
Good Friday morning

56° outside with the sun starting to rise. It will be sunny all day with a high temperature of 80°. This afternoon we may have a 15% chance of rain. A pleasant day. I still have some yard work to wrap up and may do that. Also going to hit the gym today and work on upper body and cardio. Keep moving.

Take care all.


Morning D-Legionnaires!

33° this morning with 10mph winds. Mid 60's for a high with winds picking up to 15-20mph.

Normal workout morning with walking the monster after. Rained most of the day yesterday so she did not get her walk. She was on me most of the day trying to talk me into it.

Went out to lunch (Asian Buffet) yesterday with my karate instructor and a couple of other black belts who used to train with us. All but one in our 60's catching up on what's new. We decided that we will go with one of them to OKC next week to his doctor's appointment for his preoperative visit before knee surgery, then on to lunch in OKC. Back surgery for him in the near future as well because of his size (6' 7") and being 300 plus pounds for a while now. It had taken its toll over the years. Had not seen him since December and now, he is around 250 pounds or so. doctor wanted him to lose weight pre surgery, and he did.

Well, you folks have a blessed day and let's get prepared for a hard-fought game tonight as Vandy needs this game to possibly make the tournament.

God Bless you all.
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A long time friend that I've mentioned here many times wanted me to pass along some faith building info to everyone. I've been helping him and him me the past few days and we've agreed to have each other's backs the next few weeks as we reapair old a d build nrw stuff on our own properties. (It's weird how two people can not talk or see each other as much but our lives work out in the same directions.)

He's had some injuries come back to bother him and new ones crop up the last 6M, and really needed help and motivation to get going through the pain. We both did. Anyway, he's written a book (maybe more than one) and is itchin to finish another about Jesus and the prophecies he fulfilled, because "So many don't understand the scope of what he did here and will do when he returns."

Copied and pasted-

"Grace/mercy was given to us in Jesus before the beginning of time," and it was "revealed to us" 2k years ago.

What most know (through the spirit) but probably don't realize is that the entire scripture has been "revealed" over time rather than "created" or "inspired" at the time it was given. Think about that for a second and test it. We know that without the Son's willingness BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME to redeem a people for the Father, creation itself would not have been made possible.

"So what?" some may say, but the implications are HUGE.

This means that every commandment, every act of salvation and faithful response (in advance of knowing how salvation might occur, mind you) was known by the Father and Son. Everything was set in place, planned, so that those seeking Him would be able to find Him.

The sabbath, all of the festivals given through Moses, all of the commandments, all of the foreshadowing of the people in Jesus' ancestral line, and all of the times God reached out and saved everyone from Nineveh to Egypt and beyond- were planned in advance. They were only REVEALED at their proper time. They all point to the work of His Son.

Jesus showed the true meaning and origin, even the corrected keeping of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Weeks (Pentecost), Day of Atonements, and Tabernacles. He came at Tabernacles (the original festival of lights and dedication of the temple), because he is the light of the world and the temple symbolizes him, not the other way around. He covered us with his blood and took away our sins (symbolism of Atonements and Unleavened Bread) and cast them far from us at Passover, and gave us the gift of the indwelling of the spirit at the Feast of Weeks (because he is the bread of life and the Word of God given on that day as well).

He is THE REASON for all of those "seasons." They are not Jewish, but appointments from God and with God for the world to share in here and are promises for the world to come. They were supposed to be WITNESSED BY and shared WITH GENTILES seeking God, but instead were hidden not just from gentiles but from Israel itself by those who rejected the Father.

The Day of Judgment (renamed Rosh Hashanah and changed) is coming, along with the final portions of the Day of Atonements (a day if accountabilty/reckoning of accounts). Jesus will fulfill those, too, before the final, joyful fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles when Father and Son will dwell with us forever. It is critical that we remember His and His Son's work on these days, for it is a commandment Jesus kept to perfection. For at these times He draws near and allows us to draw nearer than any other time of year.

May God bless all who seek Him and through repentance His Son. May they find the forgiveness promised, earned, and delivered to all who pick up their staff and replace it with that of the Son. May we all rejoice together in the world to come as brothers, sisters, and children of God!"

