
Good Sunday Morning on this last day of winter D League. It is Spring tomorrow. Currently 46° and our high will be 65°. We have 0% chance of rain and there have been 0 lightning strikes. Lightning strikes always come with our local weather report.

I had to look up gnocchi. I don't think we have any of that in the house but it looks good. I always look forward to Austin's food items because I have learned a lot about foreign food. So if I can find a store that carries gnocchi I am going to pick up a box and try it out. I wonder if it would taste good with milk gravy and chicken fried steak.

Enjoyed yesterday's games as a fan. Any time Duke and Kansas go down in the same day it is a joyous day. The SEC is proving to be a very good league overall. Now it is time for the Cats. Show up and play Kentucky basketball. Win and advance.

I trust all are well



23° (hard freeze) this morning with light winds. High to be around 50° and sunny.

Need to cut my grass but may wait until tomorrow because it is cold this morning and the game starts at 13:40 around the time we will hit the high for the day.

BIL and MIL did not leave until around 0200 this morning and wife and daughter stayed up until 0330. I know because they left the monster out all night, and she woke me up (I went to bed at 2230) at 0300 with constant barking (she has a booming bark). I threw on my robe, went out, and brought her back in. My wife and daughter were still on their cell phones on the couch looking up crap on the internet and laughing. My wife looks up at me and says, "I was going to go get her shortly." My response? "Too late" and went back to bed. My wife came to bed about 30 minutes later after I had fallen back to sleep complaining about being cold (I had turned the temp down to 60 before going back to bed) and woke me up with very cold hands and feet. It is the normal weekend ritual as the in laws hardly ever leave before midnight.

I need a man cave with a futon (Hai?).

Have a great Sunday folks and God Bless.
As a lifelong sufferer of insomnia, didn't even get to sleep last night. After the girlfriend of four years retired to bed and the basketball games began to conclude, went on a movie watching spree from about 11 p.m. Saturday night until 8 a.m. Sunday morning.

Was left with one undeniable, indelible impression: Marisa Tomei is the hottest, sexiest, cutest, most adorable female specimen to hit the big screen in my lifetime. That woman is the best combination of bombshell and girl next door that I've ever had the pleasure of gawking at in high definition.

From the Flamingo Kid in 1984 to the King of Staten Island in 2020, her longevity of desirability has firmly moved her into the GOAT slot of movie stars that make me salivate.
Sounds like it was a good thing that girlfriend went to bed.
As a lifelong sufferer of insomnia, didn't even get to sleep last night. After the girlfriend of four years retired to bed and the basketball games began to conclude, went on a movie watching spree from about 11 p.m. Saturday night until 8 a.m. Sunday morning.

Was left with one undeniable, indelible impression: Marisa Tomei is the hottest, sexiest, cutest, most adorable female specimen to hit the big screen in my lifetime. That woman is the best combination of bombshell and girl next door that I've ever had the pleasure of gawking at in high definition.

From the Flamingo Kid in 1984 to the King of Staten Island in 2020, her longevity of desirability has firmly moved her into the GOAT slot of movie stars that make me salivate.
My Cousin Vinny is one of my favorites of hers.
Predictable outcome to a disappointing season. Kansas State unfortunately got hot with the long 3s at the end. Only 3 players came to play, Wallace, Oscar and Livingston. UK had no answer for Nowell. Very little contribution from Reeves, Toppin and CJ. Man it would be nice to get past the 1st weekend for a change. No interest in watching the rest of the tournament other than rooting against UT, UCLA and IU.
Pearl sucks swamp water. I wish Auburn would have won but Bruce is a low form.
Hey Bert! Just wanted to let You know that I am having an ablation on my heart in the morning at Baptist Hospital in Paducah. Suppose to be around 2 hour surgery. Out patient surgery to fix my A-Fib problem. Appreciate prayers from my D-League friends.


23° (hard freeze) this morning with light winds. High to be around 50° and sunny.

Need to cut my grass but may wait until tomorrow because it is cold this morning and the game starts at 13:40 around the time we will hit the high for the day.

BIL and MIL did not leave until around 0200 this morning and wife and daughter stayed up until 0330. I know because they left the monster out all night, and she woke me up (I went to bed at 2230) at 0300 with constant barking (she has a booming bark). I threw on my robe, went out, and brought her back in. My wife and daughter were still on their cell phones on the couch looking up crap on the internet and laughing. My wife looks up at me and says, "I was going to go get her shortly." My response? "Too late" and went back to bed. My wife came to bed about 30 minutes later after I had fallen back to sleep complaining about being cold (I had turned the temp down to 60 before going back to bed) and woke me up with very cold hands and feet. It is the normal weekend ritual as the in laws hardly ever leave before midnight.

I need a man cave with a futon (Hai?).

Have a great Sunday folks and God Bless.

