
Yeah, I was diagnosed with CAD back in about 2011 or so. They put me on a heavy dose regimen of Niacin and vitamin D. I did some research and stopped eating a lot of the bad I was eating. While I guess I still have it, I have had multiple tests including the nuclear stuff and they've stated they see no large difference with what I had then which was some placque build up but not a significant build up. I am religious about what I do not eat but other than that, since My we went to Korea in 2012 My Darling has not been working a full time gig any longer and her cooking straightened me out. I am thankful...

I still take niacin regularly though I did stop for about a year. I always liked taking vitamin D but I dropped down a lot from what they told me to take then... (Not much on extremes.) (The cardiologist I have been going to since I arrived in Virginia told me there is not data about the niacin suggesting it helps but I take the stuff that flushes you and that sensation has to be doing something in my book. He stated it wouldn't hurt me, so I will just keep that going.)

Anyway, I am thankful...
In my best British accent: I always thought you were a CAD but now I know. ;)

Yeah, I don't know yet what is and what isn't in my case totally other than the BP but, I believe it spiked because of the pains and my reaction to it. It was a bit high for a while before that and I did not take it serious enough. I suppose I need to get going with it. I set up an appointment with a cardiologist as suggested as well, but they can't see me until around 13 April. All booked up, and some people here in this country want universal healthcare. How long do you think it would take to get an appointment if we had that? (Rhetorical)
You have what? I looked up your condition and................Tell me it is not so BBUK. Not you.

cad (kăd)


  1. A man whose behavior is unprincipled or dishonorable.
  2. A boy, a fellow: a general term of slight contempt applied originally to various classes of persons of a low grade.
  3. A loafer; a hanger-on about inn-yards.
Beat me too it.
Something to think about. The man who said running would extend your life, Jim Fixx, dropped dead at age 52. Running. My son and grandchildren are long distance runners and seem to be in perfect health.

But I am concerned with the strain on the heart over a period of time. I guess genes have a lot to do with it.

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In my best British accent: I always thought you were a CAD but now I know. ;)

Yeah, I don't know yet what is and what isn't in my case totally other than the BP but, I believe it spiked because of the pains and my reaction to it. It was a bit high for a while before that and I did not take it serious enough. I suppose I need to get going with it. I set up an appointment with a cardiologist as suggested as well, but they can't see me until around 13 April. All booked up, and some people here in this country want universal healthcare. How long do you think it would take to get an appointment if we had that? (Rhetorical)
Warrior, I waited and waited on future doctor appointments because of current shortages. Finally said screw-it and went to emergency room. Still waited 8 hours to be seen while puking my guts out in a barf bag. Emergrncy rooms around here will take folks in, although there is a wait.

I have not used VA one time through all this. Screw them. Taking my chances with TriCare.
You convinced me no toe nail trimming. BBUK, thanks my brother. I will continue to do it with my hawk bill pocket knife the way grandpa and daddy did it all of their lives.

So when the young lady comes around I will refer her to my wife and save money the wife spends on pedicures down at the J C Penny's Store.

I prefer this method with Bruce Lee (staying with the Lee theme), use it enough and it will keep them worn down.
Something to think about. The man who said running would extend your life dropped dead at age 52. Running. My son and grandchildren are long distance runners and seem to be in perfect health.

But I am concerned with the strain on the heart over a period of time. I guess genes have a lot to do with it.
I suppose it depends on what kind of genes you're running in, tight ones will constrict the blood flow and cause problems.
Warrior, I waited and waited on future doctor appointments because of current shortages. Finally said screw-it and went to emergency room. Still waited 8 hours to be seen while puking my guts out in a barf bag. Emergrncy rooms around here will take folks in, although there is a wait.

I have not used VA one time through all this. Screw them. Taking my chances with TriCare.
Same for me with Medicare and Tricare. Used the VA once back in the late 90's and waited 6 hours to have a rash on my right foot looked at. Now you need a VA ID card to get to be seen and I have not requested one yet.
Warrior, I waited and waited on future doctor appointments because of current shortages. Finally said screw-it and went to emergency room. Still waited 8 hours to be seen while puking my guts out in a barf bag. Emergrncy rooms around here will take folks in, although there is a wait.

I have not used VA one time through all this. Screw them. Taking my chances with TriCare.
The more the government becomes involved with medicine the more problems we will have. I have several family members in medicine and they spend more time filling out paperwork (and time on a computer) than seeing their patients.

My grandson will be studying to be an oncologist and he was told the hardest part of his job will be dealing with mountains of paperwork required by the government and some medical insurance carriers.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 42° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will see it become mostly sunny and a high of 57°.

We had a wind gust of 70 mph measured in town. Most of the county lost power as a result of the storm. Our lights flickered a few times, but luckily we didn't lose power.

Stay safe and have a great day.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 45°F, clear and calm. Today's high may hit 81°F. We'll take it.

