


61° this morning with moderate winds. 83, windy, with lots of sun on tap for today.

Altering workout routine this morning and only walking the monster at daybreak. Afterwards, going to Lake Ellsworth (just down the road) and doing some bass fishing in a few of the areas I reconned a couple of weeks ago. Stay tuned for subsequent fishing report.

Going to get a bite to eat and then, get my gear ready for fishing.

Prayers for those who need it (that is all of us) and may Gods blessings upon you be forever.
Now in the hunter grathering days you would have it all wrong!

You go fishing for a bite to eat. GEEZE man!
I am rewiring stuff. I have four cable DVR's boxed up on the front porch table awaiting the FedEx guy to pick them up. Once Spectrum receives them I will save over $50 a month. I have loads of wire in the floor to organize and store or maybe throw away. I just hate to throw away stuff that cost me a bunch.

It is a rainy 51°F on our way to 55°F. Tomorrow we are supposed to get a drenching.
Good morning everyone.

Good day yesterday. I got plenty of little chores done outside. With today's rain it's a little shopping and inside stuff.

@BBUK Get after that decluttering! After spending the night with my parents I'm shocked. I stayed upstairs in my old bedroom. I haven't been up there in years and it's as bad as my storage buildings.

I still haven't visited RR since Friday night. I don't guess there is a reason until the "announcements" start leaking out.


Wildlife Wednesday. It's officially spring but it will be another month or two before the little guys show up.

I hope everyone has a great day!

I do enjoy the animal pictures. Keep them coming please. Thanks
Hello all,

Able to get home but not as early as I would have liked but that's okay, it will have to be.. ;)

A question I thought I'd ask and hopefully get some input.

I have a bunch of VCR tapes I want to get some home movies off them to digitize them. (I can do that part well enough.) The issue is the two VCR players/ recorders I had are now bad.

Any apparatus available light of trying to find a VCR player? I was hoping there was a device that could read the tapes as finding a working VCR has not been easy and I also am wary of purchasing something like this used online.

Thanks for any suggestions. (I haven't been able to search much as I don't think about it when I have time. I have a good sized box of VCR tapes I could really de-clutter if I could pull the video's off them.

I have a smaller cassette video as well but I have the wiring harness to play directly off the camera.
Good morning folks. Cloudy and cool in the east. Heading back into DC.

We had a nice gathering for my daughter yesterday and now I gotta prepare for my wife’s birthday Sunday. By one of those flukes my father, daughter and wife all have birthdays in a six day period. When I was a kid there was another cluster -my maternal grandfather, paternal grandmother and brother were all born on the same day —Halloween. A mathematician could probably explain that in terms of statistical probability but it is beyond me.

Not much else happening so far, so I’ll wish you all well and check in later.

Man are you lucky in that department MdW. We have birthdays in February, March, April, May June, July, August, October, and December. That is just my wife, children, grandchildren. Just a crazy thing once I thought about it.
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Tapemaster is a great person. He has saved my UK video collection a couple times. Ritchie Curtis and I bow down to the "tapemaster".

@tapemaster8 let us know about your procedure when you can.

I sure wish he could get pictures off an old hard drive I have Sir.... Been working to get those for my brother that burnt a hard drive up years ago. Either too much up front or not able to trust some I have come in contact with....
Man are you lucky in that department MdW. We have birthdays in February, March, April, May June, July, August, October, and November. That is just my wife, children, grandchildren. Just a crazy thing once I thought about it.
As for family members having the same or nearly the same birthday, I looked up a fun math problem I remember from freshman statistics.

How many people have to be in a room for there to be a 50-50 chance two have the same birthday? FOr it to be almost certain two have the same birthday?

Answer: 23 for the odds to be 50-50. 70 people makes the probability 99.9 percent. I'll let someone else explain why that is.
Back from the little fishing trip just down the road. No fish to report. 0-2 to start the year. Wind was blowing steady (many days like that here) so... Area looks like a good spot though with a lot of stickups and other structures for bass to ambush prey (like my lures). Time will tell as the season progresses. It has been unusually cooler here for the month of March until the last two days so the water probably needs to warm up some to get them moving. Below is the area I traversed this morning. Zoom in on the lip of the bridge and see all of those muddobbers and wasp nest. Nasty bunches of them.



As for family members having the same or nearly the same birthday, I looked up a fun math problem I remember from freshman statistics.

How many people have to be in a room for there to be a 50-50 chance two have the same birthday? FOr it to be almost certain two have the same birthday?

Answer: 23 for the odds to be 50-50. 70 people makes the probability 99.9 percent. I'll let someone else explain why that is.

Peaked my curiosity so I looked it up. Dang the lengths.....
As for family members having the same or nearly the same birthday, I looked up a fun math problem I remember from freshman statistics.

How many people have to be in a room for there to be a 50-50 chance two have the same birthday? FOr it to be almost certain two have the same birthday?

