
Good morning folks.

Fun night last night watching games with my son. Reminded me of the glory days between 2010-2017 when he was young.

Cats did what you have to do, grind out an opening game win. Reminded me of the Princeton game in 2011 when Knight had to hit a last second shot or 2014 when the 8-9 game with Kansas State was a grind.

Good day ahead. We’re having a nice family lunch at a favorite restaurant. Then my son and I are going to the Wizards-Kings game. Kings have Fox, Monk and Lyles so we can root hard for them.

Hope you all have a good day.
Purdue not going deep in the tourney was probably one of the easiest predictable things coming in but I thought they would at least win the first one haha.
Could be seen as the world of CBB is getting closer to the parity talk that has been circulating the last 10 years or so seeing that in the last 5 years there have been 2 upsets of the 1 seed by 16 seeds (first in history of the tourney) or...those were two of the worst 1 seeds in NCAA tourney history. 12-5 upsets came yearly as did 13-4's. There does seem to be a shift in the CBB world as most of the Blue Bloods (Kentucky, Duke, UNC, Indiana,) have struggled in recent years. I include Duke because without K and the love from the nation they too would have struggled worse without the help of some favoritism. I see them falling off more in the next few years. Parity? Perhaps.

The one thing for us is, we will not get back to our standard until we change leadership. We need some new blood in the coach's box.
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Good morning D-League. It's currently 30° and sunny here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring partly cloudy skies and a high of 43°.

Great win by the Cats last night. It's definitely going to be a tournament where you survive and advance.

Have a great day.

Could be seen as the world of CBB is getting closer to the parity talk that has been circulating the last 10 years or so seeing that in the last 5 years there have been 2 upsets of the 1 seed by 16 seeds (first in history of the tourney) or...those were two of the worst 1 seeds in NCAA tourney history. 12-5 upsets came yearly as did 13-4's. There does seem to be a shift in the CBB world as most of the Blue Bloods (Kentucky, Duke, UNC, Indiana,) have struggled in recent years. I include Duke because without K and the love from the nation they too would have struggled worse without the help of some favoritism. I see them falling off more in the next few years. Parity? Perhaps.

The one thing for us is, we will not get back to our standard until we change leadership. We need some new blood in the coach's box.
The transfer portal and NIL are bringing the haves and have nots closer together.


31° this morning with a high of 51°, moderate winds, and sunny skies expected.

Went out to a bar last night for the first time in years. Old friend came in from Houston to visit with me and the guys I went to OKC with Wednesday. One of our group sings Karaoke in this place most Friday nights (not married and never has been) so, he took us there. This bar is 2 roads over from mine in the town I live, and I have never been in this place before. Looks like a small dive of a place from the outside but, was really spacious and quite nice and clean inside for a local small-town bar. Modern set up with a big bar area. But after a couple of hours, and a few beers, I realized why I don't do that anymore. Between the smoke, noise, and me being tired (past my bedtime), it just was not really fun for me.

Probably watch UT/Duke game today even though I will have to hold my nose. Picking UT because they are no threat in the long run to UK's records in basketball.

Enjoy your weekend folks and @AustinTXCat keep on truckin and God Bless you all.
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The RR crowd can't stand success. After the Kansas State game many were already gloom and doom. Some people just can't be happy unless they're griping about something. My MIL would fit in just fine over there.

Kenny Smith has got to go. One of the worst and obviously a UK hater. Has he ever picked UK to win? Charles Barkley owns that dude.
The RR crowd can't stand success. After the Kansas State game many were already gloom and doom. Some people just can't be happy unless they're griping about something. My MIL would fit in just fine over there.

Kenny Smith has got to go. One of the worst and obviously a UK hater. Has he ever picked UK to win? Charles Barkley owns that dude.
Kenny Smith picked North Carolina.

I certainly agree about his need to go. I keep the mute button handy and when it is his turn to speak. ZAP - MUTE. I can't stand his voice or any words coming out of his mouth.

Commentators on a panel should be unbiased and objective when addressing the basketball viewers. He is neither, so I skip over him.
Kenny Smith picked North Carolina.

I certainly agree about his need to go. I keep the mute button handy and when it is his turn to speak. ZAP - MUTE. I can't stand his voice or any words coming out of his mouth.

Commentators on a panel should be unbiased and objective when addressing the basketball viewers. He is neither, so I skip over him.
One of my favorite non-UK moments in NCAA tournament history:

One of my favorite non-UK moments in NCAA tournament history:

The minutes before and after that Jenkins kid hit that shot over the Cheaters -including Barkley savagely rubbing it in - is way up there with my non-Kentucky tournament moments, along with Villanova beating Georgetown in Rupp, Al McGuire’s Marquette beating UNC in 1977, the first 16-1 loss by Virginia, Northern Iowa beating Kansas in 2010 and so on.

The tournament is truly magic and last night with FDU is the latest chapter.
GM, (Oh that's the way the efficient do it now-a-days...) Good Morning,

Made some biscuits, and coffee. My Darling made pancakes for my two daughters AND my two youngest grandchildren... and cleaned up the mess.:mad: Biscuits don't go down as well...

I have no Cat in this fight but my druthers is that UT WHIPS puke. UT will fold of their own volition soon enough... Take out the trash UT, then fall in the hole yourselves...

Too much going on today... but I am thankful...
GM, (Oh that's the way the efficient do it now-a-days...) Good Morning,

Made some biscuits, and coffee. My Darling made pancakes for my two daughters AND my two youngest grandchildren... and cleaned up the mess.:mad: Biscuits don't go down as well...

I have no Cat in this fight but my druthers is that UT WHIPS puke. UT will fold of their own volition soon enough... Take out the trash UT, then fall in the hole yourselves...

Too much going on today... but I am thankful...
Well said. UT can take out the Dukie trash then fall in the hole. I will write that one down.
So a Wildcat is fighting a Wildcat… Go Wildcats!!! Only true Wildcats are the Kentucky Wildcats… no matter the outcome, they are only pretenders…

Out and about a bit but I took a good “bite” out of the crud in the garage… back at it later today… still much to do…

I needed to do this, why it took moving to make me…. I am ashamed…
Good morning from ATX. Currently 43°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 60°F. Should warm up beginning next Tuesday.

And then 24 remained. Princeton is for real. Really thought Kansas would have played better against Hogs. Watched UT vs Duke before heading out. Chose lesser of two evils for that game. Rick Barnes' team showed up.

Come on, Coach Cal, rally the troops. Let's make the Sweet-16. Go Cats!

Finally hit up Trader Joe's late yesterday afternoon. Place was packed. Boarded bus at 4:23 pm. Purchased 3 bottles Green Goddess dressing, which are only available at TJ's unless you have a recipe. Picked up couple packs gnocchi and few other items. Back before dark.

Figured out reason I find less loose change these days. Doggone bums wised up, purchased a flashlight and now actively scout my usual areas for coins. They still miss a few. Heh. Nevertheless, good exercise.

Wishing y'all a Happy Sunday. Again, Go Cats!

Good morning folks.

Had a fun evening with my son at the Washington Wizards versus Sacramento Kings game. Fox and Monk together again. Both had decent games, and the Kings won.

We were eating dinner at a nice DC restaurant when Arky knocked off Kansas. Really loved that. Coupled with the Vols beating Duke it was one of the better tourney days not involving the Cats I can remember.

Game day for Kentucky. It’d be great to keep this season going. Go Cats

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