


31° this morning with light winds and rain starting later on in the morning. High 40's expected for today so, it will still be chilly. Have to walk the monster early to beat the rain so...bundle up.

BP update: 127/76 this morning for the lowest it has been in years. Normally, mornings are higher so, we will see how the day goes. Been keeping my salt intake around 2000mg a day (give or take a couple of hundred). Plus, have been watching carbs, added sugar, etc... as well. Only real problem is the meds keep me lightheaded all day and very, very tired. Will see doc next week to discuss other options. Workouts are difficult and not as intense because of very low energy.

Enough of my whining for now. Got a $900.00 plus check in the mail yesterday from PennyMac. As stated around Oct last year that my mortgage rose just short of $200.00 more a month with an explanation of tax increases and insurance increases but, that was just too much. After contacting our insurance plus local gov we found that was not so and it took until last month before they (PennyMac) agreed (filed an audit and "found" their error). Somewhere along the way on their records they had increases but, when checking it ourselves we found that the increases they had did not exist so, they went back and found the problem. In fact, I am now paying $14.00 less a month for mortgage.

Well, enough of my whining for real now. You folks have a wonderful and blessed day. God is watching.
Good morning D-League.

Cold in the east, and sunny. Running late for work today. Stupid time change. Serious question: does the time change make things better for anyone on this board? Seems like a useless relic of the past that our useless Congress can’t change out of uselessness.

It’s nice have son and daughter home for a bit.

Nothing much else to report but work. Have a good day, folks.
Good morning everyone.

@AustinTXCat I have been around dogs (lots) my entire life. Dad was one of the first K-9 officers on the Lex. Police Dept. So, I was about 4 years old and had access to plenty of German Shepherds and Bloodhounds. He would bring them home many times but recently told me there was one that he couldn't because of me. He also raised field trial beagles and we traveled to several states for field trials. Odd timing....I lost my last lab 11 years ago today to a car. I haven't had a dog since and am shocked that a bird now controls most or our life. lol

@MdWIldcat55 We like this current time. I wish they would leave it at this one. The later sunrise/sunset is best for us.

Snow here in the mountains. 2nd day in a row that the roads are slick on the roads at the top. We don't have any on the driveway at this mid range level.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Good morning D-League.

Cold in the east, and sunny. Running late for work today. Stupid time change. Serious question: does the time change make things better for anyone on this board? Seems like a useless relic of the past that our useless Congress can’t change out of uselessness.

It’s nice have son and daughter home for a bit.

Nothing much else to report but work. Have a good day, folks.
No, it does not make things better for anyone I know. With both parties running investigations on each other (appeasing their base but nothing ever happens), they have no time for doing the real work people need them to do. After a few weeks of BS they will recess (go on vacation for a month or so), come back, investigate more, and then recess some more. Wash, Rinse, And Repeat. Cynical?...Maybe.
No, it does not make things better for anyone I know. With both parties running investigations on each other (appeasing their base but nothing ever happens), they have no time for doing the real work people need them to do. After a few weeks of BS they will recess (go on vacation for a month or so), come back, investigate more, and then recess some more. Wash, Rinse, And Repeat. Cynical?...Maybe.
Senator Rick Scott has a bill to change this and make time constant all year but I am not sure he is getting any backing of it. The Florida legislature is considering doing it if the feds don't.

They are also considering starting school an hour later so kids don't have to stand in the dark waiting on school buses. It has become a safety hazard.
Good morning D-League. It is 34.5°F here on our way to a cool 45°. It was 30 when I first got up.

On daylight savings time: I wish they would keep it DST all year. If necessary adjust the school and other starting times. We don't need to change twice a year.

You all have a great day.
Best access is by seaplane. Worth the trip. It is about 70 miles West of Key West. There is a lot of history inside that fort.

Dr Samuel Mudd, the doctor who treated the injured John Wilkes Booth after the shooting of Lincoln, was imprisoned at this fort
Poor Dr. Mudd. Probably guilty of being an accessory before the fact, in that it is widely accepted now that he had met with Booth earlier and loosely agreed to be of help if needed. I seriously doubt he expected anything to come of Booth's wild rantings, which began with the plan to kidnap Lincoln and take him to Richmond alive.

Mudd must have been stunned that night when Booth and his co-conspirator David Herald showed up with Booth's leg broken.

My first-ever pipeline job working away from home without my father around was the summer I was 17, in 1974.

I got hired to work on a spread outside the small town of Waldorf, Maryland. It was my first visit to the east. One day as we worked along, I noticed one of those roadside historical markers. It noted that the house above us on a little rise was the Mudd House Booth visited that night. I believe back in the mid-1970s the house was closed and that marker was the only notice, but in the half-century since it became a small museum.
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They are also considering starting school an hour later so kids don't have to stand in the dark waiting on school buses. It has become a safety hazard.
OR, we can stay on standard time in the wInter or all year to avoid the safety issue. And if school starts an hour later as above, there will still be no evening daylight when the kids get home. Maybe then have daylight savings savings time then with clocks another hour ahead. I think the key is to legislate that there will be 12 hours of daylight every day.
Good morning D-League. It is 34.5°F here on our way to a cool 45°. It was 30 when I first got up.