I hope this blesses you and humbles you as it did me when he shared it with me.
A long time friend that I've mentioned here many times wanted me to pass along some faith building info to everyone. I've been helping him and him me the past few days and we've agreed to have each other's backs the next few weeks as we reapair old a d build nrw stuff on our own properties. (It's weird how two people can not talk or see each other as much but our lives work out in the same directions.)

He's had some injuries come back to bother him and new ones crop up the last 6M, and really needed help and motivation to get going through the pain. We both did. Anyway, he's written a book (maybe more than one) and is itchin to finish another about Jesus and the prophecies he fulfilled, because "So many don't understand the scope of what he did here and will do when he returns."

Copied and pasted-

"Grace/mercy was given to us in Jesus before the beginning of time," and it was "revealed to us" 2k years ago.

What most know (through the spirit) but probably don't realize is that the entire scripture has been "revealed" over time rather than "created" or "inspired" at the time it was given. Think about that for a second and test it. We know that without the Son's willingness BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME to redeem a people for the Father, creation itself would not have been made possible.

"So what?" some may say, but the implications are HUGE.

This means that every commandment, every act of salvation and faithful response (in advance of knowing how salvation might occur, mind you) was known by the Father and Son. Everything was set in place, planned, so that those seeking Him would be able to find Him.

The sabbath, all of the festivals given through Moses, all of the commandments, all of the foreshadowing of the people in Jesus' ancestral line, and all of the times God reached out and saved everyone from Nineveh to Egypt and beyond- were planned in advance. They were only REVEALED at their proper time. They all point to the work of His Son.

Jesus showed the true meaning and origin, even the corrected keeping of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Weeks (Pentecost), Day of Atonements, and Tabernacles. He came at Tabernacles (the original festival of lights and dedication of the temple), because he is the light of the world and the temple symbolizes him, not the other way around. He covered us with his blood and took away our sins (symbolism of Atonements and Unleavened Bread) and cast them far from us at Passover, and gave us the gift of the indwelling of the spirit at the Feast of Weeks (because he is the bread of life and the Word of God given on that day as well).

He is THE REASON for all of those "seasons." They are not Jewish, but appointments from God and with God for the world to share in here and are promises for the world to come. They were supposed to be WITNESSED BY and shared WITH GENTILES seeking God, but instead were hidden not just from gentiles but from Israel itself by those who rejected the Father.

The Day of Judgment (renamed Rosh Hashanah and changed) is coming, along with the final portions of the Day of Atonements (a day if accountabilty/reckoning of accounts). Jesus will fulfill those, too, before the final, joyful fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles when Father and Son will dwell with us forever. It is critical that we remember His and His Son's work on these days, for it is a commandment Jesus kept to perfection. For at these times He draws near and allows us to draw nearer than any other time of year.

May God bless all who seek Him and through repentance His Son. May they find the forgiveness promised, earned, and delivered to all who pick up their staff and replace it with that of the Son. May we all rejoice together in the world to come as brothers, sisters, and children of God!"

I hope this blesses you and humbles you as it did me when he shared it with me.
Beautiful words and humbling. God is good, all the time.
This came from facebook but I saw something similar to this with my own eyes. About 50 years ago. I worked with a man who came from Nebraska and the first thing he did was buy a truck and a boat. He had never owed a boat and had never put one in the water.

So he drove it in, just like this picture. The boat was OK but his pickup was a total loss after being submerged in salt water. I think he sold the boat and took up hunting.

Good late morning all,

Been out and about getting some estimates. This moving stuff is not horrible BUT when children (39 years old children) have these desperate cries for help with frivolous items it dictates less than accommodating responses...

In any event My Darling and I are sitting in front of her desired restaurant an hour before it opens. No issues on my part. She asks for very little. We are in Chantilly VA.

Have a great day!

Go CATS!!!
Any shock in the waste fraud and abuse these days?


That is a high-end Charger and NOT a cop car... (Snapped that at a red light today.) Nah, nothing to see here.
Probably not but the news coming out of California today will shake some people up.

