
I tend to slack at times, but there's a book called "Your Bodies Many Cries For Water" that I really like.
Shortly after I had a cancerous kidney removed my kidney specialist instructed me to drink 120 ounces of water a day. It was during the summer months and he knew I was outside a lot in a very humid area. So I did.

I went back for a follow up six months later and had a vast improvement in my kidney function. It went from mid 30's to very high 47 which is really good for one kidney and an age of near 80. Now he has me on 70 ounces a day and no ice tea or hot tea for that matter. I never was one for drinking many soft drinks but I do love ice tea. He did say to drink all of the coffee my little heart desires.

Once I started drinking a lot of water my body craved it. I consider myself fortunate living in an area of plentiful natural spring water that is very pure. I have become a big proponent of drinking water.
Good morning everyone.

No biscuits for me either this morning. I try to make breakfast a healthy, high fiber meal at least 90% of the time. Save the good stuff for later.

I hoping to hike to a local waterfall that the trail has been closed for repairs for a few months. It has finally opened back up. Also, need to get some work done around the house/yard. Not much else on the agenda, maybe fish on the griddle this evening.

When I was younger this was my favorite time of the year. Well, it still is but for different reasons.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Uh, Biscuits ARE the healthy! The salt of the earth healthy. Elijah loved biscuits...

Elijah said to her, “Don't worry about a thing. Go ahead and do what you've said. But first make a small biscuit for me and bring it back here. Then go ahead and make a meal from what's left for you and your son.

Elijah'd let a widow and son starve for a biscuit first. Biscuits are biblical!

The Lord Jesus himself...

During the meal Jesus took a Passover biscuit, blessed it and broke it. He then gave it to the disciples, saying, "Take this and eat it: ..."

If it's good enough for Jesus' disciples...

I don't think I grabbed the entire verse but I did catch the biscuit part....

Eating biscuits is biblical!

Also, so is riding motorcycles....

Motor cycles are in the bible!

Joshua himself road them...

Joshua 6:27 KJV "The Lord was with Joshua and his Triumph was heard throughout the land."

Okay, okay... Mark Lowry I am not....

Have a great afternoon...
I had for a long time steered away from water except for once in a while. Generally drank milk, juice, Ice drinks, and coke zero. I will have to adjust my lifestyle a bit but...time to do it.

Not chiming in fully brother wc but I tried those "diet" drinks when I was drinking them. Just drink a regular one. That diet coke will kill you. A regular coke in of course moderation uses regular sugar and not that one chemical they out in it.

I am mostly coffee and water now. The RO machine I installed is good drinking. Not as good as SC's water by a long shot but the RO system is used a bunch in the Navy and tons better than this Virginia fluid that flows here.

If we hit a restaurant I drink Coke or Pepsi...
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I am not a baseball fan, but for you baseball fans we Higginbotham work our way in.

Uh, Biscuits ARE the healthy! The salt of the earth healthy. Elijah loved biscuits...

Elijah said to her, “Don't worry about a thing. Go ahead and do what you've said. But first make a small biscuit for me and bring it back here. Then go ahead and make a meal from what's left for you and your son.

Elijah'd let a widow and son starve for a biscuit first. Biscuits are biblical!

The Lord Jesus himself...

During the meal Jesus took a Passover biscuit, blessed it and broke it. He then gave it to the disciples, saying, "Take this and eat it: ..."

If it's good enough for Jesus' disciples...

I don't think I grabbed the entire verse but I did catch the biscuit part....

Eating biscuits is biblical!

Also, so is riding motorcycles....

Motor cycles are in the bible!

Joshua himself road them...

Joshua 6:27 KJV "The Lord was with Joshua and his Triumph was heard throughout the land."

Okay, okay... Mark Lowry I am not....