Answer: 23 for the odds to be 50-50. 70 people makes the probability 99.9 percent. I'll let someone else explain why that is.
Most I have to deal with come within a couple of months. My twin sons is in May, one of the sons had triplets which are also in May. Mine, my wife, one of my brother's, my BIL, and the other two children of my son with the triplets are in August. Spend a lot of money in those months.
Back from the little fishing trip just down the road. No fish to report. 0-2 to start the year. Wind was blowing steady (many days like that here) so... Area looks like a good spot though with a lot of stickups and other structures for bass to ambush prey (like my lures). Time will tell as the season progresses. It has been unusually cooler here for the month of March until the last two days so the water probably needs to warm up some to get them moving. Below is the area I traversed this morning. Zoom in on the lip of the bridge and see all of those muddobbers and wasp nest. Nasty bunches of them.





Na new Na new.... Pam Dawber...
Hello all,

Able to get home but not as early as I would have liked but that's okay, it will have to be.. ;)

A question I thought I'd ask and hopefully get some input.

I have a bunch of VCR tapes I want to get some home movies off them to digitize them. (I can do that part well enough.) The issue is the two VCR players/ recorders I had are now bad.

Any apparatus available light of trying to find a VCR player? I was hoping there was a device that could read the tapes as finding a working VCR has not been easy and I also am wary of purchasing something like this used online.

Thanks for any suggestions. (I haven't been able to search much as I don't think about it when I have time. I have a good sized box of VCR tapes I could really de-clutter if I could pull the video's off them.

I have a smaller cassette video as well but I have the wiring harness to play directly off the camera.
I have a bunch of VCR's that I need DVD's of. The problem is that they do not make VCR players anymore. I bought a used VCR last year and I have copied a few games and then it broke. It is a big problem.

I basically have given up. The old tapes that I have will probably never be digitized. Technology does not wait for us old dudes.
I have a bunch of VCR's that I need DVD's of. The problem is that they do not make VCR players anymore. I bought a used VCR last year and I have copied a few games and then it broke. It is a big problem.

I basically have given up. The old tapes that I have will probably never be digitized. Technology does not wait for us old dudes.

Thanks Sir,
I think there is a player device of some sort. I will do some checking again. (If I find it, I will report back.)
I don't know if anyone is interested, but I made a post on another thread about dogs. I don't claim to be a dog trainer, but I have read several books on dog training and raised several dogs. Stop reading here if you don't like the subject.

This is much better done with a pup. In the dog world, the leader of the pack always eats first. If you free feed, the dog thinks it is scavenging it's on meal. When Maddie was a pup, we would place a couple of people cookies on top of her food. We would make a huge deal about eating our share first and how good it was. Only then would we put her bowl on the floor so she could get her share. If you have kids, make sure they also eat first. It helps let the pup know it's position in it's pack. Maddie was big and powerful, but we could literally stick our hand in her mouth and remove whatever she was eating.
I'll dang that too, wish I hadn't looked it up, now I have a headache and probably have nightmares!


I am now delving into quantum computing. (A little more than delving...) I look for common sense or at least trying to using common sense in most anything I attempt.

Quantum computing delves into using data that appears useless or un-targeted. (In simple terms) (The key term is appears.)

Statistics never gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. In fact, I can't stand them. I am literal and statistics are the antithesis of literal in a round about way... (Yeah I haven't drank anything in many weeks.) ;)

All please have a restful night...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F, cloudy and windy. Clearing later for a high around 83°F.

Yeah, dreaded carboplatin included in this cycle. During meeting with oncologist, I expressed my concerns. She prescribed a solution. Let's see if it helps. Stay tuned. Heh, I awoke yesterday evening at 7:30 pm, thought time read 7:30 am, ran into office and messaged co-worker to let her know I'm running late. Ha ha. Feel truly exhausted and occasionally confused after taking these drugs. Blood sugar measured 95 yesterday, which is normal, 4 hous after bowl of oatmeal and flax. In fact, feeling drained as I type this post. Leaving here at 12:15 pm today.

Switching gears to the "Modern Problems" department: Wife wants new gas stove and electric refrigerator + new island in kitchen. Both kitchen appliances are over 25 years old. Our last interior remodel happened on our main bathroom after my return from Iraq in 2006, and required at least two months through 3 contractors. Dreading this next adventure. Remodel began yesterday. Step-son involved. Hope he remains on-time and within budget.

And then there were 16. Four games scheduled for tonight.

Wishing y'all an awesome Thursday.



63° morning with 20mph winds. Today's high is to be around 70° with thunderstorms and possible severe weather this afternoon.

LOL @AustinTXCat for getting the time wrong. I did something similar this morning. Don't know how or why the clock by my bed was an hour fast but, it had sprung forward another hour somehow yesterday or last night. I woke up and looked at it seeing that it would not be long before my wife's alarm would go off. So, I got up and started doing my normal business making coffee, feeding the cats and dogs, and putting away last nights washed dishes before I realized what the real time was. Oh well, the animals were happy, they got their breakfast earlier than normal.

Have a doctor's appointment today. She wants to see how well this BP medication is working. This morning's BP was 122/78 so I would say working at this point. Side effects suck because it keeps me lightheaded and tired most of the day (among other things). Side effects are also enhanced with alcohol. Had just one drink last night sitting around talking with my wife and daughter and when finished with one sentence my daughter replied: "Dad, you want to say that in English this time?" My wife laughed and said: "She is definitely your daughter". (I use that phrase when someone has said something I did not understand).

