Well, we all know who isn't any of the three you listed in that last sentence.Teachers don't even crack the top 10.
1. Medical Doctors
2. Dentists
3. Police Officers
4. Veterinarians
5. Financial Services
6. Real Estate Agents
7. Electricians
8. Lawyers
9. Farmers
10. Pharmacists
Top 10 Jobs with Highest Suicide Rates | Choices Psychotherapy
Almost every job has some sort of level of stress. A number of things can create employment nerve-wracking. So what are the jobs with highest suicide rates?choicespsychotherapy.net
10 Jobs With The Highest Suicide Rates
There is going to be something you don’t like with pretty much every job, but with these jobs, it’s worse. In 2020, suicide was among the top 9 leading causes of death for people ages 10-64. While …sb-american.com
Matter of fact....Teachers have one of the lowest suicide rates. Mentally stable, intelligent and socially well adjusted. 😀
The Jobs With The Highest And Lowest Suicide Rates
“Early action can stop any employees reaching a desperate stage."www.huffpost.com
Hint. It's you. 😀
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