
Good morning D-League. It's currently 29° and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 50°.

Have a great hump day 🐪.

Vernazza never gets old. I could spend weeks doing nothing in that little place.
Pressure washing is complete and everything is sparkling. The day turned out beautiful with a misty rain earlier, just enough to help the plants and grass, then sunny and mild.

I made a nice pot of Spanish Bean Soup with chorizo and we will serve it with hot Cuban bread toasted and smothered in butter. Very simple to make but one of the more delicious meals around. I do like Spanish cooking.

Pressure washing is complete and everything is sparkling. The day turned out beautiful with a misty rain earlier, just enough to help the plants and grass, then sunny and mild.

I made a nice pot of Spanish Bean Soup with chorizo and we will serve it with hot Cuban bread toasted and smothered in butter. Very simple to make but one of the more delicious meals around. I do like Spanish cooking.


That's good eating Sir!
“I have always felt that women should get exactly the same salary for the same work that a man would.” —John Wayne
Happy Equal Pay Day! John Wayne shaking hands with Army Sergeant Adams at the John Wayne Day celebration in Springerville, AZ in 1968.
John Wayne and business partner Louis Johnson expanded into cattle breeding with an operation in Springerville, AZ that covered more than 50,000 acres. At the Springerville location the two focused on raising th…
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May be an image of 4 people, people standing and outdoors

All reactions:
You know it is getting close to baseball season. Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates, has been named Book of The Month for Florida students grades 3-5. He was a great one.

I've told this somewhere before, but saw him at old Crosley Field as a rookie - him, not me. Line drive hit at him in RF - naturally - and he charged it & tried to throw before he caught it, dropped it, & Reds won a walk off. Doubt he ever did that again. I only remember this because I was a little kid & asked who that guy was. Great person & ballplayer. Funny, we only call baseball players ballplayers. Why is that?
Kind of funny how we look at players. As a kid, I saw Ken Boyer play. Ken was a great player. Some say he is the best 3B not in the HOF. Well this day Ken let an easy ground ball go through his legs. I was a 3B and it was a play I as a kid could have made. My thoughts/rating of him was downgraded ever after because of that one play.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F and cloudy. Chance for rain later this morning and again tonight. Today's high expected around 79°F.

Side-effects from carboplatin appear lesser yesterday and this morning than days past. At times, my mouth bled and tongue felt as if it had been badly burnt, among others side-effects. Completed MRI yesterday. I was mistaken; they hooked me up to IVs. No biggie. Hoping for positive results.

Play-in games are over. Tourney begins today. Good luck on your brackets. Go Cats!

Happy what would have been her 80th Birthday, mom. RIP.

Wishing all an awesome Thursday.

Good Morning D

Our cool weather continues with a current temperature of 43°, it got down to 36° overnight. We have clear skies and it will be very sunny today with a high of 73°. Not bad at all.

@AustinTXCat . you remain in the prayers of all in the D League. One step at a time. The tournament starts in earnest today and I live in a place that basketball is at the bottom of the ladder in interest. Only a few around here even knows it is NCAA tournament time. It is hard to compete with Spring Baseball Training I guess.

Trust all are well as we start the day with another cup of coffee.



61° this morning with moderate winds. High to be in mid 60's with rain and thunderstorms mid-morning on. Have to get the monster out for her walk as soon as day breaks because radar has rain starting at around 0830.

Went to OKC with a couple of old friends yesterday to hang around together and do lunch after doing some personal biz. One was needing to get medical records for some surgeries he has had in the past for legal matters. We were sent to 4 different buildings over the city just to find that they only kept records 20 years and then they were deleted. One place kept them for only 10 years, and they were deleted. Did not know they did that (delete medical records after a certain time frame). You would think they would at least contact each individual prior to that happening to see if they needed them. Yes, I realize that would take extra effort, but you would think the hospital would have a section for that and send out notices a few months prior just to give them a chance to respond. They only had one record for him and that was hip replacement surgery about 4 months ago. He had knee surgery about 15 years ago but at the hospital that kept the records for only 10 years.