Silicon Valley Bank collapse sends tech startups scrambling​

A $250 billion dollar bank is in receivership. This bank financed new tech startups. Even CNN is worried about this.

Joe Biden Your Economy Is Shakey
Probably not but the news coming out of California today will shake some people up.

Silicon Valley Bank collapse sends tech startups scrambling​

A $250 billion dollar bank is in receivership. This bank financed new tech startups. Even CNN is worried about this.

Joe Biden Your Economy Is Shakey

So much, and I mean SO MUCH government/ corporate theft. Yes, government employees and corporations are still in the government bailout business. The government gives TONS of money to an entity, they go bankrupt nearly immediately. Where is all the cash from the government??? Does it ever get recouped??? NOPE...pick a solar company. Many, many others are in it. Do they ever have to stand to account??? Yeah after twenty or thirty years... No one pays their dues any longer, they just steal it and go about their servitude lives where they are treated like kings....

I will stop for today. Cleaning and arranging for our move at the end of the month. (If the Lord doesn't take me home...)
How many of the D League have been to this spot and had your picture taken. The Conch Republic is strong.

I haven't made it that far south in FL yet. I'm not sure if it's worth it or not. Seems pretty touristy.

Edit: Since I didn't check in this's babysitting day here so entertaining (and being entertained) by the niece.
I haven't made it that far south in FL yet. I'm not sure if it's worth it or not. Seems pretty touristy.

Edit: Since I didn't check in this's babysitting day here so entertaining (and being entertained) by the niece.

Key West is a unique place. It once was the largest city in Florida. It is one of the few places you can see the sun come up over the water and the sun set over the water. The food is excellent and if you are into bars they have some of the best around. Sloppy Joes was the favorite of Ernest Hemingway and his house is a tourist attraction and museum.

So much to do, so I am providing this video that highlights a few things. My favorite place was Fort Zackary Taylor State Park.

Key West is a unique place. It once was the largest city in Florida. It is one of the few places you can see the sun come up over the water and the sun set over the water. The food is excellent and if you are into bars they have some of the best around. Sloppy Joes was the favorite of Ernest Hemingway and his house is a tourist attraction and museum.

So much to do, so I am providing this video that highlights a few things. My favorite place was Fort Zackary Taylor State Park.

SC, if you're out on most places on the ocean, say on a boat, can't you see the sun come up over the water and set over the water?

Rush Limbaugh’s Widow Sells The Palm Beach, Florida Home For Record $155 MILLION.​


Limbaugh acquired the main house for $3.9 million in 1998. The property features a private beach, a large fountain, a pool, a putting green, a library, and an elevator. It has 15 bedrooms and 14.5 bathrooms

Largest Residential Sale in Palm Beach History
I just noticed that a D-League post I wrote this morning somehow didn't reach the thread. That's okay. Nothing much has changed.

My son got home from LExington overnight, and I'm glad to have him here.

Big game for the Cats tonight. I guess I have a ways to go to trust this bunch, but one way or the other, 'Let the Madness begin.'

I was delighted to see North Carolina wiped out last night and lose any realistic chance for the tournament. For Pre-Season #1 to None and Done. Good riddance.

Hope it is (was) a good day for all of you.
I just noticed that a D-League post I wrote this morning somehow didn't reach the thread. That's okay. Nothing much has changed.

My son got home from LExington overnight, and I'm glad to have him here.

Big game for the Cats tonight. I guess I have a ways to go to trust this bunch, but one way or the other, 'Let the Madness begin.'

I was delighted to see North Carolina wiped out last night and lose any realistic chance for the tournament. For Pre-Season #1 to None and Done. Good riddance.

Hope it is (was) a good day for all of you.

unc was a two seed, didn't you hear? ;)
We need another Rush. I do not see one on the horizon...
He was once in a lifetime. IMO Best radio personality in history. I listened for 32 years and he never once raised his voice or got into a heated argument with a caller. He did not call them names. He just reviewed the news, told us his feelings about it and told us what would happen.

