
I was terribly disappointed in Kentucky last night. I can't say what I think because I could get banned.

Now at half time with A&M, Vandy can't shoot shit and they are still getting the calls from the refs 7 to 4.

UK will probably lose their first game in the NCAA. I hope that I have to eat turkey, but this team has no heart and the coach is confused.
They'll have a tough first round game especially if they fall to an 8 seed. Probably get matched up with a hot mid-major that routinely hits NBA length 3s.

It looks like Kansas, UCLA, Alabama and Houston are locks for the #1 seed. UK has played and lost (easily) to 3 of them. With an 8 seed they'd most likely play one of them again in the 2nd round. Here's hoping for a 6 or 7 seed.
I was terribly disappointed in Kentucky last night. I can't say what I think because I could get banned.

Now at half time with A&M, Vandy can't shoot shit and they are still getting the calls from the refs 7 to 4.

UK will probably lose their first game in the NCAA. I hope that I have to eat turkey, but this team has no heart and the coach is confused.
Bert, I would hate to think you would get banned for feeling what 90% of the UK fan base feels.

Today is a beautiful day down here and I had big plans to fire up the grill and cook out and watch the games. My wife met my daughter at a local botanical gardens then went over to a park by the Gulf to enjoy a nice breeze and enjoy a good book. That left me to yell and holler and whoop; it up.

I still fired up the grill but no UK game to watch. And that is a bummer and not what I had in mind for today. Our coach is confused and I am confused because he keeps setting one bad record after another for UK basketball. Enough is enough.
How you know you're in Texas #347, 456. From Hico, TX. Heh.

You baseball fans probably heard of Stormin Norman Cash. He was 1B for Detroit in the sixties. Though not officially accepted as true, Alex Karras tells a story of Norms death. Alex owned a bar in Detroit that was a hangout for sports figures and mob people. Alex said Norm owed bookies a lot of money. He said the mob drowned him. Official records say he had a .18 alcoho! Blood level and bumped his head and fell in the water.
You baseball fans probably heard of Stormin Norman Cash. He was 1B for Detroit in the sixties. Though not officially accepted as true, Alex Karras tells a story of Norms death. Alex owned a bar in Detroit that was a hangout for sports figures and mob people. Alex said Norm owed bookies a lot of money. He said the mob drowned him. Official records say he had a .18 alcoho! Blood level and bumped his head and fell in the water.
I remember him well but did not realize how he died other than he drowned up North. That was quite a story but very believable. I can see it happening that way. Norm was a power hitter who had a lot of home runs over his career.
I remember him well but did not realize how he died other than he drowned up North. That was quite a story but very believable. I can see it happening that way. Norm was a power hitter who had a lot of home runs over his career.

Norm was a good player, Willie Horton, Al Kaline, Mickey Stanley... each Tiger left lasting legacies....
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Please keep my co-workers family in prayer..

I received a call a few minutes ago from our Budget Office manager. My counter-part at work went to the hospital today for a CT scan of some sort. They think he had an aneurysm of some sort but he died right there in the hospital he was at.

I was just getting to know him and actually helped him with some real estate transactions he was involved in just to make it easier on him.

I really enjoyed working with him and had just talked to him yesterday. (I was off but he had an issue and needed input.)

He was 53 or 54 and had no health issues he told me about though we compared aches and pains. He seemed in decent shape and is in the process of building a house in Florida and was getting set to retire there.

I do not have anything I need to do as I am the newest member but our leadership up to a 3 star has been contacted.

Say a prayer for my friends family. He has no children but he was married. His wife is taking it hard. (Fully understood...)
Please keep my co-workers family in prayer..

I received a call a few minutes ago from our Budget Office manager. My counter-part at work went to the hospital today for a CT scan of some sort. They think he had an aneurysm of some sort but he died right there in the hospital he was at.

I was just getting to know him and actually helped him with some real estate transactions he was involved in just to make it easier on him.

I really enjoyed working with him and had just talked to him yesterday. (I was off but he had an issue and needed input.)

He was 53 or 54 and had no health issues he told me about though we compared aches and pains. He seemed in decent shape and is in the process of building a house in Florida and was getting set to retire there.

I do not have anything I need to do as I am the newest member but our leadership up to a 3 star has been contacted.

Say a prayer for my friends family. He has no children but he was married. His wife is taking it hard. (Fully understood...)
So sorry to hear this BBUK. We will pray for the family. Life is so fragile and we have no promise of a tomorrow. May God bless his wife
Gray material is known as Faraday fabric or Faraday cloth, which shields radio signals up to 40 GHz. Material includes copper and nickel within the fibers. Tests indicate at least 96% effectiveness. Haha, I've experienced many dropped calls since using the cover. Daughter hand-sewed the cover during her visit last month. After returning home, she's fabricated some fancier products for me using the same cloth.

Tumor on my lung formed directly behind upper-right shirt pocket where I carried a smartphone for many years.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and partly cloudy. Cold front moving in. Today's high expected around 73°F.

