
Good Thursday Morning D

A nice morning with a temperature of 65°. The high will be 80° with low humidity. I have a lot of work to do outside so it will be a good day for yard work. That never ends around here but it keeps me moving so I enjoy it.

I see where your President wants to raise taxes bigly. And California wants to remove all of the Walgreens Drug Stores from their state because they will not sell one pill. This is a crazy world y'all live in.

Take care and best wishes for health and happiness. Getting ready for the sun to rise

Whoopy gone..... 😅 😅 😅

They fired her....(Uh, did not renew her contract...)

He's looking...

Her fame is more due to Robbin Williams and Billy Crystal than actual talent.
Good morning everyone.

Turkey legs....Mmmmm. The wild variety not so much. They are tougher and a darker meat, but edible in soups, casseroles, and such. I walked out early this morning with a cup of coffee listening for turkeys to gobble....Nope. It's one of my favorite things to do.

Yard work (hillside mostly) for me as well today. I hope to get enough done that I don't have to do any additional exercising today.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Talent and Whoopy do not go in the same book... She "ain't' got none...
Reminds me of a few others who when they were younger and first started out were ok (Rosie Odonnel, David Letterman, and others), but after they became famous their true feelings come forward and they use that platform to spread their hate and disgust for the country and the system that made them famous.
Good morning D-League. Cool and sunny in the east. I just chuckled because our subway driver, not trying to be funny, announced there were “no delays on the Red Line.” Normal has become so unusual that they announce it like you win the lottery.

Home alone for now. Got texts from my wife and daughter —they have tickets for the Louvre this morning. Been there done that. The next time I visit Paris I want it to be an October day in Kentucky with the sun shining and dry roads to travel. Then we’ll grab some supper in Versailles. Or maybe Bardstown.

Hope you all have a good day.
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I see that MLB has adopted a pitch clock. On average, it's shortened Spring Training games an average of 30 minutes. I guess that's a good thing for the fans in general.
It is a good thing. Especially with today's pitchers that can't go more than 5 innings. If a pitcher had to pitch 9 innings like their daddy they may need a few extra moments between pitches.

But not today's player.
It is a good thing. Especially with today's pitchers that can't go more than 5 innings. If a pitcher had to pitch 9 innings like their daddy they may need a few extra moments between pitches.

But not today's player.

Sir, a game I played intricately at many levels to include getting a small salary for a while, I don't watch any longer... (I guess it's me...) :rolleyes: :confused:
Sir, a game I played intricately at many levels to include getting a small salary for a while, I don't watch any longer... (I guess it's me...) :rolleyes: :confused:
The latest thing down here is MLB is threatening to pull all teams out of Florida for Spring Training. Why, because Florida is not WOKE. Yep they want to force Florida to go WOKE.

They pulled the All Star game out of Atlanta because of politics and think they can do it down here. Well all we can say is good-bye,

It is a good thing. Especially with today's pitchers that can't go more than 5 innings. If a pitcher had to pitch 9 innings like their daddy they may need a few extra moments between pitches.

But not today's player.
Back in the day it wasn't nothing for pitchers to have 15+ complete games a year. Now if they reach 2, it's a big accomplishment.
The latest thing down here is MLB is threatening to pull all teams out of Florida for Spring Training. Why, because Florida is not WOKE. Yep they want to force Florida to go WOKE.

They pulled the All Star game out of Atlanta because of politics and think they can do it down here. Well all we can say is good-bye,

Let'em go Sir. The filth needs to stand on its own legs. Really want ALL government funding to be removed from WOKE. THEN see who wants and demands what... Take that away and ALL filth would go back into hiding. ONLY government (Citizen paid TAXES) funding allows WOKE, LBGT. ABORTION, and other deviant causes to exist. Take away the dough and they will revert back to their closets. Government subsidies exist in "NEWS" outlets, along with many other un-American or even American hating undertakings. (In this country and abroad. Remove government subsidies and things will go back to the "way they were". Communists insure government funding for "their" projects...

Oh, if anyone thinks baseball and football are not receiving back dealing government funding. I have some great property I can make you a sweet deal on. (Hey, it's ocean front in Ohio...)
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Let'em go Sir. The filth needs to stand on its own legs. Really want ALL government funding to be removed from WOKE. THEN see who wants and demands what... Take that away and ALL filth would go back into hiding. ONLY government (Citizen paid TAXES) funding allows WOKE, LBGT. ABORTION, and other deviant causes to exist. Take away the dough and they will revert back to their closets. Government subsidies exist in "NEWS" outlets, along with many other un-American or even American hating undertakings. (In this country and abroad. Remove government subsidies and things will go back to the "way they were". Communists insure government funding for "their" projects...

Oh, if anyone thinks baseball and football are not receiving back dealing government funding. I have some great property I can make you a sweet deal on. (Hey, it's ocean front in Ohio...)
What we need is a President and Congress that will make these cuts. What we have is a President and Congress of false narratives. When someone suggests we need to get spending under control the first thing you know they are accused of wanting to cut SS and Medicare.

