
For the baseball fans this is an interesting stat

I wish I had some of his baseball cards I put in my bicycle spokes!!!!!
Morning, D, read Ephesians 5 this morning.

Never thought I would say this, but I am ready for mowing season!!!!

It's amazing how GOD works, you make something for someone (SC) and I get paid back 4-fold!!!!

I am out of 4-5 kinds of glass, got to find it or move on to another kind!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D! our roads are still covered in ice and snow, got to do a little running with Susan, got to go see what those grandsons got for Christmas!!!!
Morning, D, read Ephesians 5 this morning.

Never thought I would say this, but I am ready for mowing season!!!!

It's amazing how GOD works, you make something for someone (SC) and I get paid back 4-fold!!!!

I am out of 4-5 kinds of glass, got to find it or move on to another kind!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D! our roads are still covered in ice and snow, got to do a little running with Susan, got to go see what those grandsons got for Christmas!!!!
Good luck. In my little corner of the world, finding raw goods is harder and it's more expensive with less quality.
Morning, D, read Ephesians 5 this morning.

Never thought I would say this, but I am ready for mowing season!!!!

It's amazing how GOD works, you make something for someone (SC) and I get paid back 4-fold!!!!

I am out of 4-5 kinds of glass, got to find it or move on to another kind!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D! our roads are still covered in ice and snow, got to do a little running with Susan, got to go see what those grandsons got for Christmas!!!!
God is good and we are thankful you are being blessed. Bert told me you were a craftsman and he was right. The best to you and the Mrs. in 2023.
God is good and we are thankful you are being blessed. Bert told me you were a craftsman and he was right. The best to you and the Mrs. in 2023.
Was he sipping whisky at the time!!!! LOL Just kidding. I take my work serious, even though it's just small items, it's got to pass my test, or it don't pass!!!! I have taken pieces apart before because I didn't think it looked good enough!!! Glad I found the D, even though I have never met any of you, I consider you, my friends!!!
Good morning D-Leaguers. It is a moderating 32°F on our way to a warm 36°F. We are to get below freezing tonight/early morning then no more freezing temps for the week. That is good as I am going to the kids for New Years Eve.

My daughter and son in law close on a new house today. They are juiced and will move in next week. It is 50 miles closer to my house than they currently are so that is good. They wanted a little land and it has between 5 & 6 acres and is only 1 mile farther from work.

You all have a great day.
My parents honeymooned in St. Augustine in 1955.
I have a lot of great memories in that city. When the kids were young I took them there for a vacation. My son was six years old and in the first grade. When we got to the Fountain of Youth I bought him a bottle of water from the spring. So he took it to class for show and tell and as they passed it around the room another boy dropped it and shattered the bottle and the water was spilled on the floor. He was devastated and came home about as low as a boy could be.

When he was a grown man with children of his own I had a chance to be in St Augustine. This time it was a business trip but I swung by the Fountain of Youth and bought another bottle. I took it to him and he told his children about the sad story of his classmate dropping it. He was a happy young man and his children enjoyed his story.


Discovered in 1513 by Ponce de Leon

The 3 million lights of St Augustine. America's oldest city. If you have not visited put it on your bucket list. You will be amazed by the history and the beauty of the Old City.

Yes, gorgeous town. Didn’t know about the lights.

Depending on how you define city, the pueblos in the southwest are way older continuously occupied settlements/towns/cities.
Yes, gorgeous town. Didn’t know about the lights.

Depending on how you define city, the pueblos in the southwest are way older continuously occupied settlements/towns/cities.
That is a Christmas thing. The city decorates for the season.

St Augustine was the first European discovery city in America. 1513. A common myth is the Spanish were met by the Seminole Indians but they were not an American Indian tribe when Ponce de Leon arrived. They became an Indian Nation much later.
Hello all,

Been a long day that didn't have to be. (Actually been online for a bit but kept getting phone calls...Very unusual as no one likes talking to me unless they need something.)

I ventured over on the HOB. Old Jim straightened me out. It is the rankings and seedings that matters and Cal's right there in the thick of things every year...

To give credit where credit is due, he did make me feel better. UK is doing just fine....
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I know most don’t care, at best, but I’ll feast on the return of English Premier League soccer today.
I've been a Newcastle fan since the days of Alan Shearer - my favourite player. Have a friend there plus I love the Ale. I don't pick top teams in any sport to follow generally. I like 'pool because they're not Manchester of any kind. But Haaland is special. I like Fulham because of Dempsey & Donovan playing there. Went to a match some 10 years ago at Craven Cottage.

As you know, Magpies have been mainly down with a couple of relegations, so this year is exciting. Smart buy by the Saudis I think. They paid just $350M vs. the Dodgers owner paying $4.5B for Chelsea. So Saudis can keep over $4B vs. buying Chelsea, invest it at 10% & have $400M/yr for buying players while still keeping the $4B. Their spending on players is showing big time. Hope they hang in top 4. Could be a contender next season.

