


My youngest Nieces birthday as well... (I think she is well into her forty's now..teetering on her 50's.)
Good morning everyone.

We received an inch or two of snow this morning here in the mountains. We have been blessed this winter with several minor snowfalls that don't stick around long. This is a previous year, but if the sun pops out later it will be our view this afternoon.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Welcome to Thursday D-Leaguer. It is another cloudy and cold day here. 33.1°F up from 31° earlier. We are supposed to top out at 41. I hope we can handle such heat! Plus we are supposed to see the sun tomorrow. I don't know if I believe the forecast.

I can't handle hot foods. I like a mild jalapeno pepper and normal chilis; however, when the heat gets turned up I will not partake. My son loves the hot stuff and grows them in his back yard. Of course he is crazy!
Morning folk.

Groundhog screwed us again.

Have had what seemed like a common cold for 2 days.
Wife gave me a covid test and I tested positive for Covid, WTF?

Just common cold symptoms:
little cough
little sneezing
runny nose
itchy eyes

And now that is Covid? Has to be a false positive right?
I miss the Chinese restaurant we used to go to when I was very young. They had a hot mustard that would stare your summer allergies down and break them. Clear you OUT and that clearing would last through the summer. Totally amazed me and my family. A little of that mustard on some fried won tons and breathe out through your nose.... FIRE, then the clearing for 10-15 minutes, and then (still FIRE but) I could breathe again.

Unfortunately the restaurant had a rough time of it in the 70s and 80s with the proliferation of fast food and shut down. Haven't been able to find a mustard or food like that since.

The closest thing to that in terms of beneficial effects was an authentic Vietnamese dish I had 10-15 years later. Had fresh mint and vegetables in it. Like a slaw, but had some heat. Wish I knew what it was and how to make it now. Either of them actually

Ate some chow chow that had that burning rush effect....
Remember these?

I rarely chew gum but I was given a piece of BAZOOKA bubble gum, complete with the below. Chewing hard now...


I haven't used the code.... feel free...
Bubble gum was a big part of my childhood. I don't think I have seen a kid blow a bubble in decades. Do they still do that. Major leaguers use to do it in the outfield.

My favorite go to bubble gum was Topps baseball cards. For 1 penny you would get a nice baseball card and a slice of dry bubble gum. Pop it in your mouth and start blowing bubbles. To be honest I bought Topps for the baseball card. If I wanted some real good bubble gum I would pick up a few Bazooka Joes.

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 35°F and clear. Slight wind out of the NW. Today's high may reach 49°F.

Austin suffered considerable damage from this winter storm. Many down trees, branches and other debris affected houses and other properties. While not as bad as, say, low-intensity hurricane damage, we've still got a mess around our neighborhood and beyond. Again, we've lucked out so far. I've noticed only a few small fallen branches needing clean-up in our yard. Others yards/businesses really got hammered.

As of this morning, local news reports 126,000 Austin residents without power.

Happy Friday, y'all!

Wishing everyone a fun, safe and prosperous day.

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 35°F and clear. Slight wind out of the NW. Today's high may reach 49°F.

Austin suffered considerable damage from this winter storm. Many down trees, branches and other debris affected houses and other properties. While not as bad as, say, low-intensity hurricane damage, we've still got a mess around our neighborhood and beyond. Again, we've lucked out so far. I've noticed only a few small fallen branches needing clean-up in our yard. Others yards/businesses really got hammered.

Happy Friday, y'all!

Wishing everyone a fun, safe and prosperous day.


Glad to hear God had you through all of that, @AustinTXCat !!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 35°F and clear. Slight wind out of the NW. Today's high may reach 49°F.

Austin suffered considerable damage from this winter storm. Many down trees, branches and other debris affected houses and other properties. While not as bad as, say, low-intensity hurricane damage, we've still got a mess around our neighborhood and beyond. Again, we've lucked out so far. I've noticed only a few small fallen branches needing clean-up in our yard. Others yards/businesses really got hammered.

