Can you enlighten me as to why Reeves did not shoot a 3 for the 18 minutes he was in the game? I had to listen to the game instead of watch and wondering why he didn't/couldn't shoot from 3.The following is a bunch of bitching from Bert. You do no have to read it, but I am blowing off some steam about last nights game. I just edited the game and in the process you can micro analyze what happened. 34 frames a second allows a lot of insight!
In the 1st half Florida was charged with 5 fouls, Kentucky 7 fouls. That is not all that bad until you analyze what those fouls contributed: Florida got 10 free throws to Kentucky's 3. Ouch.
In the second half at the under 4:00 minute time out Florida had 4 fouls and Kentucky 6. Oscar fouls out at the 1:38 minute mark and Florida had 4 fouls and Kentucky 7. With 1:02 minute left and UF needs to foul and put UK on the line in hopes of a miss. The refs know this and cooperate; Florida fouls on every play and the refs accommodate them with a quick whistle.
It only took 9 seconds for UF to foul 3 times to get Kentucky to the free throw line. Florida ends up with 9 2nd Half fouls, but 5 fouls were in the last 1:38 when they had to do it. The first 38 minutes and 22 seconds they only called 8 total fouls on UF. Of Kentucky's 13 free throws 5 were made in the last 51 seconds.
When was the last time Kentucky got a whistle on the road like that?
Plus I can't stand Jimmy Dykes. Why does he do so many of UK's games?
End of being nasty.