You following the Wrexham storyline with the American actors buying them? Several part series - on FX I believe.
<- - - - - Bundesliga fan since 1985. For some reason, I've never got into Premier League.
<- - - - - Bundesliga fan since 1985. For some reason, I've never got into Premier League.
I got into B-liga too when shown regularly for several years, but lost most contact when not aired so much. Dortmund my fav given the Yellow Wall & the way they develop young guys - Lewandowski, Aubameyang, Hummels, Pulisic, Goetze, Haaland, Sancho & now Bellingham. Don't understand why they don't or can't keep them. Completely sick of the Bavarians. Like how the Onions have come up.
I got into B-liga too when shown regularly for several years, but lost most contact when not aired so much. Dortmund my fav given the Yellow Wall & the way they develop young guys - Lewandowski, Aubameyang, Hummels, Pulisic, Goetze, Haaland, Sancho & now Bellingham. Don't understand why they don't or can't keep them. Completely sick of the Bavarians. Like how the Onions have come up.
Yeah, many folks sick of Bayern München. Most Germans I know pretty well are Schalke fans (Siegerland area).

Onions = Union Berlin? I mean they came out from nowhere.
Yeah, many folks sick of Bayern München. Most Germans I know pretty well are Schalke fans (Siegerland area).

Onions = Union Berlin? I mean they came out from nowhere.
When they say Union, sounds like Onion to me. Kinda cool that they're the ragtag East Berlin team vs. the well established Hertha who aren't worth a sheet. Hard to believe Berlin doesn't have more & better Bl teams though Berlin metro much smaller population percent of Germany than London metro is of England.
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Morning Legionnaires!

43° with 30-40mph winds. Today's high to be in the upper 60's.

Broke a tooth last night eating a piece of pecan pie. A piece of shell in the pie freshly made by my son who had picked the pecans from a tree near where he lives in Knoxville Tn. The tooth is one that has a filling in it so it is not as strong as the others. Will call a dentist this morning to set up an appointment. So far, no pain.

Son leaves this morning to go back to Knoxville. Had a better visit this time than last. We argued more last time but only once this time. He is a very hard-core democrat and confessed liberal. Believes in socialism and communism. Says the right kind has not been tried yet (sound familiar). Bounced around in college until about 3 or 4 years ago using loans and grants to help pay since high school (now 40). Believes all loans should be forgiven and will be. Lives rent free with an older couple who has an add on to their house. No bills other than loans, cell phone, car insurance, and medical insurance he has with Apple where he works part time in Knoxville.

Enough of that, you guys enjoy the day and God Bless.

Oh and Yeah, IT'S GAME DAY!

Good morning all,

Back at it on this supposed work day. I am at the house working, training, not a thing going on other than I need to pick some stuff up at Walmart I ordered. I will be home today to receive My Darlings cell phone. After today I am off until Tuesday... I am off most days but I show up...

Who knows what win lurks in the hearts of these Cats.... who knows.... Yeah, it "don't" feel good. Go Cats...
Good morning folks. I got cleared for doing more exercise at my two-week post-surgery visit yesterday, so I walked four miles this morning. I feel some soreness but I was told I couldn't hurt the repaired joint so I'm going to look at that like any discomfort that comes with resuming exercise. Still limping. I guess that just takes time.

Cool and clear in the east. Settling into another work day. Cats need a win tonight. I hope something has clicked with what should be a talented team.

Have a good day folks.
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Belated Merry Christmas to the D-League...

Cats really need the Mizzou game tomorrow, Kansas murdered them but they just beat Illinois by 22.

Hopefully we start off the SEC schedule right, really would like to see us 11-3 going up against Bama.

I think the game will be close though.
I have very little faith in this team.
Game day! My fingers are crossed.

It is a sunny 32°F here and we are supposed to get to 53°. We still have a little snow on the ground but that should all be gone soon. I got out in the snow yesterday and refilled the bird feeders. Those little dudes really hit it hard in the winter and they depend on me.

You all have a nice Wednesday.
I have very little faith in this team.

I have no faith in them either, been betting against the Cats on whatever the line is most games and winning every time with maybe one exception...Not sure I will bet this one, we are currently 3.5 point was easy to bet against the Cats when the Bellermine line was like 25.5 but that this a close line on the road.

I will probably stay away from tonight's line, traditionally a lot of SEC schools seem to play very weak non-conference schedules so it can be difficult to judge some of those teams until you see them in a few SEC games.
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Man, I posted more on RR in the one TU thread than I have posted on RR since Cal took a knee...

My New Years desire came early and unexpectedly. BKO is trying to temper expectations but it has nothing to do with that. A UK son that wore his jersey proud is coming home. P_SS on Cal and the rest at this time and P_SS on expectations. I am just happy with some positivity around UK for once. Positivity in general...

@Bkocats (No disrespect my sister from another mister and misses.....)