
Nelson Co. is in central KY about an hour west of Lexington. I am from central KY but now in the mountains of SE KY. I do have a sister who teaches in Neslson Co but doesn't live there.

Mountains above (yes pretty far above) my house today.

Wow that is so cool Storm!!!! The story is about a guy from Nelson Co. is my son,(JP's) dad, he had to work on a bow for a guy, when he got there he had a friend with him that was from Nelson Co. They were talking about hunting and my son told the guy that my granddaughter had applied for the Elk hunt for the first time and was drawn for a permit. So the guy tells Jason that they could hunt on his property if they wanted to, gave him his phone number, told Jason to call him. They ended up going, the guy took them out every day and picked them back up in the evening. Jason told me later that the guy was super towards them, they had a great experience!!!!

When my son was at most 13 or 14 I coached or assistant coached our teams from T-Ball up through Babe Ruth. (This particular season I was the coach.)

Anyway during this particular season I had my son and one of his good friends on my team who was partially my son as I tried claiming a tax right-off on him several years because he stayed at my house so much.

They were speed demons, pitchers, and hitters extraordinaire for their ages. They both also had slight attitudes. (Not bad but they'd antagonize whoever they were playing against and I loved it.)

I cannot tell you how many double-steals and bait and switches I ran. I gave them both the green light whenever they were on base. I'd let one steal third and when one on first the one could steal second and a delayed steal home could occur.

Anyway this one mongrel of a parent took offense with my son who was on first. (I normally loved coaching third.) He came onto the field and had his finger in my sons chest before I realized what was going on. I timed the ump and at the same motion I ran across the field to my young teenager of a son and got one hand on that guy and he took off and leaped the fence, ran, and was never heard from again, ever that I remember.

How out of control must you be in life in general to cross a fence as a MAN and put your hands on a very young teenager. I would have taken no pity on that crap could I have caught a grip... (The Ump stated he'd have never lifted a finger either as he was stunned as many people were.

Control thy selves people. Do not be animals...
I got one that is just the opposite. I was an adult playing soft ball and I got a double. My elderly dad was umping 2b because the base ump didn't show up and he was asked to help. I was safe, but the second baseman got in my dads face. I suggested he change his attitude, but the home plate umpire intervened before anything happened.
I am compiling at this point... I have the records... Just horrible to me this task. I tried an accountant and a tax person. Jokes (At least the ones I have found...) I dabble in several areas so I have several irons in the fire that I have to address and ensure all is fully reported... I normally pay and like you I wait until the last day to pay. Last year was the least I ever paid. (I set things so I pay on purpose as it irks me to no end getting money back knowing it was mine to begin with for nearly a year...)

Oh well...
I have always done my own taxes. My work had a lot of accounting in it and if you take the time to sit down and have kept good records it is not that difficult. If one can do simple calculations. Some people can't and they need to bring in a tax expert.

I have never depended on a big tax return check. I use to laugh at someone who would get a $5,000 check from the IRS when they tried to convince me the government was paying them. Funny how so many people see it that way.

I try to keep everything between $500. Either get $500 back or not pay more than $500. This year was an exception and I forgot about certain tax breaks ending with Biden.
Good Morning D League

Thursday has brought us a current temperature of 69° and the high will reach 71° at 9:00 AM. The temperature will start dropping after 11:00AM. We have a 90% chance of heavy thunderstorms and clouds will drop us to 56° by this evening. The temperature will drop overnight into the 40's. Winter is here.

They had a nice special update on TV last evening about Austin, TX and the ice storm. Some of the video sure back up what Austin said, they got hammered. Ice can mess things up in a hurry.

Headed to the gym this morning to work on my legs and calves. Then a good cardiac workout. Trust all are well. Bring me some sunshine.

Different & absolutely gorgeous. Thanks.
Just watched a segment on New England weather forecast. It will be colder than any time since 1950 up there. I have never been to Mt Washington, NH and I don't want to go.
Living in MA at the time for graduate school, on July 4th, 1971, a friend & I hiked up it to the halfway point. Beautiful view. Temperature fine. A few guys skied down Tuckerman's Ravine. I was amazed. My Achilles Tendons killed me walking back down.
I won't be able to finish taxes till CPA gets done preparing the K-1 for our little LLC, normally mid-March. Only have these rental units due to DW's brother wanting us involved. Couldn't say no. Not a problem, just seems more effort than it's worth.