Have a great afternoon...
That sounds like a John Hagee sermon. :D

It's not necessarily the biscuit that is the issue it's what I put on or in them and how many of them. I did eat biscuits and gravy while on vacation though. My wife can't eat them except her homemade biscuit bread. Her's is good, but too healthy for me. I've never been a huge bread lover. But, I do love how bread holds peanut butter and biscuits hold sausauge....and pie crusts hold pie, etc, etc.
Shortly after I had a cancerous kidney removed my kidney specialist instructed me to drink 120 ounces of water a day. It was during the summer months and he knew I was outside a lot in a very humid area. So I did.

I went back for a follow up six months later and had a vast improvement in my kidney function. It went from mid 30's to very high 47 which is really good for one kidney and an age of near 80. Now he has me on 70 ounces a day and no ice tea or hot tea for that matter. I never was one for drinking many soft drinks but I do love ice tea. He did say to drink all of the coffee my little heart desires.

Once I started drinking a lot of water my body craved it. I consider myself fortunate living in an area of plentiful natural spring water that is very pure. I have become a big proponent of drinking water.
Coffee and alcohol are two of the many things they want me to either stop altogether or stream it down a lot. Had no alcohol since Wednesday night or coffee since Saturday. Will probably go by the way of no more than 2 cups of coffee a day and no more than two drinks a night when I get the BP down (some days and nights not at all). It was 150/82 15 minutes ago. Doctor put me on Toprol-xl to start tomorrow morning along with Norvasc which I will take at night.
Coffee and alcohol are two of the many things they want me to either stop altogether or stream it down a lot. Had no alcohol since Wednesday night or coffee since Saturday. Will probably go by the way of no more than 2 cups of coffee a day and no more than two drinks a night when I get the BP down (some days and nights not at all). It was 150/82 15 minutes ago. Doctor put me on Toprol-xl to start tomorrow morning along with Norvasc which I will take at night.

Brother wc, I know enough of you, you will go dress-right-dress for your family. You got the exercise down, control thy urges.. (I have the demon's as well..) I don't drink much but I do a lot less exercise than you do though part of what you do inspires me just to hear about it. I drink about two good full tablespoons of coffee daily (In a four cup coffee maker and water that down but I normally drink it all.)

I used to eat three times as much as I ought to, I watch what I do eat beyond My Darlings cooking but I do indulge with other food as well. I am finally down to two times as much as I ought to eat and am doing much better. I am a calorie counter again using my fit bit. About all I do now is for my family. I need to start back in a good Men's group if I can find one in this place. It IS a SWAMP.

I started drinking again a few years ago but not much. I haven't had anything alcoholic since I did the binge drinking of Spiced Rum that sickened me for about three weeks. (Don't tell My Darling..) I sickened myself to where I wasn't good for anything for those weeks at least. Just so very stupid of me, I knew better and did it anyway, no reason to do it... I have no Yuengling but I do have the remnants of the spiced rum. I will drink again but it will be awhile. (If the Lord doesn't take me home...)

All have a peaceful rest of your evenings. I work from home tomorrow.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and cloudy. Light wind out of the south. Today's high expected around 81°F. Nice weather, actually.

Venous Doppler exam complete. Apparently blood thinners dealing with clots, at least somewhat. Must keep an eye on right leg. Having delayed reaction to hair loss. Stuff falls out slowly. Doggone swollen feet are annoying. Putting on walking shoes turned into a chore. Tested several times and blood sugar levels = normal. Thankfully.

Happy to be here.

According to the bracket, Cats play either LSU, Vandy or Georgia this coming Friday. Hope our Cats make some noise.

Wishing y'all an awesome Tuesday.


Morning D-Legionnaires!

51° this morning with a high supposed to be 52° and light winds. Not much movement there.

Been up since 0300 this morning doing some research on supplements and food to help overall health. @BBUK Yeah, you are right that I will do what I have to do to get this under control. My food choices will now have to change and I will have to find healthier ones I like. One such food (snack) I like that is good for BP is pistachios. Bought some yesterday and that will be my go-to snack for a bit until I find some more foods for variety. I have a big, sweet tooth also which I will now have to control.

