
My sister from Florida that I haven't seen in four years (thought it was three) won't make it again due to the flu. No big deal. Don't need liberal talking points at the Christmas table, especially now.

I have a sister and brother, my sister.........sigh. Being the youngest I have to mind my P's and Q's but this one had the world by the tail and sure screwed that up. Every once in a while I will answer her calls. (You'd have to understand...) Please keep my Sister in prayer. Me too and my Brother for that matter. He is the oldest. His mind is good but his body has sure seen better days when we were up to see them at my BIL's funeral. (He broke a foot a few years ago and he isn't the same.) I hurt for him but he sure has a good wife, my other sister. I am thankful...
Good Morning

A hard freeze with 28° here on the coast and colder inland and a little north at 23°. It is still dark here but as soon as the light comes I will check around the property and access the damages. I feel like I do the day after a hurricane blows through. What happened in the middle of the night? Nothing good I would bet.

Have a nice Christmas Eve. Oh, Santa is being tracked in Australia at this time, headed West. NORAD is tracking him.

Below is Jacksonville, FL on December 22, 1989. Snow in Florida you say, yep.


Morning Legionnaires!

12° with light winds. Today's high to be right at freezing.

Been up since 0400 or just before actually. Coffee down, but sleep still calling so, I might doze off for a short nap before I start cleaning the house for Christmas. MIL, BIL, and a friend coming tomorrow but as always, not a big gathering. One of my twin sons will be driving from Tennessee tomorrow with his mother to her friend's house and he will come to my house on Monday-Wednesday. 2 of my dogs will be upset for the next 4 days. They don't like company and generally stay in another room when people are here.

NFL football games today with the Bengals at the Patriots at noon so, I need to get the house ready for tomorrow early this morning. Noon on will be couch potato time with football on tap. Will watch the Bengals vs Patriots game first, then NFL RedZone after.

You guys have a restful day, if possible, with preparations for Christmas being the order of the day and have a fest full tomorrow with family and friends.

God Bless.
Merry Christmas Eve folks.

Hope all the preparations are done and all that’s left is the anticipation for tomorrow. I’m mostly there. Will help my wife anyway I can as she starts getting things ready for Christmas dinner. It’ll be just us, the kids and her mother and stepfather.

Some serious damage in our neighborhood from that windstorm, including a house right down the way with a roof partially crushed by a huge tree that snapped like a matchstick.

Seriously cold today. Enjoyed the talk about coldest memories above. Some of you will recall it got cold in January and early February up on the Iraq-Saudi border in 1991. I was embedded with the “Quarter Cav,” 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, which was screening -and scouting attack lines into Iraq for the 1st ID, and they were sleeping outside —too crowded in their Bradley’s and APCs.

But the coldest I think I got was on a pipeline job putting a major gas line across the Susquehanna River in Central Pennsylvania in the late fall/ early winter of 1980.

Our crew was welding up the section of pipe that was eventually to be pulled across the river and tied in on both ends. Then it was buried in a trench blown by underwater charges placed by scuba crews and anchored with huge concrete weights. For us, that meant days in a frozen trench with the wind off the river knifing through us. Damn, just writing that has me needing another cup of coffee.

Have a great day folks.
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How crazy is it? My daughter came over from Ocala yesterday for Christmas and when she got up this morning she realized she did not have any heat at her place. She did not turn it on because it was warm when she left. Never even thought of it.

So off she goes now to check on her place and turn on the heat. It was 26° over there last night. I hope she doesn't have frozen pipes. It is 50 miles up there so 100 mile round trip just to check on her property.
I'm no plumber and it's been a while since I stayed at a Holiday Inn, but at 26, even without heat indoors for a short time, she should be ok. I've done some reading because of my pipes. I have pex pipes and my reading says they do pretty good down to 20.
That is what I told her but she insisted on going over there and checking it out. It will be 50° this afternoon and the sun is very bright now. Clear skies with no clouds in sight.

I checked around the house and nothing major. The hoses hooked up to the well were frozen but I broke up the ice in the hoses and water is flowing with no problem. I may have lost a few Christmas poinsettias. No problem. My wife covered her favorite pigmy palms and they came out A OK. All is good.

My eyes are watering like Noah's flood but they always do when it gets cold. I can not take cold.
It was 6°F when I got up to shower. The electricity went off at 6:50 am and have gone out each hour for 15 minutes at ten till the hour. It is I assume roving blackout to avoid something worse. It is up to 10°F now.

I have a house full. Christmas Eve and a lot of cooking needs to be done if the lights stay on!

Merry Christmas to all my buddies on the D-League.
Good morning all,

Me and My Darling headed to the commissary for some odds and ends. Sunny but cold. It seems we escaped the damaging winds but My Darling, my bright Darling was on the deck yesterday late preparing some pork soup on the gas burner....sigh I love My Darling....can't slow her down....had to be 15 degrees...