Nothing could be further from the truth but that is what is reported and the media runs with it. If we just cut those items you mentioned America would become a better place to live and raise a family. But the fear and false narrative of cutting "entitlements" always rears it's ugly head. And we get deeper in debt and more and more deviants are funded with taxpayer money.
What we need is a President and Congress that will make these cuts. What we have is a President and Congress of false narratives. When someone suggests we need to get spending under control the first thing you know they are accused of wanting to cut SS and Medicare.

Nothing could be further from the truth but that is what is reported and the media runs with it. If we just cut those items you mentioned America would become a better place to live and raise a family. But the fear and false narrative of cutting "entitlements" always rears it's ugly head. And we get deeper in debt and more and more deviants are funded with taxpayer money.

We have "admitted" Socialists in our government and it seems no one cares and some even openly applaud it but it is Communism. 300 to 400 people are causing all of this chaos in this country of what? 230 million people?

I will stop...
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The latest thing down here is MLB is threatening to pull all teams out of Florida for Spring Training. Why, because Florida is not WOKE. Yep they want to force Florida to go WOKE.

They pulled the All Star game out of Atlanta because of politics and think they can do it down here. Well all we can say is good-bye,

Exactly. You would think with baseball attendance trending downward for several years, they wouldn't want to rock the boat. When it comes to business, it's best to leave your politics out of it. Even this old country boy knows that.

Exactly. You would think with baseball attendance trending downward for several years, they wouldn't want to rock the boat. When it comes to business, it's best to leave your politics out of it. Even this old country boy knows that.

Major league teams have millions invested in ball parks all over the state. They have two Major League teams here but if their leadership is going to threaten the state because Florida does not allow porn in schools they are in for a shock.

They don't want to pick a fight with this state legislature. Especially not this one.
Major league teams have millions invested in ball parks all over the state. They have two Major League teams here but if their leadership is going to threaten the state because Florida does not allow porn in schools they are in for a shock.

They don't want to pick a fight with this state legislature. Especially not this one.
SC, FL should tell MLB out loud to GFT & take out whatever they want to take out. Then they could be happy doing Spring Training in Cuba.
Major league teams have millions invested in ball parks all over the state. They have two Major League teams here but if their leadership is going to threaten the state because Florida does not allow porn in schools they are in for a shock.

They don't want to pick a fight with this state legislature. Especially not this one.
Imo, this country could use a few more governor's like DeSantis.
Have a fine and leisurely, what is left of your evenings. Me, I'm just working, I am shifting to the destruction phase. Destroying old documents no longer required. Just finally logged off my day job.

Now, some real estate, some technical redistribution, and some background movie of some sort. (I can multi-task like a mug! My regular day off is tomorrow. My Darling and I have plans! I am thankful!

God's peace and healing to you all this evening and through tomorrow....
Well, I know you folks have been dying to find out…

No, my car did not start when I got to the subway station.

I was about to start the mile walk to my house when I spotted one lone woman walking to her car.

I tapped on her window and trying my best not to give off a Ted Bundy vibe said, “would you be willing to help me jump my car?”

She looked highly skeptical, so I added, “you don’t have to get out of your vehicle. Just crack your hood and I’ll do the rest,”

So she did. I offered to pay her but she just waved and accepted my thanks.
I had to replace my battery last week. While my wife was grocery shopping at Wal Mart I was listening to Sports radio in my truck. I guess it was a good place to have it quit. They came out and put one on. But man batteries sure have went up. $180.00 The other battery was 5.5 years old so I guess I can’t complain.😄
I had to replace my battery last week. While my wife was grocery shopping at Wal Mart I was listening to Sports radio in my truck. I guess it was a good place to have it quit. They came out and put one on. But man batteries sure have went up. $180.00 The other battery was 5.5 years old so I guess I can’t complain.😄
Good to know your phone is working again. Now you can call AAA if your car battery dies. 🙃

"The IRS's bewildering rule about self-reporting income from crimes has caused some Twitter users to mock the federal agency.

According to IRS Publication 525, taxpayers are legally required to report the value of whatever property they stole during the tax year.

"If you steal property, you must report its FMV (Fair Market Value) in your income in the year you steal it, unless in the same year you return it to its rightful owner," the rule reads.

The same rule applies to bribery, drug deals and other income-earning crimes."

🤣 I'm in tears over this.

"The IRS's bewildering rule about self-reporting income from crimes has caused some Twitter users to mock the federal agency.

According to IRS Publication 525, taxpayers are legally required to report the value of whatever property they stole during the tax year.

"If you steal property, you must report its FMV (Fair Market Value) in your income in the year you steal it, unless in the same year you return it to its rightful owner," the rule reads.

The same rule applies to bribery, drug deals and other income-earning crimes."

🤣 I'm in tears over this.
I wonder if that qualifies when using movie quotes? You know, film makers and actors get royalties for their movies/TV shows and quotes. When we use them/steal them should we be charged a tax? Yes, being facetious, but the way our government wants to tax these days..."What are we supposed to do you moron" fits quite nicely here.

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