@AustinTXCat, no rugs man, just do Mr. Clean if it comes to that. Better yet, Yule Brenner.

You guys have a good day and God Bless.
Good morning folks.

Feeling like spring in the east.

Comings and goings this week in my family. My wife and daughter are heading off to Paris for a vacation together. This has become an occasional thing with them since I told my wife a few years back I’d seen enough of Western Europe. And she told me she hadn’t.

And my son is coming home from Lexington Friday. We have tickets for a Wizards game during his visit. He loves the NBA and we’ll get to see Fox and Monk together again. That’s not until the following weekend, but something to look forward to.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning everyone.

We had a good day yesterday. Got some work done around the house, hiked to Bad Br. Falls, ate a good dinner (griddled Filet O' Large Mouth Bass), and watched We Were Soldiers with Mel Gibson. I have avoided watching many military movies until a few years ago. Any recommendations from this group?

Bad Branch Falls was running good and we also got to see a few smaller falls on the way up. We usually don't hike this spot early in the spring and that was a mistake. Without the leaves you can see the water and cliffs much better.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Good morning everyone.

We had a good day yesterday. Got some work done around the house, hiked to Bad Br. Falls, ate a good dinner (griddled Filet O' Large Mouth Bass), and watched We Were Soldiers with Mel Gibson. I have avoided watching many military movies until a few years ago. Any recommendations from this group?

Bad Branch Falls was running good and we also got to see a few smaller falls on the way up. We usually don't hike this spot early in the spring and that was a mistake. Without the leaves you can see the water and cliffs much better.

I hope everyone has a great day.


You're kidding right???

I have a couple favorites... John W made some gooduns... (I have them as well...) ;)

Oh, watch that first step...
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Good Morning all,

We have 70° down here as we creep up to 78° with light 10 mph winds coming from the Gulf. Very pleasant. Nice and sunny.

I promised to help my wife around the house today and will keep that promise. Tge pickup is loaded with trash and odds and ends to take to the recycle dump. The county has a nice system to dispose of about any thing you can imagine at no charge. It is available for people in this county only and we have four locations. Today I will take empty cardboard boxes and palm fronds.

Is is spring break for some college kids so the economy will get a spike. Prayers for those who are having a few medical issues. Trusting the BB Cats are getting ready to play and I pray the good team shows up for the tournament. Soon there will be no tomorrow so win and advance.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and cloudy. Light wind out of the south. Today's high expected around 81°F. Nice weather, actually.

Venous Doppler exam complete. Apparently blood thinners dealing with clots, at least somewhat. Must keep an eye on right leg. Having delayed reaction to hair loss. Stuff falls out slowly. Doggone swollen feet are annoying. Putting on walking shoes turned into a chore. Tested several times and blood sugar levels = normal. Thankfully.

Happy to be here.

According to the bracket, Cats play either LSU, Vandy or Georgia this coming Friday. Hope our Cats make some noise.

Wishing y'all an awesome Tuesday.

re Warrior's Mr Clean: I have a decent size bald spot, so I got electric clippers. I keep it set on the shortest setting and go over my head every time I think of it (at least once a week).
Sounds good. We plan on filing this coming weekend. Huge delay for us this year was Ameritrade statements. Those folks are slow.
Don't know how I mis-calculated how much to pay KY. Normally I'm pretty close.

We can never file before March due to the LLC we're in on a few rental units. Have to wait for all our buildings' mortgage records then have the CPA figure the K-1 before we can file. Each takes around a month.
Sounds good. We plan on filing this coming weekend. Huge delay for us this year was Ameritrade statements. Those folks are slow.
My biggest problem every year is getting the 1099's for such outfits. I closed out one IRA last year because they made me drive to the bank to get my 1099 as they refused to mail it.
I have filed my Federal return since I only had to pay a small amount. Usually if I owe I would wait for the last day but this year I got it out of the way. I try not to have a large return because I like to keep my money.

