Talking Civil war, interesting (to me) segment on Antiques Roadshow from Santa Fe concerning a Turner Society target rifle that was used by a member of a German Union Regiment, the well-known 9th OH. Also had a long knife similar to a Bowie. The rifle and knife were identified as made in Cincy & the rifle was converted from target shooting to real shooting. Valued at around $5K.
Turners were and to a degree still are a German athletic association that included shooting early on. Brought here in 1840's & 50's by waves of German immigrants - including most of my ancestors. They were strongly pro-Union and raised regiments that operated in the German language in the Union Army. Gr-gr-grandpa Brandt was in 28th OH, also Cincy & German. As I've said, he was shot thru the head in VA. There is still to this day a Turner club in Covington with a gym. Attended rat races the night before the Derby there a couple of times.
Turners were and to a degree still are a German athletic association that included shooting early on. Brought here in 1840's & 50's by waves of German immigrants - including most of my ancestors. They were strongly pro-Union and raised regiments that operated in the German language in the Union Army. Gr-gr-grandpa Brandt was in 28th OH, also Cincy & German. As I've said, he was shot thru the head in VA. There is still to this day a Turner club in Covington with a gym. Attended rat races the night before the Derby there a couple of times.