
Good morning my all,

Fruitcakes I can take or leave. I will and have eat my share...

Dinner is cooking, eating around noon. Baby back ribs and a beef roast. My youngest works tonight. Sitting a bit and sprucing up some more before my two daughters get here.

Have a great day....
Some of you guys post music stuff. When I was a kid, dad liked Hank Williams Sr, so if I heard music, Hank was probably it. He wrote some of his songs fishing on Ky Lake, so he had a little Ky connection. Anyhow, some music historians say his 1947 Move It On Over was the first Rock and Roll song. Other say Rock Around The Clock, but it resembles Hank's song.

How appropriate Rooster with the weather we are currently having.
Food is ready....My Darling burned her wrist and arm with hot broth from the roast. Okay though. Had some steroid creme and some 100% aloe vera...

Thankful it was not worse... I hear a car door... God Bless ALL the D-League people's.., I hope Don is okay....

Merry Christmas 🎄,⛪In Jesus' name...
Merry Christmas, everyone. Crazy last two days.
All’s well that ends well - I suppose.

We should learn our lesson and not leave the country, particularly around these holidays. But we won’t stop as long as DS’s family can only all get together at this time and we won’t miss the chance being with them for as long as we remain healthy. And they want warm and sunny.

So they picked Grand Cayman. We got mid-80’s, enough sun to get totally burned if you wanted, and low humidity. Perfect. Nice place but beaches are so-so. Expensive as can be for food and gas (Can't take it with us, can we?). Great tour of snorkeling, holding stingrays, and starfish hunting. Vieques much better in that regard.

Anyway, intended to fly all the way home Friday Dec. 23. Should know better, but had United connection thru Newark - DDIL picked that for best price & times. So we get to Newark perfectly on time at 6:20p. Then pilot says gate blocked by mechanical problem on plane at our gate. After 3+ hours moving around tarmac, we got to unload. Meanwhile our Cincy flight had departed at 8:15. So they put us in a re-booking line along with many others. After an hour, DIL went looking for a rental van for the 6 of us while we continued in line. Just before midnight into Dec 24, a) we got rebooked splitting us 3/3 between tonight & tomorrow morning & b) DIL procured a minivan.

We took the van option. I presumed we'd find a hotel & leave in the morning of Dec. 24. Bitterly cold & windy - like KY. But nope, son & DIL said we were leaving immediately and drive the thru the night - 10 hours in good conditions. I would never do that today & doubt I would have at their 40's ages. But off we went.

About 4:30a we were low on gas in middle of nowhere off PA Turnpike & stopped. Most of the station's pumps were frozen (-10 degrees). Finally found one that worked and started pumping - gas came out slowly. After 7-8 gallons, shut off because tanks empty. Holy crapola! I call it the Miracle of Gasoline that we got what we did. Don't know what would have happened w/o any. From there it was blowing snow & patches of ice to Cincy. Took 13 hours. I was surprised we made it that fast. Kids did a good job driving - how I don't know. I'm not exaggerating that we saw over a hundred cars that had slid off the road, some fresh.

Of course everyone was totally shot. Feel good today though.

That's my story & I'm sticking to it.
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I posted the Hank Williams video earlier. I was probably 4 or 5 years old and there was a small rural grocery store a couple of miles down the road. They gave credit, so that was where we shopped. Sometimes I would go in with dad and he'd let me get a small bottle of coca cola for six cents. They always had country music on the radio and often it was Hank. The owners son was there sometimes. He was the local basketball star and though he never played an NBA game, he was drafted by the Detroit Pistons. At 7 foot tall, he was a giant to a 4 year old.
Some of you guys post music stuff. When I was a kid, dad liked Hank Williams Sr, so if I heard music, Hank was probably it. He wrote some of his songs fishing on Ky Lake, so he had a little Ky connection. Anyhow, some music historians say his 1947 Move It On Over was the first Rock and Roll song. Other say Rock Around The Clock, but it resembles Hank's song.