Our income is highly variable year to year due to IRA withdrawals & Roth conversions, so I educate guess how much to pay which results in highly variable refunds - or even not.
Wow that is so cool Storm!!!! The story is about a guy from Nelson Co. is my son,(JP's) dad, he had to work on a bow for a guy, when he got there he had a friend with him that was from Nelson Co. They were talking about hunting and my son told the guy that my granddaughter had applied for the Elk hunt for the first time and was drawn for a permit. So the guy tells Jason that they could hunt on his property if they wanted to, gave him his phone number, told Jason to call him. They ended up going, the guy took them out every day and picked them back up in the evening. Jason told me later that the guy was super towards them, they had a great experience!!!!
Love to know who/where the landowner was. I know many people involved with elk here in E. KY. I'm not sure if I understand where they hunted. Nelson Co. doesn't have elk.
I don't have any fightin' stories to report but I just finished my Federal Income Taxes and I have to pay a little. I don't know what happened this past year but my earnings were basically the same. Last year I got a refund and this year I pay.

Was there some kind of tax bill passed since Trump was president? Since I am paying I will wait until the last day to send the money in.
I am still awaiting a couple papers that were supposed to be here no later than January 31. I hate tax work.

I don't know of any new taxes. Gosh I hope not. Last year was the first year that I have not had problems with the IRS since 2011.
I am still awaiting a couple papers that were supposed to be here no later than January 31. I hate tax work.

I don't know of any new taxes. Gosh I hope not. Last year was the first year that I have not had problems with the IRS since 2011.

Tax changes for this year

I sure wish President Trump had got that 3x5 card tax document passed BUT, then there'd be close to no corruption.......
Good Saturday Morning

A little chilly down here, reporting in at 43° as we creep up to 72° for the high. Plenty of sunshine and clear skies. A 2% chance of rain.

I am headed down to the St Pete Yacht Club this morning for a nice luncheon. The Mayflower Society meets there several times a year and it is always a good day. We will have nice lecture on the early Pilgrims and their lives and lifestyle. Good stuff if you like history as I do.

I see the China Spy Balloon may be headed over Kentucky. It makes sense since Kentucky has two very important and large military bases. The Chinese can get a lot of valuable information from them. A smart move by China, just spy in front of the whole world and dare the U.S. to do something. It proves how weak we are.

Take care all and have a great day.

Good morning from ATX. We're currently at 34°F and partly cloudy. We may reach 62°F for our high. Finally some decent weather this afternoon.

Telephoned Germany earlier this morning. Good conversation. @cordmaker : My ex brother in-law has worked at Dynamit Nobel for over 35 years. I believe he works munitions. My ex-wife also worked several years at the same firm. Kinda wild, when you think about it.

Otherwise, all is good here. Got lots going on. I'm expecting a special VIP visitor today. Her flight departs in roughly 45 minutes.

Go Cats!

Wishing y'all an awesome day and great weekend. Take care.

You are probably thinking about Williamson, WV (city) which is right across from Pike Co and Martin Co., KY , Belfry, KY area. Plenty of elk in that section of the state.
Most likely. Williamson, WV is in Mingo County.

There is a Williamsburg on the Tennessee line. I 75 runs right by it. That is Whitley County. I don't think there is a Williamson County in Kentucky. At least I am not aware of one.
Good morning D-League.

A brisk 10 degrees F with blowing wind today. Kept my walk short. Now I'm heading to my wife's gym in the hopes I can begin to transition from my scheduled PT sessions to rehabbing my hip myself. It's pretty much as strong as ever anyway.

Cats need a win today. I'm hopeful.

Catch up with you guys later.
Most likely. Williamson, WV is in Mingo County.

There is a Williamsburg on the Tennessee line. I 75 runs right by it. That is Whitley County. I don't think there is a Williamson County in Kentucky. At least I am not aware of one.
Yes. Know those places well and thought about Williamsburg, but they don't have near as many elk in that area as Martin and Pike Counties.

20 degrees here this morning and looking forward to some southerly warmth in a couple of weeks.
Yes. Know those places well and thought about Williamsburg, but they don't have near as many elk in that area as Martin and Pike Counties.

20 degrees here this morning and looking forward to some southerly warmth in a couple of weeks.
Things sure have changed in Pike County. I am so glad to hear wildlife is coming back, especially deer and elk. I spent a lot of time in Pike County as a boy visiting my grandparents. Often all summer during school breaks.

They lived up Pond Creek near McVeigh up Rockhouse Holler. I never saw a deer much less an elk. You would have to hunt all day and half of the night to find a squirrel. Glad to hear it is full of elk.
It is a crisp 21.6°F and sunny. Frost everywhere.

Game day. We get Florida after they beat the crap out of Tennessee.
Florida is a strange team. I fully expect Kentucky to hammer them back to reality. How they beat Tennessee is also a mystery but you just never know how it will end until you play the game.

If I was betting I put my money on the Cats but I don't gamble.
Things sure have changed in Pike County. I am so glad to hear wildlife is coming back, especially deer and elk. I spent a lot of time in Pike County as a boy visiting my grandparents. Often all summer during school breaks.

