and finally surrended to him in 1865.


This has got to be one of the most sobering episodes of anything I have ever seen on TV.

It is worth watching this until the end... 12:38...

I met Hope Carlton one time in Gilbertsville, he was coming out of a store when we met, we got to talking for a bit about KY. Afield which he hosted at the time, we talked for over 30 minutes, he talked to me like we had been friends for a long time, great guy ! That was probably in the mid 70's.
A few weeks back they aired some of the old shows from the 70's. I may be wrong but I think this might be the 50th Aniversery of the show.
45 years ago (3/27/78) the Cats took the national title. Probably my favorite team of all time. Senior at Ballard looking forward to my freshman year at UK. Great times. The party continued when I got there in August.
Watched that game from the day room of my unit (2nd/75th FA) on AFN (Armed Forces Network) at Fliegerhorst Kaserne in Hanau Germany. It was early morning there. Did not sleep that night.


66° this morning with a high in the mid 70's expected. Possibility of a stray thunderstorm.

Was in Atwoods yesterday after lunch looking for my dogs favorite treat. They had been out for weeks now, but yesterday they had plenty of them. Found out why, they went from $6.99 a bag to $10.99 a bag. "Thanks, Sleepy Joe". I was on my last bag at home, so I bought 5 of them anyway. While there I was caught off guard by a man saying: "Whoisyou Whoisyou" rather loudly. It was an old Drill Sergeant buddy I have not seen since about 1991 or so.

Whoisyou is the way our senior Drill Sergeant used to ask soldiers what their name was when he could not remember it. He always said it twice. He said it in a deep voice and ran the words together. I think he was from either Mississippi or Louisiana or there abouts. Funny guy too. Made a poor choice later on in his career when after leaving the unit for Korea for a year he returned as the training NCO for the same unit. He had come into financial trouble so, he started selling bunk space to the privates for $10.00 a month. With over 200 privates or so each cycle he was making some good extra money. Could not last though as some one told (inevitable) and he was busted all the way down, sent to Leavenworth and lost his retirement. He is pictured below sitting just above the word field on the sign the commander is holding in his right hand. Take a guess which one is me. Think joker.
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Good Morning D

A pleasant 57° with plenty of sunshine on the way. We will top out at a mild 88°. My coffee this morning is black and strong. Nothing to speak of on my calendar today.

May God bring comfort to the families of the soldiers killed in Trigg Co., KY. I think they were with the 101st. Prayers. I trust all are well and keep the faith.

Good morning folks.

Today will be a struggle. Need to work from home because of some renovations at the office. So far, so good.

But my wife's college roommate is here on one of her yearly visits. I'm very happy for her to have a friendship that is so deep and meaningful. But this woman literally never shuts up. I know that is something people say about many females but trust me, in this case it could not be more true.

Not much to report otherwise, I'll check in later.
I have been reviewing resume's for a couple of positions here at my office. As part of the process I usually look up their social media accounts because they can put anything on a resume but their social media can sometimes be a different story. Can I just say that if you have social media and looking for a job that you watch what you put out there. So many of the candidates eliminated themselves with their post on Facebook, Instagram, etc. I mean you are applying for a job with a very reputable organization and your feed is full of drama, cursing everyone out every other post, talking about drinking, partying and doing drugs and ever thing else you can think of. What in the world are you thinking?
I have been reviewing resume's for a couple of positions here at my office. As part of the process I usually look up their social media accounts because they can put anything on a resume but their social media can sometimes be a different story. Can I just say that if you have social media and looking for a job that you watch what you put out there. So many of the candidates eliminated themselves with their post on Facebook, Instagram, etc. I mean you are applying for a job with a very reputable organization and your feed is full of drama, cursing everyone out every other post, talking about drinking, partying and doing drugs and ever thing else you can think of. What in the world are you thinking?
Excellent advice. I didn't put anything on social media until I was retired. None of my children or grandchildren are on social media now. And the points you made are the reason. I call it being wise.

The pastor asked an older farmer, decked out in bib overalls, to say grace for the morning breakfast.