On daylight savings time: I wish they would keep it DST all year. If necessary adjust the school and other starting times. We don't need to change twice a year.

You all have a great day.
In that case, can have a single global time & people adjust their behaviors at every location to daylight hours wrt to the clock. China has a single time across its width which is 3+ time zones wide.
My FAVORITE Math.... Just LOVE IT!!!
I'm reminded of a joke my papaw loved to tell 60-plus years ago. (He had a couple years at Eastern Kentucky and taught school for a bit before heading for France in WW1. After that he was content to watch the weeds grow in his small tobacco patch. My dad and his sisters damn near starved. But he always had a joke...)

The family saves for years to send their oldest boy off to university. When he gets home ma asks, "What are they learnin' you at college?" The boy proudly responds, "Pi r2."

Pa doesn't say anything. But later when alone he says, "Ma. we're wasting money on that boy. I only went to third grade, and I know pie are round. Cornbread are square."
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Good morning D-League. It is 34.5°F here on our way to a cool 45°. It was 30 when I first got up.

On daylight savings time: I wish they would keep it DST all year. If necessary adjust the school and other starting times. We don't need to change twice a year.

You all have a great day.
The Monday after daylight savings should automatically be a federal holiday.
Perhaps if things go according to plan the awf's would have some ducklings to share with someone that was interested.......if you have grass to put them on they are very economical to raise. They will fly....(away)......if not clipped. I have had them sit on as many as 32 eggs.......hatching 26 and raising 24.......they would be ready for the market at between 10-12 weeks of age.........they don't quack and make a bunch of noise........the eggs are quite tasty..........and they don't need a lot of water.....we have a wading pool that is maybe 40" x 12".........they are a land based duck.......they are also the only duck that isn't related to the wild mallard genetically........they are probably closer to a goose.........
Okay, daughter said thank you for the opportunity. I told her I'd finance the venture. However, she decided against going further because of time constraints. Apparently her and my ex also got into it about the three ducklings she already has. They've got land, but time is her main concern.

Again, thanks!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 76°F. Look forward to this morning's walk.

Watched TAMU-CC vs SEMO last night. Entertaining game that went down to the wire. Pitt edged Miss State last night.

Cats baseball destroyed Indiana 12-2 on 03/13. Mercy rule invoked after 7th inning.

Got another MRI scheduled for this afternoon. I'll actually sit in a chamber for an hour to begin with. Thereafter, they'll then slide me in a tube, but with no hoses attached. Hopefully we'll see some progress.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing all an awesome Wednesday.

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 76°F. Look forward to this morning's walk.

Watched TAMU-CC vs SEMO last night. Entertaining game that went down to the wire. Pitt edged Miss State last night.

Cats baseball destroyed Indiana 12-2 on 03/13. Mercy rule invoked after 7th inning.

Got another MRI scheduled for this afternoon. I'll actually sit in a chamber for an hour to begin with. Thereafter, they'll then slide me in a tube, but with no hoses attached. Hopefully we'll see some progress.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing all an awesome Wednesday.

ATX my friend, you are in my prayers every day, you are also on our GOD KNOWS LIST!!!
Good morning D-League.

Heading in on the subway on time today. Another cold day in the east.

Tournament is underway. Suffered my first loss with Miss State, though in most brackets you get a pass on that play-in game.

I have a friend who is very inside the Georgetown program. I need to call him today to see if this Cooley-to-Gtown rumor is real. Could be an interest wrinkle for the Cats game with Providence.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good Wednesday Morning

Today is house pressure washing day for me. I am going to use one to scrub down the driveway and do the travertine and pool cage. Knock out any mold or mildew and brighten up the place.

The weather is very pleasant, 48° at the moment and the high will reach 70°. We have a few rain clouds in the sky and have a 50% chance of rain this morning. I might have to break out my rain jacket.

@AustinTXCat prayers are being lifted up for you as you go through treatment. You are a good man and are our thoughts are with you. Take care all and may the Lord take a liking to you

Good morning everyone.

Cold and frosty 23 degrees here on the mountain. Brrrr, we did a poor job bringing back the 80 degree weather from FL.

Wildlife Wednesday.... I normally would be listening for turkeys gobbling this time of year early in the morning. But, too cold to bother. Listening for them is one of my favorite times of the year.

I hope everyone has a great hump day.

Good morning everyone.

Cold and frosty 23 degrees here on the mountain. Brrrr, we did a poor job bringing back the 80 degree weather from FL.

Wildlife Wednesday.... I normally would be listening for turkeys gobbling this time of year early in the morning. But, too cold to bother. Listening for them is one of my favorite times of the year.

I hope everyone has a great hump day.

You got me bested by 2 degrees. It was 25°F at sunrise today and the sun is to push us to 54°.

I watched the two games last night. Mississippi State plays tough but they simply can't shoot for the whole game. Pitt is not going to get far as the three is their offence.

I have company tonight to watch basketball this weekend until we don't know who played who. (or is that whom?) Did Verdue play Permont?