BBUK, the ones with USA (STAR and Cross) they are supposed to represent the branches of MILITARY, I was going to put the colors for each branch in the middle, those are US Army. I never could come up with anything that I really liked, so I went with a star, an ex-NAVY gave me his approval on it, so that is what I made. He bought three ARMY ones for his family!!! When I gave him his Navy one, I saw him tear up but he wouldn.t cry in front of me, he called me later after he said he collected himself (his words) and called, just said I didn't want you to see me cry, I went to the basement!!!! The funny thing is this guy never shuts up!!!!! I later talked to his wife, I told her I left him speechless; her exact words were, can you make him be more speechless for me!!!!! LOL