That is how I grew up. My daddy and all of my WWII uncles were Hank Williams fans and played his music often. Hank and church music are my earliest memories of music.

One of my fondest memories of Hank Williams was when my uncle pulled up in his 51 Ford convertible and said hop in, let's go to the beach. He was playing a new Hank, Sr record on the radio "Hey Good Lookin" . My uncle was a WWII Navy vet and was wild and free. He was over 40 when he married. No woman could tie him down. I bet if we could line up the beer drunk by that generation when they listened to Hank, Sr it would float a battleship. Honky tonks and Hank's music were everywhere in those days.
That is how I grew up. My daddy and all of my WWII uncles were Hank Williams fans and played his music often. Hank and church music are my earliest memories of music.

One of my fondest memories of Hank Williams was when my uncle pulled up in his 51 Ford convertible and said hop in, let's go to the beach. He was playing a new Hank, Sr record on the radio "Hey Good Lookin" . My uncle was a WWII Navy vet and was wild and free. He was over 40 when he married. No woman could tie him down. I bet if we could line up the beer drunk by that generation when they listened to Hank, Sr it would float a battleship. Honky tonks and Hank's music were everywhere in those days.
Talking about honky tonks, I barely recall the old road houses you would see here and there. They sounded exciting to a kid.
Whew, settled down a wee bit....

You haven't "lived" till you partied in da hood....Stevie Wonder, Jimi Hendrix .....

Have to admit though, I also listened to Hank Sr and still do... Hank Jr has had great music as well but the man went ignorant with his music just driving trash for a good bit calling it rock or whatever...

Give me Merle, George, and many others. I am thankful for their music.
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That Odin?
I like good frutcake too. i bought a claxton brand at kroger last year. not bad but i’ve had better. they’re getting hard to find nowadays.
I downloaded this recipe years ago when emeril lagasse made it on his show on the cooking channel but i never got around to making it. looked really good:
We had Jane Parker fruitcakes purchased at A&P.
My grandson is getting into cooking now that he has his own apartment. So I gave him my autographed Emeril Lagasse cook book Emeril gave me while working Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. His restaurant did not get much damage from the hurricane but looters broke into his restaurant and took every drop of his liquor. They must have had a large truck to haul it away. He had a massive stock of booze.

I attempted to make a fruit cake years ago and failed miserably. One of my aunts made a pretty good one but she was the only one in the family that even tried. So we just bought one. In today's world my favorite is Collins Street Bakery out of Texas. I order them on line and they arrive in a nice tin and are as good as it gets. They have been doing in since 1896, I love pecans and pineapple. LOL

Thank you for sourcing
Some of you guys post music stuff. When I was a kid, dad liked Hank Williams Sr, so if I heard music, Hank was probably it. He wrote some of his songs fishing on Ky Lake, so he had a little Ky connection. Anyhow, some music historians say his 1947 Move It On Over was the first Rock and Roll song. Other say Rock Around The Clock, but it resembles Hank's song.

My Dad walked around singing Hank songs. This was a favorite.
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Man what a day... Been at it hard and heavy. Working on cars, food, kids, grand-kids, toys, joys, and anything and everything in between.... Whipped like a puppy.

Got a Garmin Venu 2 smartwatch... I have to see what it will do versus the fitbit I just ordered. My children got together and purchased it for me. We shall see...

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night." ;) (Seemed like it fit.) If the Lord doesn't take me home I will type at you all tomorrow...
Good morning D-League. Another great Christmas has come and gone in our home. I hope it was as nice for everyone.

Just relaxing a bit. Not quite up to my long morning walks yet, so I was channel surfing and came across the College Football championship game in which Joe Burrow led LSU over Clemson. Damn, he was even better than I remember. What a gift for my Bengals. 28 points and nearly 300 yards in the first half.

Also, JaMar Chase and Tee Higgins for Clemson had big games. Fun game to watch for a Bengals fan.

