
Man what a day... Been at it hard and heavy. Working on cars, food, kids, grand-kids, toys, joys, and anything and everything in between.... Whipped like a puppy.

Got a Garmin Venu 2 smartwatch... I have to see what it will do versus the fitbit I just ordered. My children got together and purchased it for me. We shall see...

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night." ;) (Seemed like it fit.) If the Lord doesn't take me home I will type at you all tomorrow...
Good morning from ATX. We've got 31°F and clear. Good chance we hit 60°F today.

Listening to Hubie Brown on ESPN Laker's-Mavs repeat broadcast from last night. Glad he's still with us.

Heh, wife talks in her sleep. Gets pup upset. Real upset.

Monday, Monday... We're off today. Good.

Hope y'all had a good Christmas.

Good morning D-League. Another great Christmas has come and gone in our home. I hope it was as nice for everyone.

Just relaxing a bit. Not quite up to my long morning walks yet, so I was channel surfing and came across the College Football championship game in which Joe Burrow led LSU over Clemson. Damn, he was even better than I remember. What a gift for my Bengals. 28 points and nearly 300 yards in the first half.

Also, JaMar Chase and Tee Higgins for Clemson had big games. Fun game to watch for a Bengals fan.

Hope everyone has an easy day.
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It is still cold down here but they promise it will warm up. I am praying for 80° by the weekend. At present we have 33° and 55° will be the high.

I trust all had a nice Christmas with family and friends. @BBUK I pray the Mrs. is better after the burn on her wrist and arm. The hot grease can be dangerous. I have two nice aloe plants in the yard and we use it often for burns, guests getting sunburns, etc. They are good first aid.

I trust all are well and pray you have a nice day.

So which teams do you follow? I enjoy watching Liverpool and Manchester City.
I've been a Newcastle fan since the days of Alan Shearer - my favourite player. Have a friend there plus I love the Ale. I don't pick top teams in any sport to follow generally. I like 'pool because they're not Manchester of any kind. But Haaland is special. I like Fulham because of Dempsey & Donovan playing there. Went to a match some 10 years ago at Craven Cottage.

As you know, Magpies have been mainly down with a couple of relegations, so this year is exciting. Smart buy by the Saudis I think. They paid just $350M vs. the Dodgers owner paying $4.5B for Chelsea. So Saudis can keep over $4B vs. buying Chelsea, invest it at 10% & have $400M/yr for buying players while still keeping the $4B. Their spending on players is showing big time. Hope they hang in top 4. Could be a contender next season.

You following the Wrexham storyline with the American actors buying them? Several part series - on FX I believe.
Good morning from ATX. We've got 31°F and clear. Good chance we hit 60°F today.

Listening to Hubie Brown on ESPN Laker's-Mavs repeat broadcast from last night. Glad he's still with us.

Heh, wife talks in her sleep. Gets pup upset. Real upset.

Monday, Monday... We're off today. Good.

Hope y'all had a good Christmas.


Now they named a fighting day??? What next, happy antifa day????
It is still cold down here but they promise it will warm up. I am praying for 80° by the weekend. At present we have 33° and 55° will be the high.

I trust all had a nice Christmas with family and friends. @BBUK I pray the Mrs. is better after the burn on her wrist and arm. The hot grease can be dangerous. I have two nice aloe plants in the yard and we use it often for burns, guests getting sunburns, etc. They are good first aid.

I trust all are well and pray you have a nice day.

Thank you Sir...

Exactly what I used but not as fresh.

My Darlings skin is so good. I am thankful. She is doing much better this morning. Used Vaseline now.

Is good being off today...
Weather update: This atmospheric river could easily bring multiple snow events into February. This weather event is likely repetitve as a similar thing happened after the 2019 polar vortex
Present. 2022 Goes link

Southwest natural vegetation distribution patterns confirms that it is and has been true for a long time. The Sonoran upland desertscrub evidence this phenominon linked to the bi-seasonal pattern provided by these polar storms along with the summer monsoons. The resident Harris Hawk can an do breed twice a year as well with the bi-seasonal availible moisture dependant productivity.
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Weather update: This atmospheric river could easily bring multiple snow events into February. This weather event is likely repetitve as a similar thing happened after the 2019 polar vortex
Present. 2022 Goes link

Southwest natural vegetation distribution patterns confirms that it is and has been true for a long time. The Sonoran upland desertscrub evidence this phenominon linked to the bi-seasonal pattern provided by these polar storms along with the summer monsoons. The resident Harris Hawk can an do breed twice a year as well with the bi-seasonal availible moisture dependant productivity.

Infertile Mugs....
Infertile Mugs....
They have a interesting social structure. The Harris is a Neotropic species, with The Rio Grande and Sonoran upland scrub its Northern limits. of their biogeographic realm. Not only does it breed twice a year. They are a polyandrous species. Family units consist of a mature female, dominant male and mulltiple (1-2) sub ordinate males. In addition (2-6) sub-adults from previous broods may assist with the current cohort. These avian predators hunt in packs alternating between flushing and ambush of their prey. Population increases will follow several wet seasons as preferred intermediate sized prey species populations increase and recolonize the increasingly productive marginal habitats.
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They have a interesting social structure. The Harris is is a Neotropic species, with The Rio Grande and Sonoran upland scrub its Northen limits. of their biogeographic realm. Not only does it breed twice a year. They are a polyandrous species. Family units consist of a mature female, dominant male and mulltiple (1-2) sub ordinate males. In addition (2-6) sub-adults from previous broods may assiting with the current cohort. These avian predators hunt in packs alternating between flushing and ambush of their prey. Population increases will follow several wet seasons as prefered intermediate sized prey species populations increase and recolonize the increasingly productive marginal habitats.