Thankfully we do not have a State Income Tax so I don't have that headache. The State gets a ton of revenue from tourism and since COVID the state has broken tourism records every year. Domestic and International both. When the country shut down the state stayed open and millions came down here. Including prominent politicians who had shut their states down. Nancy Pelosi even made an appearance at her beach home. Tourist leave a lot of money in the state when they leave.

The vast majority do not come close to where I live so I am thankful for that.

This day is a day to remember. (May blab about it later.)

I will blab about it now....


I have had 425 people inquire about that one $10.00 piece of wire "fence"... In two days.... (I have another piece about that size, I may just sell to two people. I am not one to gouge but darned if I was thinking of raising the price to $20.00) I think I paid $7 or $10.00 for it new. Just WoW...

My Darling and I are buying a new home.. down-sizing some. I am selling off items and this was the low piece on the totem pole...
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I have filed my Federal return since I only had to pay a small amount. Usually if I owe I would wait for the last day but this year I got it out of the way. I try not to have a large return because I like to keep my money.

Thankfully we do not have a State Income Tax so I don't have that headache. The State gets a ton of revenue from tourism and since COVID the state has broken tourism records every year. Domestic and International both. When the country shut down the state stayed open and millions came down here. Including prominent politicians who had shut their states down. Nancy Pelosi even made an appearance at her beach home. Tourist leave a lot of money in the state when they leave.

The vast majority do not come close to where I live so I am thankful for that.

We have a 5% state tax, and my area has almost 10% on sales tax too. Not to mention all of the added taxes and fees levied on utilities and other services. And some in this country think we are taxed too little.
We have a 5% state tax, and my area has almost 10% on sales tax too. Not to mention all of the added taxes and fees levied on utilities and other services. And some in this country think we are taxed too little.

You and I can have a tax complaint-fest. I bet you wouldn't trade with me in a "New York" minute. ;) Though I bet yours is horrible as well. Fairfax County is the third highest taxed county in the U.S......
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We have a 5% state tax, and my area has almost 10% on sales tax too. Not to mention all of the added taxes and fees levied on utilities and other services. And some in this country think we are taxed too little.
Move to Kentucky. We have the third lowest taxes in the U.S.

Florida, Tennessee and Texas (no income taxes) but they wax your ass on property taxes and sales taxes.

Kentucky has 3 or 4% income taxes with massive deductions (the goal is to have no income taxes in a few years) and we have 6% sales taxes, but there are no sales tax on food or drugs.

Tennessee has massive sales taxes. The last meal that I ate in Tennessee they got me for 12%. On top of that they charge sales tax on food and drugs at the grocery store and the drug store. GEEZE.

I have lived in Texas and Florida and the total taxes in both those States were far more than I pay in Kentucky. In 1999 the last year I lived in Florida my property taxes were $4,200. I moved to Kentucky and a similar priced house cost me less than a $1,000. My Kentucky income taxes that year was $0.00. Since 2000 I have paid less than $1,000 in Kentucky Income Tax since I moved back. Had I stayed in Florida in that same house I would have paid over $80,000 in property taxes.

Folks there is no comparison in high tax states based only on "state income taxes".
Move to Kentucky. We have the third lowest taxes in the U.S.

Florida, Tennessee and Texas (no income taxes) but they wax your ass on property taxes and sales taxes.

Kentucky has 3 or 4% income taxes with massive deductions (the goal is to have no income taxes in a few years) and we have 6% sales taxes, but there are no sales tax on food or drugs.

Tennessee has massive sales taxes. The last meal that I ate in Tennessee they got me for 12%. On top of that they charge sales tax on food and drugs at the grocery store and the drug store. GEEZE.

