
Vandy needed it and wanted it more. That was obvious. This team is not built for come from behind wins. Not enough fire power. Vandy, my God, Vandy. Of all the teams to put a damper on our football and basketball seasons. Their big man was out for Christ sakes. The good news is that it may only drop UK a seed. I'm hoping no more. We'll know Sunday evening. A few extra days rest for Cason. Gotta look for the positives right now.
How many of the D League have been to this spot and had your picture taken. The Conch Republic is strong.

Shot from Trumbo Point, Sigsby NAS, Key West. Spent 3 days down there. Except for Conch Express bus from Marathon Key, my sole means of transport was a folding bicycle. I slept in a tent on the beach. Needless to say, USN Shore Patrol not happy about my lodging decision. They gave me a choice of either rent/purchase a tent or leave.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and cloudy with a light breeze out of the south. Today's high expected around 88°F. Heading out for a walk around 6:30 am.

Except for win in their gym, Vandy owned us this season. Wow. Stackhouse brought his team to play. Hope Cats receive a decent seed tomorrow. To say Cal must make changes going forward is an understatement.

I've picked up a new Instant Pot and Air Fryer, both of which need trying out. Stay tuned. [winking]

Got called in to oncology clinic yesterday for "emergency" blood work. Another side-effect of chemo a week ago has been excessive drooling coupled with severe mouth pain. If it's not one thing, it's another. Picked up a magnesium prescription. Hope it helps. I've slept in a chair lately due to persistent leg cramps at night. Anyways, we'll figure out something.

Thinking about entering a few March Madness bracket challenges this year.

Well, heck, hate it our Cats knocked out of SEC Tournament. Bah!

Wishing all a great weekend!

Good Saturday Morning

64° currently, the sun is up and a few scattered clouds are in the heavens. 79° will be the high.

I slept well last night but 30 years ago after a loss like the Cats suffered against Vandy I would have been up all night walking the floor. The sting of defeat has left me and that is not good. I want to hurt when the Cats lose but losing is becoming easier to accept.

But all was not lost last night. Shortly before tip off I sold this UK Basketball media guide from the 89-90 season for $20.00. UK merchandise does not sell as it once did for me, so I do appreciate this buyer from Ft Lauderdale.

I wiil fill up my coffee cup and wrap this up for shipment. I trust all are well and a special prayer for @AustinTXCat. We are thinking of you and may you have some relief from all of these side effects as you battle this illness.

I am going to miss not being in the tournament. A first game loss. Hard to imagine.


Morning D-Legionnaires!

53° this morning with moderate winds. High to be in low 80's with partly cloudy skies.

Watched first half of the game but turned it off for the second half. Wife ask why and I told her I did not like the odds. Like I posted before, UK is now 16-0 when up at the half and 5-11 when trailing at the half this year. That is about a 30% or so win percentage win trailing at half time. Missed the chance to pick up a game on Kansas as they also lost to TCU last night.

Keep on keeping on (especially you @AustinTXCat ) and God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Sunny and cool in the east. Letting my son, home from Lexington, sleep in, and then we're going down to DC, hit some of the spots he likes including a favorite Smithsonian Museum we used to haunt when he was a kid, then have a leisurely dinner at a sports bar across the street from the National Archives.

The Cats...We'll what can you say. After the Arkansas game, I was hopeful despite all the evidence that this bunch doesn't play defense well enough or shoot well enough to sustain any momentum. If I had to guess, they'll manage to win one game against an inferior opponent, we'll all get hopeful again, and then next Saturday or Sunday the season will be over.

I blame myself for trusting them. I know better on some level, but it is hard to give up on something that has been a part of our lives for so long. I feel like the aging version of Michael Corleone.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, at our age we lose more friends than we gain!!

I don't know Sir,

I've made some good friends here. I am thankful. Much more than just posting thoughts. Some good relationships...

I do understand what you're saying though... I lost a friend a few weeks ago...
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I don't know Sir,

I've made some good friends here. I am thankful. Much more than just posting thoughts. Some good relationships...

I do understand what you're saying though... I lost a friend a few weeks ago...
I am in the Cord group. My friends are dying off what seems to be every month. My mother lived to be 95 and she had so many friends. I remember as a boy we would take a trip and always spend the night at one of her or daddy's friends. That is what people did back then. We would welcome them in our home too. Friendship meant something in those days..

When mom died so many of her friends were not at the funeral and someone asked, "where are all of her friends". The answer was simple, they were dead. She outlived them.
I am in the Cord group. My friends are dying off what seems to be every month. My mother lived to be 95 and she had so many friends. I remember as a boy we would take a trip and always spend the night at one of her or daddy's friends. That is what people did back then. We would welcome them in our home too. Friendship meant something in those days..

When mom died so many of her friends were not at the funeral and someone asked, "where are all of her friends". The answer was simple, they were dead. She outlived them.

Never trying to be contradictory Sir. I've just been able to enjoy new friends as well. I do understand... Talked with a friend last night from San Antonio. He just retired after at least 20 in the military and then as an Army civilian.... Invited him and his wife to come stay with us. He stated he would in a couple months. I do miss those friends but you, Cord, awf, and a couple others filled a void for me. That was what I was trying to say. Do wish it was in person...all it would be is better...