As of this morning, local news reports 126,000 Austin residents without power.

Happy Friday, y'all!

Wishing everyone a fun, safe and prosperous day.


My favorite fruit besides pizza!
Good Morning D League

Thursday has brought us a current temperature of 69° and the high will reach 71° at 9:00 AM. The temperature will start dropping after 11:00AM. We have a 90% chance of heavy thunderstorms and clouds will drop us to 56° by this evening. The temperature will drop overnight into the 40's. Winter is here.

They had a nice special update on TV last evening about Austin, TX and the ice storm. Some of the video sure back up what Austin said, they got hammered. Ice can mess things up in a hurry.

Headed to the gym this morning to work on my legs and calves. Then a good cardiac workout. Trust all are well. Bring me some sunshine.

I was imitating
I was imitating James Earl Jones from movie "Gardens of Stone" the other day (Make a hole and make it wide) to get by my daughter and she said: "Dad, that sounded like Mustafa from the Lion King" That's when I told her that was from a movie from the same man who voiced Mustafa.

Must have been a good imitation.
You and I had parallel experiences. Nailed it to a T. Lol. I have a buddy who had the same exact experience. There are a lot of them out there, it seems, and a lot that trust them for their info. Lmao!

After my first marriage ended, a woman pursued me that was quite beautiful. Acted like she knew me, but I know we hadn't met before. I was interested at first, but something about her was just OFF. We went out ONCE and that was enough... She was a piece of work. I RAN...

Found out later she was friends with me ex-wife. Case closed. Apocalypse averted
I should have known how bad it would be with my ex when her father met us after the second or third date outside of her apartment when we returned with a shot gun pointed at my chest. She was 19 I was 23 and he did not know me and told me to hit the road. I did but later came back. Mistake.
Good morning folks.

Sitting in the lobby of a clinic waiting for an 8am physical therapy session. Here’s an irony: My hip is doing so well I started a little light jogging and extended walks —which aggravated my bum left knee.

My wife, who had been thrilled at my limp vanishing said last night, “you are limping again!” I said, “look closer. It’s not my right side it’s my left knee.” She just shook her head.

Windy as heck this morning. Had to chase down my garbage cans.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning, D, Read Hebrews 7 this morning.

It's 21 degrees here in the icy Berg, wind chill of 9 degrees! I got up at 4:30 this morning with the bright idea of going out to try and find the Green Comet, bad idea, looked around for a hot second, back in the house!!!! These comets need to come by when it's not so cold!!!! The first comet I remember seeing and really watching was Comet Bennett, our last day in basic training at Fort Knox, we watched it all night long, got the last look at it just before the sun came up, will never forget it, oh basic training to!!!!

I have really been busy working on my stained-glass projects, I have sold three more USAF Emblems, I have sold two to one of our best friends, she has a son who is stationed in Japan, and she wants one for her husband who was in the USAF, I am HONORED to make anything related to our MILITARY OR FIRST RESPONDERS!!!! Today I am supposed to take my stained-glass to a small shop here in Central City called the Apple House, my good friend wanted me to put it in her shop so she can showcase it, she told me I better get ready to get busy, I told her I am retired I don't want to get busy!!!! Got a new project on the table now, if I can put it together it will be interesting
of all things, it involves using a barrel swivel!!!!

I've noticed some of the D saying they are from the mountains, anywhere close to Nelson County? I have a story about someone there.

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!! ATX stay safe!!!!
I should have known how bad it would be with my ex when her father met us after the second or third date outside of her apartment when we returned with a shot gun pointed at my chest. She was 19 I was 23 and he did not know me and told me to hit the road. I did but later came back. Mistake.

Seems there's always clues we overlook early on and pay exponentially more for them later on
Just watched a segment on New England weather forecast. It will be colder than any time since 1950 up there. I have never been to Mt Washington, NH and I don't want to go. Not with air temperatures of -40 degrees and wind chill -100 degrees.

