Good morning, D, read Luke 24 this morning.
We are up to a balmy 11 degrees!
We made homemade Saulsberry Steak last night, the best I have ever had!!!! If any of the D needs a recipe, I have a good one!!!!
I had a lady come by the house last night, she bought 10 more crosses, so I just gave her one for being a good customer. They also bought two THIN RED LINE BADGES for their friends. I have sold more pieces of glass in the last two months than I have sold since i have been working stained-glass!!! Thank you, SC, for being part of it!!!!
I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!! I hope all the D, has a great Christmas with your family! Tomorrow will be the first time we will all be together since we lost JP, GOD IS GREAT!!!!