Was Daylight Savings Time kind to y'all? Ha ha, I woke up around 1 am, looked at clock an hour later and noticed 3 am. Thought "wow, time sure flies". Then remembered DST.

Wife happy Horns beat Jayhawks last night. We're also Aggie fans today only. Looking forward to Selection Sunday.

Instant Pot and Ninja Air fryer cooking projects currently on hold. Too painful opening my mouth very wide right now. Must eat soft stuff, like oatmeal and soup. Hope this side-effect passes soon.

Wishing all a happy, peaceful Sunday.

Good morning everyone.

Raining here and going to head to church for setup in a little bit. Selection Sunday...normally one of my favorite days of the year. I'll still study all the options afterwards, but just not the same anymore.

Walked and got in a workout yesterday. Maybe I will get a little more serious with the workouts this spring.

Prayers for everyone here on this fine Sunday. I hope everyone has a great day.
Good lost an hour during the night Sunday

I don't know why I fight DST so much but it is not one of my favorite things. I have a routine and don't want it messed with. On a positive note the coffee is good.

The State of Texas is playing good basketball. Houston, the Longhorns and A&M all look like good basketball teams. If I was AD of Texas I would call off any coach search and give it to the interim man. He is doing a great job. They dominated Kansas last night. I am an Aggie fan today also. It is sad the Cats got bounced so early. We use to be a hard tteam to beat.

It is a little cooler out today. 49° with the sun coming up. It will be sunny all day and the high will reach 82°. Very pleasant and a good day to worship and be thankful. Trust y'all have a pleasant day and a special prayers for @BBUK coworker's family and @AustinTXCat.

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Good morning folks. Hope all is well.

BBUK - I'm sorry about your work colleague. That's always a shock to lose someone from your life.

Selection Sunday -- it ain't what it used to be but I guess I'll still be curious about the Cats' draw.

My son and I had a great Saturday in some of our favorite Smithsonian Museums. He's come so far intellectually after feeling alienated in Lexington during the COVID BS when they shut down.

We stopped in a sports bar to get a burger on our way out of DC, and when it was too late to turn around and go elsewhere I realized we'd stumbled into a nest of Kansas fans. Ugh. They were dressed up like it was Mardi Gras in every sort of weird gear and hootin' and hollering. I guess if Kentucky was a #1 seed and playing for the conference championship a group of us would seem just as obnoxious. But ever since Self starting recruiting thug players and cheating I've had a special loathing for them. I definitely didn't want a scene with my son so we ate and left. I was so happy when we got home and saw they lost by 20. Wish we'd stayed in the bar.

Off to get a new battery for my car. Hope you guys have a good day.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 35° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring on and off rain showers and a high of 40°.

Have a great day.

Nice photo today 41102. The Mostar bridge In Bosnia. Looks like the rebuilt version, opened in the early 2000s...

I'd wager a lot that I'm the only person on this board to cross the ORIGINAL, built in the 1500s. During the Bosnian war, it became a focal point for fighting between Muslims and, in this case, Croats rather than Serbs. I was there in May, 1993 when the Croats were shelling it heavily. The HVO, as the Croat army was called, failed to destroy it in the spring-summer of 1993, and it was a feel-good story of a plucky defense for a while, but they finally shattered it in November, after I'd left Bosnia. Really sad. The 1550-version was an engineering marvel.

I hear the rebuilt version is a popular bungie-jump. Its about 60 feet off the water, as I recall. My son has always bugged me to take him to Croatia and Bosnia -- Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, the Vitez-Tuzla corridor -- and show him how things played out in the early 1990s. If we go, I may do a jump from the Mostar Bridge. My luck, after surviving the shelling in 93 I'd break my neck as a silly tourist.
Take it for what it's worth but early ESPN bracketology has UK as a 7 seed in the west playing Boise State in the first round. UCLA is the 2 seed. I guess they got edged out by Purdue for the #1. UCLA has some injuries to contend with too. Regardless of the final pairings I'll use the tired old cliche "I'm cautiously optimistic".
You baseball fans probably heard of Stormin Norman Cash. He was 1B for Detroit in the sixties. Though not officially accepted as true, Alex Karras tells a story of Norms death. Alex owned a bar in Detroit that was a hangout for sports figures and mob people. Alex said Norm owed bookies a lot of money. He said the mob drowned him. Official records say he had a .18 alcoho! Blood level and bumped his head and fell in the water.
Karras was wild. So hard to dismiss from being likely.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 35° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring on and off rain showers and a high of 40°.

Have a great day.

Have wanted to go there, but not on bucket list. But, one side is Muslim, other Orthodox. Middle of arch got blown up in Bosnian War & rebuilt. Old parts close to 500 years old.

Note: Hadn't read MDW55's post.
Selection Sunday. Once was a day I look so forward to.

I am going to enjoy the SEC finals today. Both teams are exciting and it will be fun to watch but I hope Texas A&M can pull it out.

One thing for sure. Both teams will be prepared. The film they watched will not be reruns of The Little House on The Prairie. They came to Nashville to win a championship.

Go Aggies upset the Tide
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