Well, got to get off for now, cats and dogs are bothering me for attention.

You folks have a nice day and be careful out there.

God Bless you all.
Good Morning

Our weather is warming up and I like that. We have 56° with some fog on the lake but that will go away when the sun hits it. Is will be dry today with 0% chance of rain and a high of 86°. That is a pool day for sure.

The yard work is pretty much done. I do have some magnesium to put around some younger palms and might throw a cup or two around the tangerine tree. I don't like the pale leaves and want a deeper green. It made it through the freeze OK as did my avocado tree. But I have seen squirrel activity already and the fruit isn't developed yet. Constant battle with those little suckers. Hawks grab one every once in a while but I wish they would grab more.

@AustinTXCat hang in there and keep your tremendous attitude as you go through treatment. And I can relate on the time mix up. I have to look at my computer to determine what day it is sometime. It say 3/23/23 today so I will go with that.

Time for more coffee and some sausage and eggs. One needs a hearty breakfast at my age. Take care all,

Good morning all,

Working from home today. (Kind of killing two with one as I am taking a half day off, not exactly sure which half yet.) My youngest just text me asking if I am making biscuits today. (I was in the mood.)

I wiped her old apple laptop, she is buying a new one. Used ye ole DoD wipe program. That should do it. Started about 10 or so last night and it states two hours to go...

Biscuits and coffee.........Hmmm..... Come on over...
Good morning folks. Clearing and warmer in the east. It’ll soon be the nice part of spring.

Work a real grind these days but it is better than the alternative in my case right now.

I wish I had more excitement for the games tonight. I honestly don’t knew w who is playing and probably won’t watch much

Austin, hang in there. I admire your attitude. You’ll be taking your walks and finding dimes and quarters in no time.

Have a great day folks.
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I doubt this boy even knows how to change a tire. When I first saw this I thought back to shop class in the 10th grade. This was part of our course. Girls took Home Economics classes and boys took shop. We learned to weld, wood work, tear down a lawn mower engine and simple things like changing tires and changing the oil in a car.

We also had target practice with our rifles but that is another subject

I doubt this boy even knows how to change a tire. When I first saw this I thought back to shop class in the 10th grade. This was part of our course. Girls took Home Economics classes and boys took shop. We learned to weld, wood work, tear down a lawn mower engine and simple things like changing tires and changing the oil in a car.

We also had target practice with our rifles but that is another subject

So true, Sawnee. I made sure my son had basic rifle and shotgun training, could change a tire, handle a basic tool kit and strike an arc with a Lincoln welder. And he has since handled some mid-level construction jobs. But I'd guess he's a pretty big exception among the males he went to high school with in the Maryland suburbs of DC. Pretty sad decline in male competency in our society.
Sweet 16 Note. I actually took a few classes at Florida Atlantic University. It was the late 1970s, I had moved down to south Florida and gotten a job, and I still wanted to stay engaged in the education system. So I took what classes I could at night.

Who cares? Nobody. But if my slight connection to that school ever mattered, it's tonight when I am praying for them to pull a massive upset and knock off Tennessee. I was glad to have the Vols around to beat Duke. Now, please go home.
Sweet 16 Note. I actually took a few classes at Florida Atlantic University. It was the late 1970s, I had moved down to south Florida and gotten a job, and I still wanted to stay engaged in the education system. So I took what classes I could at night.

Who cares? Nobody. But if my slight connection to that school ever mattered, it's tonight when I am praying for them to pull a massive upset and knock off Tennessee. I was glad to have the Vols around to beat Duke. Now, please go home.
It could happen. They are quick and if they get hot from the field you just never know. Go FAU. Knock off the Vols. They may have been the best team in Florida this year.
It could happen. They are quick and if they get hot from the field you just never know. Go FAU. Knock off the Vols. They may have been the best team in Florida this year.
As a long-time Florida resident, you may have seen their Boca Raton campus develop over time, Sawnee.

Back in 78 or 79, I lived directly across Glades Road from what was then at least the main campus of FAU.

I was living there, in fact, when I got my first job in Washington, where I've lived ever since, to work for the National Archives.

The apartment complex managers were holding last month's rent and a deposit on me, so I literally hopped in my car and drove off into the night headed north -- leaving all my furniture and anything I couldn't pile in my car behind. Ah, to be 22 again...
I have a bunch of VCR's that I need DVD's of. The problem is that they do not make VCR players anymore. I bought a used VCR last year and I have copied a few games and then it broke. It is a big problem.

I basically have given up. The old tapes that I have will probably never be digitized. Technology does not wait for us old dudes.
I was going to recommend Legacy Box, a service that will do it for you, but I checked out the prices. Whoa! Expensive.
@Bert Higginbotha I found this whiskey still for sale on Amazon. I thought of you and your whiskey making family. If you still have the old recipe, you can make some side money. This one makes 26 gallons. Costs around $1,000 bucks. It would pay for itself pretty quick.

I see that still and all I can think of is Barney Fife with an ax. Pow, pow, pow.