Good Morning D
Currently 49° with the sun rising and today will be sunny all day. The high will reach 79°. 0% chance of rain. Winds are E at 4 mph and humidity 78%. Saw the news of the earthquake and more than 5,000 dead as they dig out more bodies,
Special prayers for Austin's daughter to have a safe flight home and Austin as he begins treatment. God be with all.
Cats vs Hogs at Rupp. If I was a betting man I would put my money on the Cats. Trust all are well on this beautiful day.
Currently 49° with the sun rising and today will be sunny all day. The high will reach 79°. 0% chance of rain. Winds are E at 4 mph and humidity 78%. Saw the news of the earthquake and more than 5,000 dead as they dig out more bodies,
Special prayers for Austin's daughter to have a safe flight home and Austin as he begins treatment. God be with all.
Cats vs Hogs at Rupp. If I was a betting man I would put my money on the Cats. Trust all are well on this beautiful day.