I have lived in Texas and Florida and the total taxes in both those States were far more than I pay in Kentucky. In 1999 the last year I lived in Florida my property taxes were $4,200. I moved to Kentucky and a similar priced house cost me less than a $1,000. My Kentucky income taxes that year was $0.00. Since 2000 I have paid less than $1,000 in Kentucky Income Tax since I moved back. Had I stayed in Florida in that same house I would have paid over $80,000 in property taxes.

Folks there is no comparison in high tax states based only on "state income taxes".

Yes Sir,

Lots of costs involved... My youngest daughter has a 2019 Toyota Rav4 SUV. her tax bill this past year was $980.00 a "usage tax". I cannot imagine what a Mercedes tax incurs... (Oh yeah, that is an ANNUAL tax plus all the registration and inspection fees.) Just one tax but is RIDICULOUS. My Darlings 2015 Camry was $318.00 this past year. Property taxes went up not one, not two but SEVENTEEN percent. Completely criminal.... I will stop. My day was going decently before I started thinking.

We are moving to Prince William County Virginia soon so there will be a little decrease.....
Move to Kentucky. We have the third lowest taxes in the U.S.

Florida, Tennessee and Texas (no income taxes) but they wax your ass on property taxes and sales taxes.

Kentucky has 3 or 4% income taxes with massive deductions (the goal is to have no income taxes in a few years) and we have 6% sales taxes, but there are no sales tax on food or drugs.

Tennessee has massive sales taxes. The last meal that I ate in Tennessee they got me for 12%. On top of that they charge sales tax on food and drugs at the grocery store and the drug store. GEEZE.

I have lived in Texas and Florida and the total taxes in both those States were far more than I pay in Kentucky. In 1999 the last year I lived in Florida my property taxes were $4,200. I moved to Kentucky and a similar priced house cost me less than a $1,000. My Kentucky income taxes that year was $0.00. Since 2000 I have paid less than $1,000 in Kentucky Income Tax since I moved back. Had I stayed in Florida in that same house I would have paid over $80,000 in property taxes.

Folks there is no comparison in high tax states based only on "state income taxes".
Bert, AK/WA/NV/NH/SD(ND?) & maybe more have no income taxes.
Bert, AK/WA/NV/NH/SD(ND?) & maybe more have no income taxes.
I think when you are shopping for states based on taxes you should compare small, rural counties with the urban areas. My son lives in Lexington, KY and his property taxes are out of sight. Astronomical would be more than descriptive. On top of that he has a school tax, a Lexington -Fayette Co tax and the Lord only knows how many more taxes he pays.

Drive 50 miles to the Southeast where my wife is from and the property taxes are very low.

It is the same here in Florida. I live in a small county and all I have is a property tax. All school funds come out of this and we do not have any state or local taxes. And no separate school taxes. But you can drive South 50 miles to Pinellas County and their property taxes are almost as bad as Lexington, KY. Not quite but bad. At least compared to what I pay. We also have a Homestead Exemption that is nice. If you are a non resident you pay much more in propety taxes.

My house is close to 3,000 SF with about an acre lot and swimming pool. I pay less than $2,000 per year and down here a swimming pool will add about $50,000 or more to the value of your house.

Look to the rural or small towns and save. IMO
Bert, AK/WA/NV/NH/SD(ND?) & maybe more have no income taxes.
You missed my point:

How much Kentucky taxes did you pay the last year?
How much is your electricity per kilo watt hour?
How much is hour natural gas bill? Most of those States don’t even have natural gas as an alternative.
How much property taxes on your house did you pay?
How much property taxes on your cars did you pay?
What is your sales tax rate on food and drugs?
How much is your property insurance compared to some of those states?
How cheap is your water compared to Nevada, which has no damned water? How about Eastern Washington? Eastern Washington is dry, dry!

KY income taxes are very minimal. Plus, one of my good friends is in the Kentucky Senate and they are planning on getting rid of Income Taxes because the administrative cost are so large.

Check out the sales taxes in those states you mentioned. Check out the utilities in those states. Check out the water costs in those states because some are very arid.

Sorry to attack but before I retired I checked all of this shit out.

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