He says he thinks he might have a copy somewhere in his house but does not know where. He has some work to do at home to try and find them.

May watch a game or two today (need to find a good one or two) but am not real excited like years past. Maybe some exciting games will spark my interest again.

You folks have a blessed day and be careful out there.
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Good morning D-League.

A cloudy and cool day as I head in in the subway.

March Madness is upon us. Besides Kentucky I’m mostly rooting against teams instead of for teams. Unless the Cats get on an unlikely roll, my greatest hope is this is the year that a tide of mid-majors break through, across the board.

We’ll know soon enough. Have a good day folks.
Good morning everyone.

Ahhh, March Madness. I'm sure not as excited this year and have also realized I'm not going to root for many other SEC teams. I have always thought if we can't win it another SEC should. I may root for Mizz....may not. I like Buzz Williams, but after watching the Sunday Selection show and saw the one dude doing whatever kind of dance (or whatever it was) I just can't.

Anyway, I don't see many games other than UK's that I'll need to watch....yet.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 26° and partly cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will see the skies become mostly cloudy and a high of 63°.

Have a great day.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 26° and partly cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will see the skies become mostly cloudy and a high of 63°.

Have a great day.

Stayed a few blocks further away from ET than that off the main drag, Rue Cler. Nice neighborhood. Not touristy with local shops, markets. restaurants, cafes. Been 15 years or so ago.
Just had an "only in Washington" moment that might amuse the D-League.

I was fast-walking out of my building and around the corner to get to a drug store to buy a birthday card before a morning meeting when I came very close to bowling over everyone's favorite native American, Sen. Elizabeth Warren as she ankled to a waiting limo. She is tiny and I go about 225 these days so had I not been able to jam on the brakes it would have been ugly.

Her coat-carrying aid looked like he was going to soil himself, and the White Cherokee herself shot me a look of annoyance. Her Washington pad is in the luxury apartment building right next to my offices and I've seen her several times over the years. Every time, I kick myself for not thinking fast enough to throw up my palm like a cigar store Indian and say, "How!"
Hello all,

Later home than I expected but not by too much...changed my clothes and ready to hit it. Time will run out soon and don't want this house sitting on the market long un-leased.

I hope some positives for UK fans things happen and soon... (Man was THAT a rough sentence...)
Well my TV NCAA watching is underway. I have moved the TV out by the pool. Don't you just love these big Smart TV and WiFi. A large screen weighs less than a sack of potatoes. So you can pick it up and go.

I have no real interest in any of the teams playing today so I will just watch and enjoy. Today's weather is absolute picture perfect, just like the TV screen.
Well my TV NCAA watching is underway. I have moved the TV out by the pool. Don't you just love these big Smart TV and WiFi. A large screen weighs less than a sack of potatoes. So you can pick it up and go.

I have no real interest in any of the teams playing today so I will just watch and enjoy. Today's weather is absolute picture perfect, just like the TV screen.

Wish I was with you Sir!
I was thinking of some of the wildlife pictures posted on here and it reminded me of something. For 12 years I worked at the "atomic plant" near Paducah. It was built in a secluded area in land owned by the federal gov. Hunting was allowed in season, but not near the perimeter fence around the plant. Come deer season and you would see herds of 30 or more deer huddled near the fence. Over time, they learned the fence line was a safe space. When season was not in, you never saw them by the fence.

One more thing. Rumor is Alben Barkley bought up 750 acres of farm land cheap. He then sold it to the gov to build the plant on. I wasnt around back then to know for sure, but it is what I heard since I was young. Alben was a powerful senator and VP from 1949 to1953 under Truman.
One more thing. Rumor is Alben Barkley bought up 750 acres of farm land cheap. He then sold it to the gov to build the plant on. I wasnt around back then to know for sure, but it is what I heard since I was young. Alben was a powerful senator and VP from 1949 to1953 under Truman.
Is he related to Biden?

But, he's the one who got Cincy's airport built in KY - so the story goes.