They lived up Pond Creek near McVeigh up Rockhouse Holler. I never saw a deer much less an elk. You would have to hunt all day and half of the night to find a squirrel. Glad to hear it is full of elk.
How long has it been since you've been in the Pike Co. area? You probably wouldn't believe it now. The county clerk told me about 20 years ago that if you added Pikeville, Belfry, and another town I can't remember together it would be the 3rd largest city in KY. The Hwy between Pikeville and Belfry now is a breeze to travel.

My wife's great grandparents (maybe great, great) were from Pike Co. as well...Virgie area.
How long has it been since you've been in the Pike Co. area? You probably wouldn't believe it now. The county clerk told me about 20 years ago that if you added Pikeville, Belfry, and another town I can't remember together it would be the 3rd largest city in KY. The Hwy between Pikeville and Belfry now is a breeze to travel.

My wife's great grandparents (maybe great, great) were from Pike Co. as well...Virgie area.
My last visit was early 2000's, probably 20 years ago. My last relative up there died in 2000 and I went to his funeral then decorated all of my relatives graves for several years after that. We had a family custom of doing that on Decorations Days, Memorial Day weekend. Everyone I knew from childhood is gone. Either died or moved to Michigan or Ohio. The mines are pretty much shut down too.

Grandpa's property was once owned by Ford Motor Co. A coal mine was under a rock cliff behind his house and a trestle connected it to another mine across the bottom into the side of a mountain. Ford Motor Co shut it down in the 1920's and took down the trestle. He bought the 50 acres but Ford Motor Co. kept the coal rights. He was allowed to take coal out of the mines for his personal use. So I learned early to take a bucket and shovel coal for the Warming Morning stove and fireplaces. It was work but fun for a boy.

Back then it would take half the day to get from Rockhouse Holler to the county seat in Pikeville. Three very large mountains to climb and the roads were narrow and dangerous. Now you can do 80 mph over some of the best highways in Kentucky.
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You are probably thinking about Williamson, WV (city) which is right across from Pike Co and Martin Co., KY , Belfry, KY area. Plenty of elk in that section of the state.
Dang it Storm, now I am going to have to talk to my son and see if they even went!!!!Lol I promise I will get the story straight before I post again! Shiff I know I'm getting old but Shiff this is ridiculous Cord!! I know it was in Kentucky, just got to find out where lol!!
I was watching the very good remake of True Grit with Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn, and the ending song is this Iris DeMent version of "leaning on the Everlasting Arms."

That was my father's mother's - Mamaw Maude's -- favorite song, and hearing it took me back to her funeral in a tiny church in rural Bracken County nearly 50 years ago. Quite a moving hymn.

I was watching the very good remake of True Grit with Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn, and the ending song is this Iris DeMent version of "leaning on the Everlasting Arms."

That was my father's mother's - Mamaw Maude's -- favorite song, and hearing it took me back to her funeral in a tiny church in rural Bracken County nearly 50 years ago. Quite a moving hymn.

Oh my!

I grew up in a little Baptist church in Edmonson County. We sang that song often. We had all parts of the song. "Leaning" on Jesus "leaning" on Jesus "leaning on the everlasting arms . . . . ." even though it was not in the lyrics.

Here is a 1966 picture of my little church out in the country:
Oh my!

I grew up in a little Baptist church in Edmonson County. We sang that song often. We had all parts of the song. "Leaning" on Jesus "leaning" on Jesus "leaning on the everlasting arms . . . . ." even though it was not in the lyrics.

Here is a 1966 picture of my little church out in the country:
Bert —it is eerie how much that church looks like the one in Bracken County where my grandmother’s funeral was held. Or maybe not. There must be churches like that all over rural Kentucky.
Bert —it is eerie how much that church looks like the one in Bracken County where my grandmother’s funeral was held. Or maybe not. There must be churches like that all over rural Kentucky.
There are many.

I had a Catholic friend from Indiana at the railroad and his catholic church looked just like that. My mom loved Leo because the churches were the same. (they actually were the same church with different dogma)
I was watching the very good remake of True Grit with Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn, and the ending song is this Iris DeMent version of "leaning on the Everlasting Arms."

That was my father's mother's - Mamaw Maude's -- favorite song, and hearing it took me back to her funeral in a tiny church in rural Bracken County nearly 50 years ago. Quite a moving hymn.

Nothing personal but I didn't like it...
Oh my!

I grew up in a little Baptist church in Edmonson County. We sang that song often. We had all parts of the song. "Leaning" on Jesus "leaning" on Jesus "leaning on the everlasting arms . . . . ." even though it was not in the lyrics.

Here is a 1966 picture of my little church out in the country:
I've told you guys about my uncle Paul who was a WW2 hero who came home to become a preacher. This was the kind of church he was at most of the time.