Should have mowed your grass... I just sold a futon today...
Hey Bert! Just wanted to let You know that I am having an ablation on my heart in the morning at Baptist Hospital in Paducah. Suppose to be around 2 hour surgery. Out patient surgery to fix my A-Fib problem. Appreciate prayers from my D-League friends.
Prayers sent. Good luck. Wishing you all the best.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 40°F and cloudy. Calm. Today's high expected around 58°F. Plan on hiking to the grocery store during this morning's walk.

Loss yesterday vs K-State: Tough. Depressing. Hopefully it's not the last time I can watch our Cats in action. That's all I've got to say on the matter.

LHL piece on who stays and leaves.

At least KY baseball is 18-2 after 14th straight win of SEC opening series.

USA Baseball destroyed Cuba 14-2, reaches the World Baseball Classic final.

3:30 pm appointment this afternoon with radiation doctor. Routine check up. Chemo restarts Wednesday. Bah!

Monday, Monday. Wishing all a great week ahead,

Good morning everyone.

A busy weekend for me, but I did get to spend some time with family and see a few old friends at my hometown church yesterday.

It's almost a relief that this up and down, unpredictable season is over. I honestly thought we had all the pieces this year going into the season. The college game (and especially KY) is almost unbearable to watch anymore. The uncalled hacking and slapping just isn't basketball IMO. I wonder if Oscar will ever figure out not to bring the ball down to his knees where even I could get to it? Oh well, it's over and time to move on. No RR for me today (or yesterday). I will resist!

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good Monday Morning D League

Well basketball officially ended for me yesterday. I doubt I will watch it until next fall. I detest the NBA so I will continue my 25 year boycott of that mess. Enough said about that sport, I am ready to move on to something more relaxing.

It is a cool and clear 40° with sunny skies and a high of 66° this afternoon. 0% chance of rain. It will be what they call "breezy" today. I am headed to the gym this morning to get a little workout. Keep moving.Prayers for @tapemaster8 that the procedure will take care of the A-fib issue and recovery will be successful.

I see Miami is getting hit with Spring Break outlaws who are a nuisance. I am so thankful that crowd stays away from my area. Even the Pinellas County beaches do not experience these crazy, destructive drunken morons who think destroying property and acting like savages is cool. Most of them go to the Atlantic side or the Panhandle. I know Miami does not want them or need them. They hurt business more than help. Mexico is now a NARCO State so thousands who go to Mexico ended up in Miami Beach.

Have a great day all,

Good Monday Morning D League

Well basketball officially ended for me yesterday. I doubt I will watch it until next fall. I detest the NBA so I will continue my 25 year boycott of that mess. Enough said about that sport, I am ready to move on to something more relaxing.

It is a cool and clear 40° with sunny skies and a high of 66° this afternoon. 0% chance of rain. It will be what they call "breezy" today. I am headed to the gym this morning to get a little workout. Keep moving.Prayers for @tapemaster8 that the procedure will take care of the A-fib issue and recovery will be successful.

I see Miami is getting hit with Spring Break outlaws who are a nuisance. I am so thankful that crowd stays away from my area. Even the Pinellas County beaches do not experience these crazy, destructive drunken morons who think destroying property and acting like savages is cool. Most of them go to the Atlantic side or the Panhandle. I know Miami does not want them or need them. They hurt business more than help. Mexico is now a NARCO State so thousands who go to Mexico ended up in Miami Beach.

Have a great day all,

Good morning! 29 degrees here in far Western Kentucky! Headed out for my ablation surgery on my heart. Have a great day D-Leagers!

33° this morning and moderate winds. High to be in the low 50's with higher winds.

@BBUK I did cut the grass after all and finished just before gametime. Should have done it during the game.

@tapemaster8 Prayer sent and God Bless.

@AustinTXCat stay strong my brother and God Bless you too.

Hey, Bat Cats looking pretty good so far. Wish I could get them on the tube here. Don't think the Reds will give me anything to cheer about.

Weather still keeping cool around here, so my fishing days are still on hold.

Oh, and by the way, it's the Monster's Birthday today! She turns 2 so, with her breed combination she is now an adult mut.

As always folks, you guys stay safe out there and may God Bless you all.
Good late-morning folks. Have been busy with work since about 7am. Too old for this bleep.

Disappointing end to the hoops season to say the least. No way to look at it other than a failure by CAlipari, and a failure by players who did not perform under pressure.

What a weekend to be a blue blood. UNC-Cheaters don't even make the tournament. Duke, Kansas and Kentucky lose close games before the Sweet 16, Kansas as a significant underdog. And for those clinging to the distant past who consider Indiana a blue-blood, they got totally blown out. I think Gonzaga will wreck "one-decade Elite' UCLA in the next round.

So, life goes on. The start of baseball season is always fun, even for Reds fans. And spring is on the way.

Have a great day folks.
Hey Bert! Just wanted to let You know that I am having an ablation on my heart in the morning at Baptist Hospital in Paducah. Suppose to be around 2 hour surgery. Out patient surgery to fix my A-Fib problem. Appreciate prayers from my D-League friends.
You have mine for sure.

Ritchie Curtis is here and he will do the same.

Best of luck to you.