Sometimes I like to watch that guy on youtube, ScammerPayback
In case you don't know, he traps scammers in India, and reverse connects to the scammer's desktop. There are a few guys on youtube that do this but Scammer Payback is the best. He's got a network of guys that work together, and they've actually been responsible for getting some of the scammer call centers closed.
Anyway, I was just watching a video of his, and he downloaded everything from this scammers computer. All of his emails, some plane tickets, the dude's photo ID, and then low level deleted everything from the scammers computer, and this scammer is FREAKING OUT. Blowing up Paybacks phone (which is a decoy) and telling him he's going to come to America and kill him LOL
This dude provides a valuable service, and it's highly entertaining to watch.
I've seen him hack into the call center CCTV, and he can watch them as he's leading them on (voice changed so they think he's an elderly lady) 🤣
Scammer: "my favorite vacation spot is your Mom's p***y" 🤣 🤣