Chemo went well yesterday. Thankfully. Nurse lowered infusion rate and increased steroids + painkillers. No more chemo for a few weeks. I've got a Doppler test come next Monday. Doggone blood clots. Meh, country boy can survive. Grabbed Wendy's fish sammich + small loaded chili after treatment. :D

Plan on mowing grass later this AM. Good exercise. Hope old push-mower starts. Stay tuned.

Game today, gents, from good old Bud Walton Arena. Hearing many players are out, like Wallace and CJ. Huge bummer, if true. Go Cats!

Wishing y'all an awesome Saturday. Take care.

Glad to hear that your chemo well for you yesterday. Continued prayers for you on this path to recovery.
Good morning everyone.

Not much planned for today. We'll walk at least 3 miles and I'll watch the game. It sure doesn't look good being short on healthy guards. Oh well, hope for the best and live with whatever happens.

@BBUK....although I've been in pretty good shape most of my life I now have just a tad high cholesterol, low good cholesterol, and blood pressure that is just a little high. So, with all combined I really need to keep ahead of everything. I've taken Niacin and Vit D for years and stay somewhat trim. However, I really need to cut back on my splurge eating. That's my weakness. Good luck with getting under 200#.

Hope everyone has a great day and GO BIG BLUE.
Good morning folks. Back from my long Saturday walk. Cold and clear. Man, a raw wind was knifing right through men, but by the end of the walk the sun was out and it was feeling fine out.

Last regular season game of a disappointing year for the Cats. A week ago it seemed a 2014-like post-season might redeem everything. Not feeling that way now with more injuries and a terrible senior night performance. Ah well. Soon enough I'll be watching the Reds lose 100-plus games.

I hope all you folks have a good day.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 42° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will see it become mostly sunny and a high of 57°.

We had a wind gust of 70 mph measured in town. Most of the county lost power as a result of the storm. Our lights flickered a few times, but luckily we didn't lose power.

Stay safe and have a great day.

My folks and niece still don't have power. 420,000 without power in Kentucky. 70,000 in Louisville.
Something to think about. The man who said running would extend your life, Jim Fixx, dropped dead at age 52. Running. My son and grandchildren are long distance runners and seem to be in perfect health.

But I am concerned with the strain on the heart over a period of time. I guess genes have a lot to do with it.

Something people don't think that much about re running is the pounding on your joints. I ran a lot and it puts a lot of wear and tear on your joints. I wanted to be in the best shape of everyone participating in any athletic event. Looking back, a good walk was probably healthier overall, but it was fun to watch other people get tired. Late in one of his Joe Frazier fights, Ali said to Joe, "You are getting tired and this is the worst place in the world to get tired."
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My folks and niece still don't have power. 420,000 without power in Kentucky. 70,000 in Louisville.
Y'all must have had some bad weather up there. My son called this morning and he lost 1/3 of his roof shingles and has been out of power since yesterday.

As they say it is March in the Midwest. So sad to hear of the loss of lives.
Cal's worst season at UK was obviously the Covid year (9-16). His 2nd worst was the 2012-2013 NIT team (21-12). With a loss today the Cats finish the regular season at 20-11, 11-7 SEC. The NIT team finished at 21-10, 12-6 SEC. I think they're in the NCAA field but nothing is a guarantee especially if they lose in the first round of the SEC.
Cal's worst season at UK was obviously the Covid year (9-16). His 2nd worst was the 2012-2013 NIT team (21-12). With a loss today the Cats finish the regular season at 20-11, 11-7 SEC. The NIT team finished at 21-10, 12-6 SEC. I think they're in the NCAA field but nothing is a guarantee especially if they lose in the first round of the SEC.
Next year, Next year we have this #1 recruiting class coming in.
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Good morning everyone.

Not much planned for today. We'll walk at least 3 miles and I'll watch the game. It sure doesn't look good being short on healthy guards. Oh well, hope for the best and live with whatever happens.

@BBUK....although I've been in pretty good shape most of my life I now have just a tad high cholesterol, low good cholesterol, and blood pressure that is just a little high. So, with all combined I really need to keep ahead of everything. I've taken Niacin and Vit D for years and stay somewhat trim. However, I really need to cut back on my splurge eating. That's my weakness. Good luck with getting under 200#.

Hope everyone has a great day and GO BIG BLUE.

Just hope you're not a CAD like me...😁😏
@warrior-cat Ouch! My big weakness my entire life is lack of flexibility (well, and being scrawny). I should have worked more on the issue.
That was back when I was in the army. While I can still get my side kick that high, the lower picture was a hook kick which I can still get up around head level of the average person, but it does not have the same power as before. It is better to keep them about ribs to waist level anyway for more power. I can still do the regular splits but not the Chinese ones (never could). Flexibility has never been a real problem for me because I have kept up my stretching over the years. My big problem now is as I posted earlier, BP. I measured it again about 30 minutes ago and it was 138/82 after walking the monster and working out.

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