Here’s what else is forecast in places with wind chill warnings:
  • Bangor, Maine: Temperatures will begin dropping after midnight Friday and reach their lowest of minus 21 degrees Fahrenheit during the early morning hours Saturday.
  • Boston: The winds will feel as cold as 32 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, with below-zero temperatures lasting from Friday night through Saturday morning.
  • Burlington, Vermont: Temperatures will dip to minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit, with the coldest winds feeling like 41 degrees below zero.
  • Manchester, New Hampshire: Temperatures will remain below zero beginning Friday evening into Saturday morning, with the coldest being minus 13 degrees Fahrenheit. The coldest winds will feel like 40 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.
  • Mt. Washington, New Hampshire: The highest peak in the Northeast may face gusts of over 130 mph early Saturday morning. This combined with temperatures of minus 40 degrees or lower will create wind chills as cold as minus 100 degrees.
Too Cold For This Boy
Just watched a segment on New England weather forecast. It will be colder than any time since 1950 up there. I have never been to Mt Washington, NH and I don't want to go. Not with air temperatures of -40 degrees and wind chill -100 degrees.

Here’s what else is forecast in places with wind chill warnings:
  • Bangor, Maine: Temperatures will begin dropping after midnight Friday and reach their lowest of minus 21 degrees Fahrenheit during the early morning hours Saturday.
  • Boston: The winds will feel as cold as 32 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, with below-zero temperatures lasting from Friday night through Saturday morning.
  • Burlington, Vermont: Temperatures will dip to minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit, with the coldest winds feeling like 41 degrees below zero.
  • Manchester, New Hampshire: Temperatures will remain below zero beginning Friday evening into Saturday morning, with the coldest being minus 13 degrees Fahrenheit. The coldest winds will feel like 40 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.
  • Mt. Washington, New Hampshire: The highest peak in the Northeast may face gusts of over 130 mph early Saturday morning. This combined with temperatures of minus 40 degrees or lower will create wind chills as cold as minus 100 degrees.
Too Cold For This Boy
I went to Mt Washington and meant to drive up to the top. It was in September and they had already closed the road to the top.
Well we have not had that thunderstorm there was a 90% chance of having. The clouds are thick and maybe it will come later.

I just got back from the gym and had a real good workout on my lower extremities. Feels good and I needed it. I have not been on the weight machines in a long time, not since before spinal surgery. I like my training path.

Today I received the remainder of my tax documents and will work on filing my taxes now. T Rowe Price and Prudential were the two I needed and they both came today. Both are 1099-R and they always come in early February. So I know what the rest of the day will consist of. I e-file and get a pretty quick return. Of course if I owe anything I file on April 15. I like to keep my money as long as I can.

In front of me is a very nice seafood tower and I am digging in. It looks just like the picture. Happy lunch to all.

No one died, but 20-25 years ago, here locally an off duty policeman who was reffing a jr high game got beat up in the lobby of a school after the game.

Also my uncle was coaching basketball and his team lost a chance to go to state on a last second mid court shot. He was the last person to leave the gym as he had to lock up. Two drunks were waiting for him at his car, planning on doing harm. He was a big guy and put them both in the hospital. Later his wife and kids started getting threats, so he quit the job and went to another school.
No one died, but 20-25 years ago, here locally an off duty policeman who was reffing a jr high game got beat up in the lobby of a school after the game.
I have reffed a few little kids rec league games and there was a guy who tried to fight the other ref one night.

Also, I was at a pro wrestling event once in a small town and a fight broke out. The "heel" was trashing a lady telling her that her kids, who were with her, would be better off in foster care. Apparently the entire audience took offense to it and a brawl broke out between the fans and the wrestlers in the ring. then wrestlers from the back came to help the ones in the ring. Fans were throwing chairs into the ring and rushing the ring. One of the "security guards" got knocked out cold by a fan. Needless to say I got my 10 year old daughter out of there but they had to call the cops.
Yes, they really have!!