Hope everyone has an easy day.
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It is still cold down here but they promise it will warm up. I am praying for 80° by the weekend. At present we have 33° and 55° will be the high.

I trust all had a nice Christmas with family and friends. @BBUK I pray the Mrs. is better after the burn on her wrist and arm. The hot grease can be dangerous. I have two nice aloe plants in the yard and we use it often for burns, guests getting sunburns, etc. They are good first aid.

I trust all are well and pray you have a nice day.

So which teams do you follow? I enjoy watching Liverpool and Manchester City.
I've been a Newcastle fan since the days of Alan Shearer - my favourite player. Have a friend there plus I love the Ale. I don't pick top teams in any sport to follow generally. I like 'pool because they're not Manchester of any kind. But Haaland is special. I like Fulham because of Dempsey & Donovan playing there. Went to a match some 10 years ago at Craven Cottage.

As you know, Magpies have been mainly down with a couple of relegations, so this year is exciting. Smart buy by the Saudis I think. They paid just $350M vs. the Dodgers owner paying $4.5B for Chelsea. So Saudis can keep over $4B vs. buying Chelsea, invest it at 10% & have $400M/yr for buying players while still keeping the $4B. Their spending on players is showing big time. Hope they hang in top 4. Could be a contender next season.

You following the Wrexham storyline with the American actors buying them? Several part series - on FX I believe.
Good morning from ATX. We've got 31°F and clear. Good chance we hit 60°F today.

Listening to Hubie Brown on ESPN Laker's-Mavs repeat broadcast from last night. Glad he's still with us.

Heh, wife talks in her sleep. Gets pup upset. Real upset.

Monday, Monday... We're off today. Good.

Hope y'all had a good Christmas.


Now they named a fighting day??? What next, happy antifa day????
It is still cold down here but they promise it will warm up. I am praying for 80° by the weekend. At present we have 33° and 55° will be the high.

I trust all had a nice Christmas with family and friends. @BBUK I pray the Mrs. is better after the burn on her wrist and arm. The hot grease can be dangerous. I have two nice aloe plants in the yard and we use it often for burns, guests getting sunburns, etc. They are good first aid.

I trust all are well and pray you have a nice day.

Thank you Sir...

Exactly what I used but not as fresh.

My Darlings skin is so good. I am thankful. She is doing much better this morning. Used Vaseline now.

Is good being off today...
Weather update: This atmospheric river could easily bring multiple snow events into February. This weather event is likely repetitve as a similar thing happened after the 2019 polar vortex
Present. 2022 Goes link

Southwest natural vegetation distribution patterns confirms that it is and has been true for a long time. The Sonoran upland desertscrub evidence this phenominon linked to the bi-seasonal pattern provided by these polar storms along with the summer monsoons. The resident Harris Hawk can an do breed twice a year as well with the bi-seasonal availible moisture dependant productivity.
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Weather update: This atmospheric river could easily bring multiple snow events into February. This weather event is likely repetitve as a similar thing happened after the 2019 polar vortex
Present. 2022 Goes link

Southwest natural vegetation distribution patterns confirms that it is and has been true for a long time. The Sonoran upland desertscrub evidence this phenominon linked to the bi-seasonal pattern provided by these polar storms along with the summer monsoons. The resident Harris Hawk can an do breed twice a year as well with the bi-seasonal availible moisture dependant productivity.

Infertile Mugs....
Infertile Mugs....
They have a interesting social structure. The Harris is a Neotropic species, with The Rio Grande and Sonoran upland scrub its Northern limits. of their biogeographic realm. Not only does it breed twice a year. They are a polyandrous species. Family units consist of a mature female, dominant male and mulltiple (1-2) sub ordinate males. In addition (2-6) sub-adults from previous broods may assist with the current cohort. These avian predators hunt in packs alternating between flushing and ambush of their prey. Population increases will follow several wet seasons as preferred intermediate sized prey species populations increase and recolonize the increasingly productive marginal habitats.
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