"Lord, I hate buttermilk", the farmer began. The visiting pastor opened one eye to glance at the farmer and wonder where this was going.
The farmer loudly proclaimed, "Lord, I hate lard." Now the pastor was growing concerned.
Without missing a beat, the farmer continued, "And Lord, you know I don't much care for raw white flour". The pastor once again opened an eye to glance around the room and saw that he wasn't the only one to feel uncomfortable.

Then the farmer added, "But Lord, when you mix them all together and bake them, I do love warm fresh biscuits. So Lord, when things come up that we don't like, when life gets hard, when we don't understand what you're saying to us, help us to just relax and wait until you are done mixing. It will probably be even better than biscuits. Amen.
I have been reviewing resume's for a couple of positions here at my office. As part of the process I usually look up their social media accounts because they can put anything on a resume but their social media can sometimes be a different story. Can I just say that if you have social media and looking for a job that you watch what you put out there. So many of the candidates eliminated themselves with their post on Facebook, Instagram, etc. I mean you are applying for a job with a very reputable organization and your feed is full of drama, cursing everyone out every other post, talking about drinking, partying and doing drugs and ever thing else you can think of. What in the world are you thinking?
My grandson is at EKU working towards a criminal justice degree.......the first thing told him was to get rid of all social media accounts........if you are wanting to work for the DOJ you better scrub your record all the way back to kindergarten.....hope he listened.....
My grandson is at EKU working towards a criminal justice degree.......the first thing told him was to get rid of all social media accounts........if you are wanting to work for the DOJ you better scrub your record all the way back to kindergarten.....hope he listened.....
That is the best thing someone can tell a young person. My daughter is not on social media for more reasons than one. She works for a very liberal WOKE company based in Atlanta, GA., the Capitol of WOKEISM in the South.

Her company has a team of employees assigned to monitor all activity of the employees. They constantly monitor all phone calls and use of the computers. Anything non work related means automatic termination. And this is a huge company operating in every state and many foreign countries. Be careful my freind. There is no such thing as privacy.
This is my only source of social media. Me and my wife got on facebook about 12 or so years ago and when two old girlfriends of mine tried to friend me my wife says "Nope, we're done".
We use FB to keep up with the grand children....I don't follow anyone beyond my wife and daughter......all of my grand kids play music in school.........the seventh grader is in the Central Kentucky Youth Orchastra.......I can't be in Lexington every time one of the kids is participating in something.......this way we at least get to watch videos and see some stills.........
We use FB to keep up with the grand children....I don't follow anyone beyond my wife and daughter......all of my grand kids play music in school.........the seventh grader is in the Central Kentucky Youth Orchastra.......I can't be in Lexington every time one of the kids is participating in something.......this way we at least get to watch videos and see some stills.........
My wife has Apple products and she uses face time to keep up with the kids and grandkids. We had face time with our USAF Academy granddaughter today. She uses us to practice her Chinese. I don't have a clue what she is saying and wouldn't know where to go to translate it.
Able now to sit at my computer for a bit though, I am heading right back downstairs to talk with My Darling as I just heard her hang up the phone...

Now the work begins though we do have things under control. I have curtains and things like that to put up but that is to be expected.

Busy as a beaver... (Can you say that now or is it derogatory in some way, shape, or fashion....) Eh, beavers can't read anyway...
Able now to sit at my computer for a bit though, I am heading right back downstairs to talk with My Darling as I just heard her hang up the phone...

Now the work begins though we do have things under control. I have curtains and things like that to put up but that is to be expected.

Busy as a beaver... (Can you say that now or is it derogatory in some way, shape, or fashion....) Eh, beavers can't read anyway...
Got keys now....feels like I am in more debt.... I am... Got to get this house leased now... Nothing but a thang....
I have a 19,000 square foot business shop. Since we are phasing out, I listed it with a realtor today. I have an additional six acres that is connected, but not part of the deal. My home is on the six acres and I told the realtor I might consider selling all of it if the buyer insisted on more property. If so, I might be in your boat. I dread it.