I was at a T-ball game a few years back....T-ball. T-ball with like 5-6 year olds.

One team was absolutely hammering the other team. Like 12-0. In one inning they are scoring a ton of runs and that teams first base coach says something to the same teams 3rd base coach. Guys on the SAME team. Well I guess the third base coach took offense to it and yelled across the diamond at the first base coach. Next thing I know they are around the pitchers mound about to throw hands and have to be separated by a couple other adults and umps. All this in front of 5-6 year olds DURING THE GAME.

I'd never seen anything like it. A real exceptional day for T-ball coaching and sportsmanship.
I've noticed some of the D saying they are from the mountains, anywhere close to Nelson County? I have a story about someone there.
Nelson Co. is in central KY about an hour west of Lexington. I am from central KY but now in the mountains of SE KY. I do have a sister who teaches in Neslson Co but doesn't live there.

Mountains above (yes pretty far above) my house today.

No one died, but 20-25 years ago, here locally an off duty policeman who was reffing a jr high game got beat up in the lobby of a school after the game.

Also my uncle was coaching basketball and his team lost a chance to go to state on a last second mid court shot. He was the last person to leave the gym as he had to lock up. Two drunks were waiting for him at his car, planning on doing harm. He was a big guy and put them both in the hospital. Later his wife and kids started getting threats, so he quit the job and went to another school.


When my son was at most 13 or 14 I coached or assistant coached our teams from T-Ball up through Babe Ruth. (This particular season I was the coach.)

Anyway during this particular season I had my son and one of his good friends on my team who was partially my son as I tried claiming a tax right-off on him several years because he stayed at my house so much.

They were speed demons, pitchers, and hitters extraordinaire for their ages. They both also had slight attitudes. (Not bad but they'd antagonize whoever they were playing against and I loved it.)

I cannot tell you how many double-steals and bait and switches I ran. I gave them both the green light whenever they were on base. I'd let one steal third and when one on first the one could steal second and a delayed steal home could occur.

Anyway this one mongrel of a parent took offense with my son who was on first. (I normally loved coaching third.) He came onto the field and had his finger in my sons chest before I realized what was going on. I timed the ump and at the same motion I ran across the field to my young teenager of a son and got one hand on that guy and he took off and leaped the fence, ran, and was never heard from again, ever that I remember.

How out of control must you be in life in general to cross a fence as a MAN and put your hands on a very young teenager. I would have taken no pity on that crap could I have caught a grip... (The Ump stated he'd have never lifted a finger either as he was stunned as many people were.

Control thy selves people. Do not be animals...
I don't have any fightin' stories to report but I just finished my Federal Income Taxes and I have to pay a little. I don't know what happened this past year but my earnings were basically the same. Last year I got a refund and this year I pay.

Was there some kind of tax bill passed since Trump was president? Since I am paying I will wait until the last day to send the money in.
I don't have any fightin' stories to report but I just finished my Federal Income Taxes and I have to pay a little. I don't know what happened this past year but my earnings were basically the same. Last year I got a refund and this year I pay.

Was there some kind of tax bill passed since Trump was president? Since I am paying I will wait until the last day to send the money in.

Tax breaks were allowed to expire....

Same thing...
I don't have any fightin' stories to report but I just finished my Federal Income Taxes and I have to pay a little. I don't know what happened this past year but my earnings were basically the same. Last year I got a refund and this year I pay.

Was there some kind of tax bill passed since Trump was president? Since I am paying I will wait until the last day to send the money in.

I am compiling at this point... I have the records... Just horrible to me this task. I tried an accountant and a tax person. Jokes (At least the ones I have found...) I dabble in several areas so I have several irons in the fire that I have to address and ensure all is fully reported... I normally pay and like you I wait until the last day to pay. Last year was the least I ever paid. (I set things so I pay on purpose as it irks me to no end getting money back knowing it was mine to begin with for nearly a year...)

Oh well...