
Good afternoon everyone.

I helped with church setup this morning and then attended. We had a guest speaker and buddy of mine. He did good.

Between trips to church I got to watch the pair of bluebirds begin building their nest in the box I made last year. While watching them there were 4 deer that made their way down the hill, across the creek, and right along our driveway and behind the house. We don't get to see many here anymore since we can't put out any feed due to the bears. So good start to the day.

My wife has went shopping with her sister so I may just sit down and watch the games today. It looked like anyone could upset any team all year and it it's still playing out. As long as UConn doesn't win another title I'm good.

I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday.
Anyone pick Miami, UConn, FAU and San Diego State in the Final 4? If you did then I'd like to talk to you about some stock tips. Really exciting games today. I don't see how UConn can lose but I hope I'm wrong. If not, then that would be 5 titles in 24 years. UK has won 5 in 65 years. Not to be a downer. Just the facts ma'am.
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Ha ha, congrats and way to go Canes! I know my cousin's retired stockbroker husband happy (UMiami '75)

Win it all!
Amazing. Two Florida teams in the Final Four and neither one is named Florida State or Florida. I did not believe I would live to see this. And these two teams are only miles apart.

How could this happen.
Anyone pick Miami, UConn, UFA and San Diego State in the Final 4? If you did then I'd like to talk to you about some stock tips. Really exciting games today. I don't see how UConn can lose but I hope I'm wrong. If not, then that would be 5 titles in 24 years. UK has only won 4 in 65 years. Not to be a downer. Just the facts ma'am.
Nope. Filled out ten different brackets total. Selected Canes in one or two brackets for Elite 8. Always admired Jim Larrañaga as a solid coach, but never guessed Miami might storm back today on solid shooting and land a spot in the Final Four. Canes can shoot -- and hit free throws.

What a crazy March Madness. My wife is ticked. Ha ha. Miami only private U in the FF.
Anyone pick Miami, UConn, UFA and San Diego State in the Final 4? If you did then I'd like to talk to you about some stock tips. Really exciting games today. I don't see how UConn can lose but I hope I'm wrong. If not, then that would be 5 titles in 24 years. UK has only won 4 in 65 years. Not to be a downer. Just the facts ma'am.
I'd be curious to know if anyone had just 2 of them making the Final Four.
Nope. Filled out ten different brackets total. Selected Canes in one or two brackets for Elite 8. Always admired Jim Larrañaga as a solid coach, but never guessed Miami might storm back today on solid shooting and land a spot in the Final Four. Canes can shoot -- and hit free throws.

What a crazy March Madness. My wife is ticked. Ha ha. Miami only private U in the FF.
I filled out 2 and they were busted quickly.
Good Monday Morning

Still SMH about the tournament. Highest seed is a 4 with two 5's and a 9. UConn is set as the favorite and I certainly do not want them to win. It would be # 5.

64° outside and our warm weather continues as to climb, up to 86° around 4:00 PM. No rain but the humidity is little higher. Still pleasant. Pollen count is 9.

I am hitting the gym this morning and taking of advantage of my Human Health free membership. Working on upper body and cardiac.,

Trust all have a great day and keep the faith.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected near 79°F.

Heckuva Final Four weekend in the books. Pulling for Hurricanes going forward. UConn vs Miami setting up for one epic clash.

Day 3 of kitchen remodeling nightmare complete. Dusty, messy, ugh... Day 4 begins few hours from now. Not looking forward to this adventure.

Wishing all an awesome Monday and start to your week.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected near 79°F.

Heckuva Final Four weekend in the books. Pulling for Hurricanes going forward. UConn vs Miami setting up for one epic clash.

Day 3 of kitchen remodeling nightmare complete. Dusty, messy, ugh... Day 4 begins few hours from now. Not looking forward to this adventure.

Wishing all an awesome Monday and start to your week.

Ah, paella. My favorite dish and we have it often..

36° this morning with 10-15mph winds. Upper 50's for the high today with 20 plus mph winds. Tonight, freezing or near to freezing with winds steady. Old man winter still hanging on.

Daughter has been struggling lately with her math and has a test today on it. Wife got with her yesterday evening and worked on it with her by looking online the best ways to do her equations or whatever she was doing, and after about 3 hours had her understanding how to work them. She was stressed, but now feels confident she can do them. My response to her was simply: "effort". She hates math and does not put forth much effort when it comes to it.

Baseball regular season starts on Thursday so, I will have something to watch sports related going forward during this slow period (April-August). Not getting excited about the Reds (seems to be a common theme with them and UK basketball in recent years), but I will watch as many games as I can that are available. Pitch timer should speed things along this year, and the non-shift rule should open scoring a little more.

Monday, Monday, La la, la la la la I hate that day. Not really, it's just another day now.

Those of you traveling out today stay safe and to all God Bless.
Good morning everyone.

I finally heard my first gobbles of the spring this morning. The turkey(s) was a little too far down the valley to get excited about, but I heard some. I don't hunt anywhere near the house, but my wife does.

Dad and I are finally going to the lake (Cumberland) this week. We haven't been down since late Oct. Hopefully we'll be able to catch some fish....stripers. He didn't put out much effort last year and I hope he can hang into some good ones this year.

I did my short workout yesterday. I'm only doing pushups and dumbbell rows at the time being. I walk enough in the hills that I don't need any leg exercises. I don't carry any fat below my waist and can still see individual muscles in my legs. I wish I could have gained some size in them when I lifted hard.

Prayers for all here and I hope everyone has a great day. I probably won't be in here til I get back from the lake later in the week.
Good morning folks.

Had a nice day yesterday celebrating my wife's birthday at a favorite restaurant, then relaxing our on our back deck around this fire pit we have. Perfect cool but very clear night to sit around a fire.

The Final Four will be interesting. Still don't know exactly how Texas lost that game. Score was tied with a minute to go, the Miami big man gets called for a foul, fouling out, I run to the bathroom, come back, Miami has scored and the big man Omier is still in the game. I know it was a foul reversal. I can't remember seeing one at such a critical part of a game.

A FAU, SD ST, Miami, UConn Final Four will be unusual -- but I think a sign of things to come. With unlimited transfers, some of these boosters in big cities like Miami and NYC (the Connecticut TV market) willing to pay unlimited NIL, and a general deterioration of the game as everyone with a scrap of talent goes pro after a year, parity at a mediocre level is going to be the norm.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Thanks Storm. That explains the huge momentum shift.

One could argue both games came down to a late foul call, especially Creighton-FAU. I was always told in my playing days, "if you don't want a ref's call to take the game from you, be further ahead." That's really the only way you can look at ikt, even as a fan. Texas, especially, had every possible chance to put that game away and didn't do it.
Good Morning from Smiths Grove. It is a sunny 54°F.

This is one of the most screwed Final Fours in my time. I am ABC also.

You all have a good day.
ABC for me.

I really think NIL has and will continue to change a lot of things. Very few teams can compete with Miami when it comes to dealing out money. They have decades of experience doing it. And they have a lot of wealth around that school. Unlimited.

Times are changing.
Still at it and sickened by Cal. Just makes me sick. Tired of what has been happening for a long while. A little good honest effort goes a long way..... I yearn for the days UK was at the cusp of a final four...

Been diving into work but I'd sure have time to watch UK play....

Have a peaceful that I've vented...