Hello all,
Had some good eating today... My Darlings expertise amazes me. I know there are better cooks out there and some equally good cooks that love what they do. Nearing 40 years of thankfulness, just for the healthy food I eat along with the love My Darling must have for me to take the time to cook like she does... (She did it for the children while they were home and on special occasions but MY special occasions are nearly every day.) Have I stated I am thankful..
Immediately below is steamed rice cake. The topping and middle is nothing but Black-eyed peas. (Soaked first and then crumbled) (My explanation, much more involved.) Very lightly sugared to a delicate sweetness that sets off the rice and peas.. (I've eat this so very many times I cannot count. I cannot get enough of it.) That cutting board is nearly two feet long to give an idea about the size. My Darling cuts it up into pieces, I get my fill of the fresh cake with coffee and then the rest is frozen and a minute or so in the microwave on defrost brings it to life... Days of delicacies at a touch... I am thankful...
A side-view ... My Darling sifts that rice flour by hand...
Sweet rice and flour "doughnuts". In the middle of these is a pod of brown sugar that turns to syrup when cooked. Outside is a mixture of regular cane sugar and brown sugar... Three to five of these with coffee first thing starts a good day. (I eat these only four or five times a year as they are loaded with sugar...)
My supper today. Home made chicken soup... My Darling bought a whole chicken and comes up with this... My Darling made this today because my youngest came home from being gone a week to San Antonio to visit friends. It is my youngest's favorite meal... (This was MY bowl...
) (Just potato's and couple types of onions, some garlic, and I know something else, maybe ginger root. A feel good meal...
Sure glad I don't have to go into the office tomorrow... I am again, thankful!
I sure wish I could share with you, the D-League. My Darling would be happy as well. She knows where I find solace...
Have a peaceful rest of your evening(s.)..
Oh, I am a calorie counter again since I got my fitbit again after the fitbit recall. My calorie intake today was 2200. I try to stay at about 1800 but today was special. (Real hard to control the portions I eat...)