I have a bunch of his parody CD's. Hilarious
I posted a story on the Is There A God thread. I will change a bit and repost. Ever hear of Billy Sunday? Billy was a pro baseball player in the 1880's time frame. During that time, baseball was played by rough and tumble people. It was beneath genteel people to watch a baseball game. billy quit baseball to become an evangelist. Billy had a teammate named Ed Williamson. Ed was one of baseballs top stars of the day.

Billy told of a time a group of players were on a ship crossing the English Channel. A great storm came up and the captain thought the ship would sink. Ed tied two life pre servers on himself and one to his wife. Ed then fell to his knees and prayed to God. He said he would be true if he survived. God spoke and the waves subsided.
They arrived back in the USA and Ed went to Chicago and opened a saloon on Dearborn Street. Billy said he would come to Chicago and come to Eds saloon while passing out tickets to the YMCA meetings. Billy said Ed would cry like a baby and he would pray for him and talk to him. He said when Ed died, they cut him open and his liver was so big it would not fit in a candy bucket. His kidneys were so shriveled they were like two stones.
I posted a story on the Is There A God thread. I will change a bit and repost. Ever hear of Billy Sunday? Billy was a pro baseball player in the 1880's time frame. During that time, baseball was played by rough and tumble people. It was beneath genteel people to watch a baseball game. billy quit baseball to become an evangelist. Billy had a teammate named Ed Williamson. Ed was one of baseballs top stars of the day.

Billy told of a time a group of players were on a ship crossing the English Channel. A great storm came up and the captain thought the ship would sink. Ed tied two life pre servers on himself and one to his wife. Ed then fell to his knees and prayed to God. He said he would be true if he survived. God spoke and the waves subsided.
They arrived back in the USA and Ed went to Chicago and opened a saloon on Dearborn Street. Billy said he would come to Chicago and come to Eds saloon while passing out tickets to the YMCA meetings. Billy said Ed would cry like a baby and he would pray for him and talk to him. He said when Ed died, they cut him open and his liver was so big it would not fit in a candy bucket. His kidneys were so shriveled they were like two stones.
Very familiar with Billy Sunday. My father and grandfather told me many stories about him including his days as a baseball player and evangelist. He was a legend in those days.

Some of the greatest sermons in American history were preached by Billy Sunday and he preached for millions and millions over his life. He was hell fire and brimstone.
I just noticed that a D-League post I wrote this morning somehow didn't reach the thread. That's okay. Nothing much has changed.

My son got home from LExington overnight, and I'm glad to have him here.

Big game for the Cats tonight. I guess I have a ways to go to trust this bunch, but one way or the other, 'Let the Madness begin.'

I was delighted to see North Carolina wiped out last night and lose any realistic chance for the tournament. For Pre-Season #1 to None and Done. Good riddance.

Hope it is (was) a good day for all of you.

I can never count UNC out of the tournament with anything less than a .500 record. They are such a media darling.
I posted a story on the Is There A God thread. I will change a bit and repost. Ever hear of Billy Sunday? Billy was a pro baseball player in the 1880's time frame. During that time, baseball was played by rough and tumble people. It was beneath genteel people to watch a baseball game. billy quit baseball to become an evangelist. Billy had a teammate named Ed Williamson. Ed was one of baseballs top stars of the day.

Billy told of a time a group of players were on a ship crossing the English Channel. A great storm came up and the captain thought the ship would sink. Ed tied two life pre servers on himself and one to his wife. Ed then fell to his knees and prayed to God. He said he would be true if he survived. God spoke and the waves subsided.
They arrived back in the USA and Ed went to Chicago and opened a saloon on Dearborn Street. Billy said he would come to Chicago and come to Eds saloon while passing out tickets to the YMCA meetings. Billy said Ed would cry like a baby and he would pray for him and talk to him. He said when Ed died, they cut him open and his liver was so big it would not fit in a candy bucket. His kidneys were so shriveled they were like two stones.
Don't know why he quit baseball to be an evangelist. In those days, they didn't play baseball on Sunday. What's the problem?
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