Oh kinky weirdo's... 😁
My poor daughter. Got on a flight to St Croix for a post-Christmas vacation at 5am, with a connecting flight in Ft. Lauderdale.

Got to Ft Lauderdale late morning -and is still there. The connecting flight got hung up by weather in Denver. And for whatever reason they have been unable to reroute people on to the USVI.
I love watching that little golf ball in the winter months. Hawaii, Florida, California, etc.. Makes me forget about the miserable weather outside.
Until it gets to where they roll the little thing slowly on a short green background, I can't see it at all. I mean they supposedly hit the ball somewhere & then some guy waves a flag saying it's in some tall weeds. For all I know they hit it backwards & the guy with the flag drops another one in the weeds. Or somebody tosses one in the air 300 yds from the tee & it winds up rolling in the fairway & the announcer says great shot. How do they know? They can't see it either. Also, they hit into a ball in the sand, sand flies everywhere (no one can see a ball), and a ball, any ball, is rolling on the short green stuff. I agree with George Carlin, it's a mystery.
Until it gets to where they roll the little thing slowly on a short green background, I can't see it at all. I mean they supposedly hit the ball somewhere & then some guy waves a flag saying it's in some tall weeds. For all I know they hit it backwards & the guy with the flag drops another one in the weeds. Or somebody tosses one in the air 300 yds from the tee & it winds up rolling in the fairway & the announcer says great shot. How do they know? They can't see it either. Also, they hit into a ball in the sand, sand flies everywhere (no one can see a ball), and a ball, any ball, is rolling on the short green stuff. I agree with George Carlin, it's a mystery.
To each his own I guess. I love watching golf because my Dad put a club in my hand at a young age. Haven't played the game in 20 years but it's still fun as a spectator. No problem with soccer either but only the major events for me. Canadians love curling. Never understood the interest of shuffleboard on ice but as I said "to each his own".
To each his own I guess. I love watching golf because my Dad put a club in my hand at a young age. Haven't played the game in 20 years but it's still fun as a spectator. No problem with soccer either but only the major events for me. Canadians love curling. Never understood the interest of shuffleboard on ice but as I said "to each his own".

When I was young I used to love watching curling. Don't know why but I did... They buff the snot out of that ice, shave it, manicure it, and may even inhale it but they sure worked hard doing whatever it is they were doing. (Guessing they were cleaning the path of their desires...) All should work as hard at their marriages... ;)

Have a restful and peaceful what's left of your evenings...Off to work I go in the morning for three days and then off again until next Tuesday. (Only live 7 miles from work so I volunteer to go in to be "the" presence...) ;) (Have a bunch of mandatory training anyway so I can concentrate on it.)

I rejected the Garmin smart watch as I fully configured it and to get what I get from the basic Fitbit app, they want an "introductory" $79.00 dollars a year to count my calories...

I tried canceling the Fitbit Versa 4 Smartwatch but they didn't cancel it. It will be here the 27th. (glad they didn't because they raised the price $21.00 ...)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 37°F and clear. Calm. Warming to 57°F later. We'll take it. Great weather for a hike around 6 am.

Southwest cancelled 160 flights or 75% of departures out of ABIA yesterday. Many pissed off travelers. I never travel by air over big holiday weekends.

Back to work.....

Y'all behave.

Democrats will be happy today knowing they have a special day!!!!!!
Good Day D

A busy day ahead, The temperature is 32° but the sun is up and we have dry air. So sunny days ahead as we reach 66°. Our normal high is 72° this time of year. The water temperature in the Gulf is 56° and rivers are much warmer. All of the manatees are getting out of the cold waters of the Gulf and moving into the rivers.

I trust all are well on this another day. I am pouring another cup of coffee.

Manatees (grandpa called them sea cows) gathering in Crystal River to stay warm. It is too cold in the Gulf


Morning Legionnaires!

20° this morning with a high to be in the low 50's

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and time with family. I had one of my sons come in yesterday and leaves tomorrow. Have not seen him since Christmas time 2018. Wants to go and see the new Avatar movie today so...Going to the early showing and then out to lunch. Wife wants Chinese, Daughter wants KFC, son says he'll take either and wife wants me to choose. Hmmm.

Other son (5 kids and wife) wants facetime tomorrow night at 6:15pm. Maybe be a good thing as Kentucky plays at Missouri starting 15 minutes earlier. With UK's slow starts so far this season it will be a welcome distraction.

Well, you folks enjoy the day even if you have to go back to work and God Bless.
Howdy folks.

Well, it's 7:30 am. My daughter is still in Ft. Lauderdale after paying her own hotel room - Spirit Airlines made no attempt to help her - and now she's being told she MIGHT get out in a few hours. She's going to give it one more chance then come home -- this was just a quick trip to have a few days with her boyfriend who is down there on a job. What a fiasco.

Anyway, all is well otherwise. I have my two-week meeting with my surgeon today and wll find out more about my healing timetable. All has gone very well as far as i'm concerned, but still a lot of soreness and more importantly limits to my range of motion -- I could barely put on socks before and that's where I am now, but with a different time of restrictions.

Back to work. Hope its a good day for all.
Howdy folks.

Well, it's 7:30 am. My daughter is still in Ft. Lauderdale after paying her own hotel room - Spirit Airlines made no attempt to help her - and now she's being told she MIGHT get out in a few hours. She's going to give it one more chance then come home -- this was just a quick trip to have a few days with her boyfriend who is down there on a job. What a fiasco.

Anyway, all is well otherwise. I have my two-week meeting with my surgeon today and wll find out more about my healing timetable. All has gone very well as far as i'm concerned, but still a lot of soreness and more importantly limits to my range of motion -- I could barely put on socks before and that's where I am now, but with a different time of restrictions.

Back to work. Hope its a good day for all.
It will get better, patience little one!!!