Have a great Christmas. God bless you all....
Good morning, D, read Luke 24 this morning.

We are up to a balmy 11 degrees!

We made homemade Saulsberry Steak last night, the best I have ever had!!!! If any of the D needs a recipe, I have a good one!!!!

I had a lady come by the house last night, she bought 10 more crosses, so I just gave her one for being a good customer. They also bought two THIN RED LINE BADGES for their friends. I have sold more pieces of glass in the last two months than I have sold since i have been working stained-glass!!! Thank you, SC, for being part of it!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!! I hope all the D, has a great Christmas with your family! Tomorrow will be the first time we will all be together since we lost JP, GOD IS GREAT!!!!
Good morning, D, read Luke 24 this morning.

We are up to a balmy 11 degrees!

We made homemade Saulsberry Steak last night, the best I have ever had!!!! If any of the D needs a recipe, I have a good one!!!!

I had a lady come by the house last night, she bought 10 more crosses, so I just gave her one for being a good customer. They also bought two THIN RED LINE BADGES for their friends. I have sold more pieces of glass in the last two months than I have sold since i have been working stained-glass!!! Thank you, SC, for being part of it!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and prayers for the D!!!! I hope all the D, has a great Christmas with your family! Tomorrow will be the first time we will all be together since we lost JP, GOD IS GREAT!!!!


and then we have Uncle Ken.
Merry Christmas Eve folks.

Hope all the preparations are done and all that’s left is the anticipation for tomorrow. I’m mostly there. Will help my wife anyway I can as she starts getting things ready for Christmas dinner. It’ll be just us, the kids and her mother and stepfather.

Some serious damage in our neighborhood from that windstorm, including a house right down the way with a roof partially crushed by a huge tree that snapped like a matchstick.

Seriously cold today. Enjoyed the talk about coldest memories above. Some of you will recall it got cold in January and early February up on the Iraq-Saudi border in 1991. I was embedded with the “Quarter Cav,” 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, which was screening -and scouting attack lines into Iraq for the 1st ID, and they were sleeping outside —too crowded in their Bradley’s and APCs.

But the coldest I think I got was on a pipeline job putting a major gas line across the Susquehanna River in Central Pennsylvania in the late fall/ early winter of 1980.

Our crew was welding up the section of pipe that was eventually to be pulled across the river and tied in on both ends. Then it was buried in a trench blown by underwater charges placed by scuba crews and anchored with huge concrete weights. For us, that meant days in a frozen trench with the wind off the river knifing through us. Damn, just writing that has me needing another cup of coffee.

Have a great day folks.
Was there on the Saudi Iraqi border too with the 5/18th FA BN 75th FA BDE in support of the 101st and 7th Army.
We're back...sitting a while at my computer watching some short clips eating cookies(low sugar, not much on sugar except for cake...), drinking coffee, and sorting through mail. I cannot tell you how the Hispanic population has exploded....just unreal in the several stores we were at.
(Just an observation as we have lived here since late 2016.) Going to the same stores...

I started watching the Quiet Man last night, will finish it up now...
Masterful work Cord Sir.... Masterful work! @cordmaker

Edit: That USA with the cross got to me. Thank you again Sir! (I'd pay for one of those!)
BBUK, the ones with USA (STAR and Cross) they are supposed to represent the branches of MILITARY, I was going to put the colors for each branch in the middle, those are US Army. I never could come up with anything that I really liked, so I went with a star, an ex-NAVY gave me his approval on it, so that is what I made. He bought three ARMY ones for his family!!! When I gave him his Navy one, I saw him tear up but he wouldn.t cry in front of me, he called me later after he said he collected himself (his words) and called, just said I didn't want you to see me cry, I went to the basement!!!! The funny thing is this guy never shuts up!!!!! I later talked to his wife, I told her I left him speechless; her exact words were, can you make him be more speechless for me!!!!! LOL
BBUK, the ones with USA (STAR and Cross) they are supposed to represent the branches of MILITARY, I was going to put the colors for each branch in the middle, those are US Army. I never could come up with anything that I really liked, so I went with a star, an ex-NAVY gave me his approval on it, so that is what I made. He bought three ARMY ones for his family!!! When I gave him his Navy one, I saw him tear up but he wouldn.t cry in front of me, he called me later after he said he collected himself (his words) and called, just said I didn't want you to see me cry, I went to the basement!!!! The funny thing is this guy never shuts up!!!!! I later talked to his wife, I told her I left him speechless; her exact words were, can you make him be more speechless for me!!!!! LOL

Yes Sir, I only spent 4 years in the Army (Always thought I should have retired Army but it didn't work out health-wise.)(I am making up for it though!) but the one with the cross got me. (The others too as I can imagine you working on them and knowing the effort and care involved.) If you have another one or make another one that resembles that one with the cross, I'd sure buy it. (I already know that anything you'd make would look good!)