The river pirates scenes in How The West Was Won were filmed there. Numerous outlaws used it over the years. I took the kids there when they were young thinking it would be a nice day trip. Nope, the locals used it for parties. Full of empty beer cans and reeked of urine. I guess they've cleaned it up now though.
Never trying to be contradictory Sir. I've just been able to enjoy new friends as well. I do understand... Talked with a friend last night from San Antonio. He just retired after at least 20 in the military and then as an Army civilian.... Invited him and his wife to come stay with us. He stated he would in a couple months. I do miss those friends but you, Cord, awf, and a couple others filled a void for me. That was what I was trying to say. Do wish it was in person...all it would be is better...
I didn't take your comments as contradictory. I am just saying what stage of life I am in. I have reached a point most people reach if they live long enough. If one dies young they do not go through this.'

I am thankful you are making new friends. I am doing the same but I am losing them to. Even some still alive have suffered strokes or have Parkinson's Disease and can't get out of the house. but they are still friends and will be to the end. I visit them often.
I didn't take your comments as contradictory. I am just saying what stage of life I am in. I have reached a point most people reach if they live long enough. If one dies young they do not go through this.'

I am thankful you are making new friends. I am doing the same but I am losing them to. Even some still alive have suffered strokes or have Parkinson's Disease and can't get out of the house. but they are still friends and will be to the end. I visit them often.

Thanks Sir,

Just got back from our weekly grocery run to the markets.

It is disheartening, my Dad lived to be 74 (He never took care of himself, drank caroused, among other things.) My Brother is pushing 72 now (He drinks and used to smoke cigars but he has taken much better care of himself then our parents and relatives did.) as I am pushing 62. I think about the history knowing that my Dad very probably lived longer than ANY of his family. My maternal grandpa lived to be 72 (I was with him trying to revive him when he died, I was on leave at the time from Fort Bragg.), my Mom died at 67. (Mom never drank (Just a little when I was very young. (I saw a couple pictures.) Mom did smoke a bunch, (My maternal grandma died at 67.) Dad chewed, smoked, drank, ...

While I love my Dad and Mom, I took off in life very tempered. Though I had my moments I cannot say I abused myself except in spurts. (I made a covenant with God long ago (In my mid-teens) as to the things I would, not, do...) (I have not done those things I knew would lead for sure to a short life.)

Who knows what tomorrow holds as we are not promised tomorrow. In any event for me I am thankful. The move we are making at the beginning of April will be to a home My Darling can keep up with. It is new and even though brand new homes can have plenty of issues it won't be anything major. My two daughters live within a couple miles and my one daughter will be right at a mile away.

I will feel better once we get moved and settled. While I feel fine now, I have relatives that died much too early BUT, they all had vices and lifestyles that very probably caused their premature deaths. I'd say my brother and I are in un-charted waters as far as longevity goes but, in any event, I am thankful. I know the Lord, and he is who I put my trust in and have for a long while now...

God Bless you Sir and all...
On to another subject, I checked RR and do not see me posting there in the current environment.. I did have some thoughts while driving today..

What now Cal? What slogan? "Refuse to lose?" Nah, that one is by the way-side. Do you have a tweak now Cal? Nah too late for that... I know, how about "Be my brothers keeper?" Nah, several are to be gone soon... I got it; "I like my team!", "I still like my team!"...

You could have just coached your team Cal. Are you going to start now? Nah, too late for that ....again... What are you going to do Cal? Just fade off into the darkness until next year... Yeah, I bet that is what you are going to do...

Oh, we STILL have the NCAA tourney. We can do it. Nah, as much as I want this to happen...if it does, I will be gloriously happy BUT, I may be too shocked to enjoy it.

What Cal does as a coach is sickening and no cliché will get it done at this point....

All you ever had to do Cal was coach the team first and THEN work on changing lives and eliminating generational poverty. You could do both but you never even considered doing both. (From your own statements.)

At least Cal and the team won't go hungry. There is that...

I apologize for the rant. I got it out of my system. I won't do it again this season to this degree... Just pitiful what UK has become... there was never any need for this...
On to another subject, I checked RR and do not see me posting there in the current environment.. I did have some thoughts while driving today..

What now Cal? What slogan? "Refuse to lose?" Nah, that one is by the way-side. Do you have a tweak now Cal? Nah too late for that... I know, how about "Be my brothers keeper?" Nah, several are to be gone soon... I got it; "I like my team!", "I still like my team!"...

You could have just coached your team Cal. Are you going to start now? Nah, too late for that ....again... What are you going to do Cal? Just fade off into the darkness until next year... Yeah, I bet that is what you are going to do...

Oh, we STILL have the NCAA tourney. We can do it. Nah, as much as I want this to happen...if it does, I will be gloriously happy BUT, I may be too shocked to enjoy it.

What Cal does as a coach is sickening and no cliché will get it done at this point....

All you ever had to do Cal was coach the team first and THEN work on changing lives and eliminating generational poverty. You could do both but you never even considered doing both. (From your own statements.)

At least Cal and the team won't go hungry. There is that...

I apologize for the rant. I got it out of my system. I won't do it again this season to this degree... Just pitiful what UK has become... there was never any need for this...
I am watching Texas A&M totally destroy Vanderbilt. Somebody on their team just made a windmill dunk looking down at the rim.

I sure miss those days.
I was terribly disappointed in Kentucky last night. I can't say what I think because I could get banned.

Now at half time with A&M, Vandy can't shoot shit and they are still getting the calls from the refs 7 to 4.

UK will probably lose their first game in the NCAA. I hope that I have to eat turkey, but this team has no heart and the coach is confused.